AGNPH Stories

Search Results:author:ninetales



*Warnings: Contains Anthropomorphic Pokemon, Homosexual intercourse, masturbation, oral. If you are not fond of this I highly advise you turn away now and go no further.*

*Summary: Miku, a Ninetales who had been studying in classes at the same school with his close friend Yin, an Absol decided it be better if they had a study night together which turns into more then just a study session.*


Red takes Glaceon for some R&R at a hotspring.


M/F, Magnemite/Flygon. Yes, Magnemite. Involves virgin play, blood, anal, toys.


A happy-go-lucky sex romp involving a Vulpix, and Umbreon, a Farfetch'd, an Onix, a Charmeleon, and a Raichu, all trying to get their sexually repressed teenage trainer to let loose. Bisexual, large orgies of six or seven characters. This was my lemon contest entry, it recieved no votes. But I still like it.



OLD STORY - Ninetales/Tentacruel, Non-consensual.

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 1
  • Completed: No Word Count: 1369 Views: 826
  • Published: Aug 23 2012


Seviper and Vulpix pairing, semi-NC.