AGNPH Stories

Some lovin in a cave by doctormoo117


the cave

Pokemon lovin


Rejected. As she walked away, furious, after cursing him out and saying he was the worse person ever, he sighed, and sat down in defeat and shame. What did he do wrong? What did she say that was wrong? Another girl slipped away from poor old Brock...

Brock was on his way to the Pokemon center to meet with Ash and Misty awaited him. The sun was setting as he walked up the path, only half way thus far to the city where the center was. He had to walk twenty more minutes worth before anything else. But just then... Something happened.

The ground under Brock collapsed, and he plummeted down an extremely deep hole. He yelled out, and drowned in the Darkness as his voice echoed...

Brock woke up much later, his entire body feeling sore, he was in an underground cave. Brock reached for his Pokeballs to try to call out one of his Pokemon, but no good, he remembered he had left his Pokeballs at the pokemon center for treatment.

"Great... Just great...What the hell am I supposed to do now?" He thought to himself. Brock searched around the Cave, but every time there was a dead end. It was pretty Dark, but some how there was still some light. But then he came across something interesting...

Brock found six Pokeballs. Maybe he could use these Pokemon to escape. He picked them up, and out of the first one, came Wigglytuff. He through the other three, and out from them popped Nidoqueen, Bellasom, and Jynx. From the last two, Gardenvoir, and Milotic appeared.

"YES! My lucky day, Okay... Now then, listen up Pokemon, I may not be your original trainer, but I'm Brock, I plan on being a Pokemon breeder. Now then, if you help me get out of here, I promise to help return you to your original trainers at any cost!" Said Brock. The six Pokemon just looked to him in question. The Nidoqueen sniffed him, then nudged against him.

"Well, seems you've already taken a liking to me. Great, Nidoqueen, use Hyper beam and blast us out of here!" Said Brock. The Nidoqueen just sniffed him more, while the other Pokemon tackled him as well, hugging him and nudging against him endless. Brock smiled at them uncomfortably.

"Um... Can you all get off me, please?" Brock asked. The Pokemon did indeed get off Brock, but in the process they took his pants off. The Bellasom ran off with it, jumping ontop of a near by rock and sniffing his pants.

"WHAT THE HELL!?!? HEY! THOSE ARE MINE!" Brock said. He tried to run up to the Bellasom, but Wigglytuff got in the way, shaking it's big read end into Brocks Crotch. Nidoqueen held Brock from behind and licked Brock on the neck. Jynx held onto Brocks arm and clinged to it, Making kissy faces at Brock. These Pokemon had a thing for him.

"HOLD ON A SECOND! WHOA WHOA WHOA! Look, as much as I like Pokemon, I don't think I'd be willing to... HEY HEY! STOP THAT!" Said Brock, as the Wigglytuff took off his boxers, then running to a rock, sniffing them, licking them, and rubbing them all over it's body.

Brocks vest and shirt were then slipped off him by The Nidoqueen. Brock stumbled frontward and fell down on the hard rock ground, naked. He looked around, these seven Pokemon were Horney and wanted him... Gardenvoir and Milotic sniffed Brock, as Gardenvoir kissed Brocks penis sweetly and gently. Brock pushed Gardenvoir back.

"Shit, I got to get out of here!" Brock said. Just then, Milotic wrapped itself around Brock, it's long snake like body held a tight Grip over him, he struggled, and the Pokemon kissed him in the mouth, and Brock struggled only for a few more seconds... But then he accepted it...

The kiss was so soothing, better than anything he had received from any other girl in life, aw fuck it, he never kissed a girl before. These Horny girl pokemon were the closet he'd ever get to a girl... Brock decided to give in... as Milotic took her mouth of Brocks and looked at his face, Brock blushed, but had a straight and serious face. He then sighed.

"Alright... You got me... I'll play along... but you better get me out of here afterward..." Said Brock. Milotic, Nidoqueen, and all the other Pokemon blushed.

Later on, Brock found himself inserting his fingers into Milotics scaly award looking Vagina. While the rest of its body was cold, its Vagina was very warm indeed. Brock continued rubbing The Milotic's clitoris in it's special area. The Milotic moaned in pleasure, as Brock worked his Magic. The other Pokemon sniffed Brocks clothes, while the Wigglytuff licked Brocks back.

Brock was actually beginning to like this. For once, girls who actually liked him, and he was already doing things to them. Brock didn't care any more if they were Pokemon, if they were females, we was ready... Brock used one hand to finger Milotic, while he used the other one to jerk off. This was beginning to really turn him on...

Brock found himself Putting his Penis into Milotic instead. Brock wrapped his arms around the long beautiful snake like Pokemon and started making hot male human to female Pokemon sex with it. The Milotic continued to moan, as Brock pushed and pulled his penis into Milotics Vagina. He licked Milotics body, and started sucking on it.

