AGNPH Stories

Search Results:author:deretto_eevee


War, famine, and death have taken over a continent filled with evil. Everything here is tainted. Only the young hold true to the Natural Law. Ideas will be crushed. Love is tested. And is one willing to lose their innocence in order to save those they love the most?


Story commissioned by Nicobay. No sex in first chapter. Some in the next. xP

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 5
  • Completed: No Word Count: 16069 Views: 3295
  • Published: Aug 23 2012


Feraligatr/Raichu M/MCommissioned by Feralig8tr

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 1
  • Completed: No Word Count: 3592 Views: 702
  • Published: Aug 23 2012


An abandon Absol and a wandering Arcanine cross paths.... (m/m)

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 1
  • Completed: No Word Count: 6084 Views: 766
  • Published: Aug 23 2012