AGNPH Stories

Search Results:author:ayn_blackfox


Request from JewelWriter using SB style Pokebattle rules. Male Delcatty and Female Smeargle battle. Warning contains pokemon/human mild raping.

Original Completeion Date: 8-16-2006


This is a completely Re-Done version of this Story. I deleted the old one and I'm reposting it. This was originaly done by a request for a SB style Pokemon battle using beginner Pokemon. Warning this story contains human/Pokemon sex scene. Enjoy!

Original Completion date: 8-17-2005


This story takes places on the Hydoen continent with a fimilar character, Xander, the original version of Xander. Not the truck driver. Join Xander and a new cast of characters in their adventures across the Hydoen continent. Chapters may contain nudity, sex, fight etc. You have been warning.

Original Starting Date 1-26-2006

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 2
  • Completed: No Word Count: 5959 Views: 1174
  • Published: Aug 23 2012


These are the adventures of Kylen a Ninetales-Umbreon hybrid, a wanderer who is search of a place to call home and possible a mate. Enjoy!

Original Completion Date: Nov-Dec 2005

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 1
  • Completed: No Word Count: 2661 Views: 469
  • Published: Aug 23 2012


Warning: This story is not for the lilly livered. Contain Bondage, Torture and Semi-Rape. Find out why it's a bad idea to stop at a house along the highway.

Original Completion Date: 11-21-2005


I don't know who it was but some one wanted to see something like this happen. Anywho, this a story about a rivalry between two pokemon trainers, Gary and Kaz. But certain events have taken their rivalry to new hieghts. The first chapter contains quite a bit of fighting, pain and blood and (m) human/ (f) Umbreon.

Original Completion Date 2005-2007

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 3
  • Completed: No Word Count: 18123 Views: 2088
  • Published: Aug 23 2012


This is a request made by CK22. Warning this contains this story contains acts of Lolicon between a Pikachu female (Dura) and a Pichu Male (Stati). Enjoy!

Original Completeion Date: 6-6-2005


This a mulit-chapter about two Umbreon morphs and their adventures as truck drivers. Ratings will vary by chapter. The infamous chapter three has been added. Contains Ninetales and Umbreon action. *grins* Enjoy!

Original Completions: 2005-2006

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 4
  • Completed: Yes Word Count: 12862 Views: 2503
  • Published: Aug 23 2012


A non-morph Eevee, Maxie,comes across two vuplix who have want to have some fun. This is my first lemon. I hope you will enjoy.

Original completion date: Feb. 2005
