AGNPH Stories

Search Results:author:darkjester


Many months have passed since her rape, and since then Lunamew has devised a plan to get back at Artemis in a way that would disturb even the most stalwart of Pokemon...

Lunamew © her owner.

Artemis © his owner.

Silver and Pokemon © Nintento INC.

UPDATE: I have made changes to the story. I improved the beginning and made further punctuation and spelling corrections. I doubt anyone who has already read this will see this update, nor care, but there you go...


More delicious Lunamew raep!


Another story involving Lunamew. This one is not based on anything in particular, just more raep. :)


This story was written as a birthday gift for PsyRedTails and was based off a drawing he did. Alas, I do not have the picture anymore, so make due with your imagination. ^^


A fan-made story based off of Lunamew's art, because it is THAT AWESOME!!! (Used with permission of course)