Brock was then yanked off by Jynx. Jynx then started sucking on Brocks erected Penis, It's big lips covered his Penis, it felt so comfortable, and so fucking pressuring... As Brock continued getting head, Bellasom jumped ontop of Brock's head, it's leafy skirt over his face.

Brock's mouth was on its crotch. It smelled so great, like a wonderful gargen of fruits and flowers, different aroma in one... Brock stuck his tounge into Bellasom's vagina, it tasted so much like fruit... He couldn't identify what it tasted like, but what ever it was it was almost like cherry, but with a hint of Strawberry with some tropical touches to it... What ever it was, Brock enjoyed the taste. As Jynx sucked On Brocks Penis, Brock sucked on Bellasom's fruit flavored Vagina.

Brock continued sucking, and using his tongue in odd ways. This was the best moment of his life...

Just then, Jynx was yanked off of Brocks Penis, as Bellasom shot some citrus flavored urine into Brocks mouth. Bellasom blushed, as it clung onto Brocks head. Brock swallowed this tangy new juice... Wigglytuff was now on Brocks Penis, getting ontop and letting it slip into her soft round and big rump. Brock was now super aroused, Wigglytuffs Rump was the best, it was so warm and comfy, and it was soooo plessuring...

As Wigglytuff's arse went up and down, doing all the work for Brock, Brock could feel off of Wigglytuff's inards. So soft, warm, wet, smooth, and supple... The friction was like nothing Brock had ever felt before, the sensation continued to raise their sexual energies. Brock continued to suck on Bellasom's Vagina, only to have a fruit flavored orgasm explode in his mouth.

Bellasom tumbled down, breathing heavily and happy... She laid on the ground, had just been pleasured by Brock, sweating all over her soft delicate flower body. Brock and wigglytuff were also sweating heavily. Brock Latched himself onto Wigglytuff, and now Brock was doing all the humping. Wigglytuff moaned.

"Wiggly... WIGGLY... WIGGLY!!!!" She moaned. She was so arousing. Just then, Wigglytuff was snatched off of Brocks cock and flung to a cave wall. Gardenvoir was next in line and just as Horney. She wrapped her skirt like body over Brock's lower area, as she locked lips with him. There was no Vagina, but Brock felt something there... It was latching onto his Penis and sucking on it, like when Jynx was. But only there was a different feeling...

It was Mystical and magical with much emotion. Brock could feel a great bond between him and Gardenvoir, as she continued giving him such a feeling. Brock never thought that a Pokemon was capable of doing such a thing... Brocks Penis was having strange tingling sensations as it felt like it was being masturbated inside the depths of the cloak like body of this Pokemon.

But like the others, Gardenvoir was also yanked off by the other Pokemon. Brock laid back and watched the battle, they were all using their greatest attacks against each other for a piece of Brocks Penis (except bellasom, she was done with Brock) Brock was aroused, and started jerking off, watching these hot sexy female Pokemon bitch slap each other over him...

But then a big pokemon appeared over him.

"Oh... almost forgot about you..." said Brock, gazing upon the aroused Nidoqueen infront of him. Just then, the two erupted in having sex, Nidoqueen was huge, Brock couldn't even wrap his arms completely around her. So he spent most of his time humping, as Nidoqueen used her claws to push Brock more into her.

Brock also sucked on Nidoqueens breasts. They were full of a new and sweet kind of milk that he had never had before, almost as good as Bellasoms fruit flavored orgasm. The two were covered in dirt, sweating, continued to go at it. Brock was humping wildly, while panting. Nidoqueens Vagina was huge, around it was a rocky crust, but it had a lovely soft center where Brocks Penis did all the work.

Brock humped harder... Harder... HARDER... AND FASTER TOO! Brock then had an orgasm, as him and Nidoqueen let out a final moan. Nidoqueen now had the sweet sweet white nectar from Brocks Penis...

That night, Brock slept naked with aix fix female Pokemon clinging to him... Still trying to find their way out of the cave... But in the mean time... when ever they got bored...

Brock was there to pleasure them all...

The end...
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    Befuddling since 1985, when the Cows came home
    Reviewer: Raw19
    Date:Apr 17 2018 Chapter:the cave

    Looked long and hard for this one and finally found it again after a decade. Still holds up as some most excellent fluff.

    The Wild-Card!
    Reviewer: Captain_Dragonuv
    Date:Aug 2 2018 Chapter:the cave

    This showed up in the random-story spot. And... If I'm being honest...




    I can't... I can't even be blunt. The idea seemed great from the summary. But the execution...


    Sweet, merciful Arceus; give me stregnth....

    SO many errors!!!!!!!



    Spelling, grammar, sentence-structure... Every little detail and lesson from growing up with a quasi-Grammar-Nazi, I had to force myself through this ordeal... This... This... farce of an 'erotic' fanfic.


    I'm deeply sorry, I tried to like it, but I'm going to give you a low score. There's far-too much that needs improvement. If you'd like, I'd be happy to go through and highlight EVERYTHING that needs correcting, or even do a complete re-write. Again, great concept, but horrible execution.