AGNPH Gallery


Hi again! I've been improving a lot this last animation, really I wanted to stay well and hope you like both versions.   With this animation finished I am now free to work my new project, yes, I still have not started yet. But the good side is I improve the concept, because now I have the confidence to do more things that I learned a lot this time. I know I will enjoy very much doing PoKéMoX, as I said a while ago, PoKéMoX, will be the last pokemon project I'll do. My project will consist in a story mode where you will understand why some things like the name "PoKéMoX" or what happened with the pokedex, The first version will be the prologue. and finally PoKéMoX will obviously below the "Continente Pokemox" but the format will be something like this: ("Continente Pokémox" / 3 + "Isla Pokémox" * 7) * 4 = "PoKéMoX" Greetings and see you soon! ^^
