Story Notes:
Came up with this on accident a few months back and was like OMG that's perfect for Halloween, so I waited till now to write it. I was gonna release it ON Halloween, but tommorow I'm leaving to Michigan to visit family whose internet sucks, and friends whose parents are very christian. So pokemon porn sites are a little out of the question.It's me, so expect a human male and some sort of female pokemon. You'll figure out which soon enough. :)
No Man's Land (7263 words)
[Reviews: 1]
Date:Apr 16 2013 Chapter:No Man's Land
{} Achievement Unlocked; 80G
They're Heeeerree...
"Earned a rating of at least '8' with a Ghost-Type."
Date:Feb 2 2016
It was an entertaining read, but you should clarify whose speaking. It's easy to get lost in the exchanges of dialogue between the friends.
Also, Joel's ghost monologue could've been broken up with snippets of the actions from the others. Such as Conner rolling his eyes or Bill stifling a giggle while he thinks of a joke.
You also tend to begin "telling" rather than "showing" during time transitions; car trip, gaming, etc.
Slight grammar errors where you probably hesitated with a word or spell check wouldn't have pick up.