AGNPH Help Pages (IRC/Discord)
Use our Browser IRC Client! Its fun and its easy, just Click Here.
We also have a Discord server, if you want to stop by and chat! Click here to join.
- YChat (Windows)
- mIRC (Windows)
- HexChat (Windows)
- Pidgin (Windows, Linux)
- XChat (Linux)
- Colloquy (Mac OS X)
- Limechat (Mac OS X)
- AndChat (Android)
- IRChon (iPhone and iPad (iOS))
- Server:
- Port: 6667
- Nick: The nickname you want to use.
- Channel: #agnph
/join #channel
Joins a chat channel. -
/part #channel
Leaves one of the chat channels you are in. -
/query (nick)
Opens a new private chat with a single person. Replace "(nick)" with the nickname of the person you want to chat with. -
/msg nickserv register (password) (email)
Register your nickname to keep other people from using it. This reserves the nickname you currently have for you to use permanently. Replace "(password)" with a password to log in with and "(email)" with your email address. -
/msg nickserv identify (password)
Logs in with your registered nickname. Replace "(password)" with the password you registered with. -
/msg nickserv help
Lists all the commands you can use with NickServ, including more detailed descriptions of the register and identify commands above.