AGNPH Gallery


Not to long I completed Digimon World Next Order, which was a very tough feat considering the game is super long, requires alot of grind time and there are very few to no ways to cheese any of the battles. My starts was of course my favorite digimon Patamon(Tsukaimon) and Gomamon. In the beginning they did not work well together and as we walked around the plains the two of them would fight constantly(no joke, if your Digimon do not have great synergy together they will fight with one another) and make life a little hard. So being a good tamer I decided to spend one long night out in the field with my partners and find a way to help them bond with one another. Results were better than expected: Tsukaimon being a virus Digimon was a bit more dominate than his vaccine partner Gomamon was very...receptive of learning to work with his partner I myself found out that Tsukaimon has a nice ass. End results were better than expected, we will have to do this more often.
