AGNPH Stories

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They aren't very good at their job as school bullies, so it seems the next best choice of threatening others is to take advantage of them with your strength in numbers. Their next victims? A couple of innocent boys trying to enjoy the start of a long weekend.


Some Pokemon demand and deserve the best from their trainers and companions. Giselle the Goodra is one such Pokemon, and the others are more than happy to indulge her.



Sometimes, the only way to solve a problem is with a little release. M human x F Krookodile and Feraligatr. (Lemon)


Instead of mass uploading all of my stories I decided to upload all of the one shots into a story as multiple chapters! Titles of the chapter will include the pairing and tags


When a togetic lost her mate by rogue pokemon and raping her, her world becomes so torn that the child she's bearing does not belong to her dead staravia mate. Until the spirit trio of Sinnoh gave her a gift that made her the "Togetic of Sexuality and Childbirth." Is her received gift really a good thing? Is it better never to love another mate to hold on to a long gone memory of one's first mate?


I started making this series long before i even joined this site or started reading other people fanfics. My first start of it was just at the school. I eventually trashed it and started over.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.



Deep in a region only known as Ovall there lies a forest with four tribes in it. A Shinx by the name of Lightsoul trains to one day help lead his tribe to glory and possibly even unite the forest that he calls home.


When you love someone you expect to be loved back. When you marry someone, you are committed to that person. But just one simple wish can challenge you to find commitment once more.

Join Leonick Incinasius as he explores the wild world of females once more as his wife pits him in a gauntlet that should never have arise in his life. The family secret revealed within the line as Leonick finds out how good or bad his life is and how he knows his son, Blazer, experiences a hell similar to his.

Side Story to Misplaced by Type.


This is the story of a Blaziken, Blazer Incinasius. Join him as he is thrown into a swirl of Weird Events, Trouble, Mishaps, Girls, Sex and Drama. This is not his vacation, I'm sure it isn't heaven or hell either as his Life will be turned to the fullest.

Read also my other story Misplaced by Taste

First chap revised with more plot



This is a short story a pal of mine from FA requested.
Male on Male action and rape involved. Read at your own discretion.

All Characters belong to their respective owners. Pokemon belongs to Nintendo. No copyright infringement is intended.

Rape and Bondage


I'm not the best writer and constantly aim to improve. If grammar issues are found feel free to let me know. I'd appreciate it.



This is was request by bloodclaw using the two character from "Slip Shock", Keshi and Kesha. You can let go of your tail now otter boi. ^^

Shorts: The twins are working in their studio but work slows down and they decide to take the day off. Their "day off" turns into a little more than off.

"Day Off" "Keshi & Kesha" are © to Ayn BlackFox
Tyler is © Bloodclaw

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 1
  • Completed: Yes Word Count: 4609 Views: 478
  • Published: Dec 28 2013


Dan is invited to an end-of-semester party with his study group and is looking for a relaxing night of college intoxication. As the party starts he is paired up with the host's shy Ampharos, but has no idea that the guests are about to break out into a Pokemon-X-Trainer orgy when the main show begins.


A Gardevoir with heavy maternal instincts and a dark past; a terrifying yet sisterly Blaziken; a territorial and lesbian Mightyena; an Absol with wicked charm; and a shy male Flygon.

What do these four Pokémon have in common? They make up the--sometimes dysfunctional--'family' of Veteran Trainer Abigail Thompson.

Follow along as they go on to explore their homeland of Hoenn while trying to keep each other sane, with a dark cloud hovering over the Gardevoir.


An agressive war between psychic pokemon and non psychickpokemon had begun, two young pokemon find themselvesreluctantly in the middle of it all.

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 1
  • Completed: No Word Count: 10035 Views: 245
  • Published: Aug 25 2013


Two weeks, summer break, what's a guy to do? Sit around all day, or keep himself busy? One thing's for certain, while the parents are away, everyone will play.
