AGNPH Stories


Rediscover Zack's Pokemon journey with his Absol Katherine, his Sceptile Trent, his best friend May and the rest of his companions as his tale is retold and continued with deeper detail and fewer grammatical errors.

Story Notes:

It's been a while since I've posted on my MoaT story. Too long. Looking back on it, I see now that I've made a good many mistake that I'd like to correct. So I'm starting over. The plot will generally be the same, as will a lot of the writing, but the grammar will improve, the descriptions will be even more in-depth, and I have the help of Pokegirl as an amazing editor to keep me motivated to continue.So if you liked the way I wrote the previous stories, I have a feeling you'll love watching me put some of my college education to good use as I recreate my most popular, and personally my most favorite story series.And, if you're completely new to my series, then please feel free to read and review. In fact I encourage everyone to tell me what they think about the changes.I'm really excited to continue now... I hope everyone else feels the same way!Oh, and: Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.Just in case.Now, if you're interested in seeing the older versions of this story, please feel free to visit my SoFurry account at where you can find that as well as a collection of my non-Pokemon stuff. It probably won't be as well written as this, but hey, I had fun writing every word of what you see. I can only hope you have just as much fun reading it.

  1. Chapter 1: The Reason (5478 words) [Reviews: 2]

  2. Chapter 2: Promise to the Stars (5183 words) [Reviews: 2]

  3. Chapter 3: A Touch of Sand and Heat (14527 words) [Reviews: 1]

  4. Chapter 4: When the Master's Away (9112 words) [Reviews: 1]

  5. Chapter 5: Our Power (8719 words) [Reviews: 1]

No comments posted
    Reviewer: akwardturtle
    Date:Feb 12 2013 Chapter:Chapter 1: The Reason
    Good story, I am glad I was able to find it again. I lost the original agnph site when my previous computer died and to find not only the site but your story again is a great thing. It is a nice rewrite of the story though I must admit I was hoping for more when I found it but thats just me being selfish. Keep up the good work.
    Reviewer: akwardturtle
    Date:Feb 12 2013 Chapter:Chapter 2: Promise to the Stars
    Once again good story, hope it continues as I really enjoy it.
    The Wild-Card!
    Reviewer: Captain_Dragonuv
    Date:Sep 1 2013 Chapter:Chapter 1: The Reason
    Great start. Already seeing some good character development. And tge sex was hot!

    {} Achievement Unlocked: 85G
    Darkness Falls
    "Earn a rating of at least '8' with a dark-type"
    The Wild-Card!
    Reviewer: Captain_Dragonuv
    Date:Sep 1 2013 Chapter:Chapter 2: Promise to the Stars
    Comical aftermath. Looking forward to more!
    The Wild-Card!
    Reviewer: Captain_Dragonuv
    Date:Sep 2 2013 Chapter:Chapter 3: A Touch of Sand and Heat
    That was quite lengthy. But when you add battle and sex scenes in the same chapter it's understandable.
    The Wild-Card!
    Reviewer: Captain_Dragonuv
    Date:Sep 2 2013 Chapter:Chapter 4: When the Master's Away
    Nice work getting us through this segment with Kat's POV. Hot lezbo action, and a nice semi-comical girl talk. Keep it up!

    {} Achievement Unlocked: 50G
    Girl Talk
    "Have two 'rival' female characters talk about their affections for the same male"
    The Wild-Card!
    Reviewer: Captain_Dragonuv
    Date:Sep 2 2013 Chapter:Chapter 5: Our Power
    That was an intense battle. 'Nuff said.

    {} Achievement Unlocked: 85G
    Test Your Might
    "Include a tough battle between two common 'type-war' pokemon types"