AGNPH Stories

Search Results:author:shadowphantomness


Summary: The Karate King of Saffron's Fighting Dojo muses on his relationship with the psychic gym leader, Sabrina. This fic refers to a mixture of the pokemon RBY game and the Pokemon Zensho manga (which is very close to the game).I am perfectly capable of writing non-lemon! ^-^ Anyways, please review

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 1
  • Completed: No Word Count: 1768 Views: 370
  • Published: Aug 23 2012


Ash x Jessie... futureistic, AUWarning: Possible BDSM/rough sex


Ash rescues a Vaporeon from an abusive trainer, so she decides to repay him for his good deed... ^-^IIf this looks like Water Vapors, that's where I got the idea for this fic. Gomen if I'm plagiarizing...


Ash x Erika lemon, a little Sweet Scent in the forest can cause many problems...