(illustration of Chapter 24 of Bangam Academy of Survival and Sexual Intercourse) Damnit Ribbon, let me go!" Ruby yelled as she was being forced to watch the backsides of her daughter and what she considered her freak of a friend. Ruby was hating every moment of what she was watching. If she knew that when she had Ribbon that she one day would be forced to watch her second daughter make love to a herm Eevee she might have reconsidered letting Snow finish in her all those years ago. Ruby looked at the block of ice that was holding her in place and began pushing on it again in hopes that she could pull herself free, but she was frozen solid where she stood. Unless she used her Mew powers, there was no getting out of this mess. "Ooohhhh...Ms. Villier...just shut up...and enjoy this...OOHHH." Ribbon had given Amber the lightest of nips as she was digging her tongue into her. Ruby thought that she could just throw up at the site of her daughter's little performance. "The show." Ribbon giggled and Ruby saw her flaunting her tails about, the Vulpix was enjoying herself. Ruby lets out a scream and pushed harder on her prison, the ice felt like it was becoming colder and Ruby puts her paw to her mouth. < This is the ribbon's power...> Ruby always wondered if the ritual she performed at worked. Her and the others decided to see if they could put those old dusty plates to go use...she guessed the Ice Plate's power was real and it lived inside of Ribbon's well ribbons as a guardian spirit. How real that power was...remained to be scene. Either way she was stuck as she was forced to go back to watching Ribbon go down on Amber's cock...just in time to watch the Eevee make the biggest of messes all over the grass. "Fuck me..." Ruby groaned surprisenly pretty loudly. The girls giggled. "That sounds like a wonderful idea Ms. Villier." Amber giggled. "Behave yourself Amber, and we just might do it." Ribbon giggled. "Now keep still...I missed a spot." Download
- ID:131961
- Posted:8 years ago by lightsoul
- Rating:Explicit
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