Lightsoul sighed, he felt like he was hopelessly lost in the forest. He had been out for a walk in the forest and ended up wandering down a path he had never been before and ended up in a section of the forest he had never seen. Instead of marking his trail or at least leaving his scent around some where so he could find his way back, the Shinx continued walking and forgot to do so. Stopping near a log Lightsoul looks up at the sky and wondered if he would ever be able to at least find his way out of the forest and figure out where he was. Sighing he takes in a deep breath and howls. "You can do this, you can do this..." Lightsoul hyped himself up and begins walking again, he wasn't about to stop moving until he found his way out, or something caused him to stop. He began at a moderate pace and soon picked up the pace until he was nearly running, the Shinx was moving as quickly as he could. He closed his eyes for a moment as the Shinx was happy to be moving fast, his paws were seeing to guide him along, his trust in what he was doing was so strong that he failed to open his eyes and smacked right into the back side of one of the locals. "Hey watch where your going!" Lightsoul rubbed his head as he saw the source of the voice, it was a strangly colored Zorau by the looks of it. Lightsoul shakes his head as he tried to clear his mind. "Sorry about that...I had my eyes closed while running." Lightsoul said and he noticed the Zorua looked pretty upset still. "I really am honestly sorry." "Why would you close your eyes?" The Zorua asked. "I was enjoying the crisp cool air blow though my-" Lightsoul was cut off. "I get it. No need to explain." The Zorua says. Lightsoul could understand being a little upset, he did lay him out on the ground. But he didn't have to be rude either. The Zorua and Shinx see someone approach them from the underbrush and Lightsoul notice a Shaymin walking over to them. She was of the shiny variety and Lightsoul couldn't help but smile, he did like the cute little body that her kind have. "Chip did something happen, I though I heard the sound of someone smacking into each other?" The Shaymin asked and Lightsoul looks at the Zorua that he guessed was named Chip. "Everything is fine Meadow, you can go back to the clearing." Chip said, but Meadow did not leave but instead looks at the Zorua. "Hello Mr. Shinx, my name is Meadow and this is Chip." "Thanks, my name is Lightsoul. I am sorry for hitting your friend here, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." Lightsoul noticed the Shaymin looking him up from head to tail and then back again. She whispers something to the Zorua and he looked at the Shinx and then back to Meadow again. After their discussion the Shaymin walks to Lightsoul's side. "You are new to this side of the forest am i right? No need to say yes, we can tell that you are not from around here. How about me and Chip here take good care of you and show you a good time. There is no telling when you may come back and it would be rude of us to not try to take good care of you." Meadow starts guiding Lightsoul over to the bushes where she had come from. Chip walked on Lightsoul's other side, the Zorua smiled as he seemed to be a bit interested in him as well. "It would be wrong to not try to be of good services. Besides we do not have any cute Shinx in this area to play with." Chip said and Lightsoul tilted his head. He noticed that Meadow was eyeing him as well and he wondered just how friendly they were going to get. Lightsoul hoped that what they had in mind was going to be something a little kinky, if so he may not want to leave for a good little bit. It would be rude to do so. Download
- ID:132965
- Posted:8 years ago by lightsoul
- Rating:Explicit
- Favorites:1
- Size: 895 x 1444 (985.5 KB)
- Views:873
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