AGNPH Stories


Have you ever wondered if you have what it takes to make an impact in the world, or how it feels to actually make a difference? Wanderer is the first of the bards; the first of the noble travelers who sprung up in the pokemon world to spread mystical magic tricks, dazzling dances, and, of course, tales of excitement, mystery, and romance.

Story Notes:

If you're reading this for some nice quick sex, stop now. I even included the 'sexless' tag in there to discourage this mindset. I do plan to include sex in chapter five, but not until then, and maybe not after.Anyway, this happens to be my first fic on AGNPH (I've done a couple of reviews, though, and I'm no stranger to writing), so I would appreciate knowing what you think when you finish reading!

  1. How I Learned the Tricks of the Trade (2616 words)

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