AGNPH Stories

Down by the River by ayn_blackfox


Round One

Maxie rides in the basket of his trainer's bike. He has always liked going on long bike rides with his trainer, but this one seems different to him. Maxie notices that they are near a forest. He has always overheard his trainer's mom say: "Never go near the forest. It's too dangerous there." Maxie wonders way his trainer is disobeying is mother. The bike stops at the side of the road with a slight squeak in the brakes. The trainer picks up Maxie and carries him down to the edge of the forest. Maxie is set down on the ground.

(Activating Pokemon speech translator.)

"Maxie, I guess this our last day together." The trainer said heart broken. "Mom said: "we are moving away and that I could not bring you with me" so I setting you free."

"But......I don't want to go free." Maxie said. "How come I can't go? I want to be with you."

"Mom did not say why, but I have to do this. I'm sorry Maxie." The trainer said. "Just be safe, my freind." The trainer bends over and gives a kiss to Maxie on his forehead.

Maxie watches as his trainer walks back to his bike. Tears flood Maxie's eyes as his trainer rides away. He feels that he will never see his trainer again. Maxie knows now that he has to stay strong and move on without his trainer. Suddenly it starts to rain. Maxie goes into the forest to find shelter from the rain. He finds a large tree log that has been hollowed out. Maxie ducks inside to get out of the rain.

When the rain stops Maxie comes out the log and looks aorund. There seems to be no other pokemon around. Maxie's stomach starts to growl. He remembers that he has not had anything to eat since this morning. Maxie walks around forest looking for some juicy pieces of fruit. He comes across a small apple tree. Maxie uses Headbutt on the tree hoping to knock a few apples down so he can eat. The shakes abit and three apples fall to the ground. The first land directly in front of him. The last one falls and hits Maxie in the head.

"Oh, very funny." Maxie said eating apple that hit him in the head.

After eating all three apples, Maxie feels that he has room for one more. So again, Maxie headbutts the tree hoping another will fall......and one breaks loose and falls the ground. Maxie quickly eats it.

"Now to wash it all down." Maxie said. Maxie walks off to find a spot to get something to drink.

Down by the river where Maxie is headed two female Vuplix are sitting watching a human fish for water Pokemon. One Vulpix is abit bigger than the other one. Her name is Candi. The name of the smaller Vulpix is Pepper. Both are strays that ran away from their trainers. They happen to catch sight of Maxie who just walked down to the river to geta drink.

"Hey, Pepper look." Candi said.

"Whoa. He's cute." Pepper said.

"Hey, I have an idea." Candi said. "Want to have some fun?"

"Yeah, sure." Pepper said.

"OK. He's heading this way." Candi said. When he tries to pass by, I get his attention. When he lets his guard down, we take him down."

"Got it." Pepper said.

Maxie walks towards the Vulpix paying them no mind. Candi walks over to him. Maxie wonders what this oversized Vulpix wants. Maxie gets nervous.

"Excuse me but, I'm lost." Candi said. "Can you help me?"

Maxie sees that she is not a threat so now he is not so nervous.

"Sure. What are you looking for?" Maxie asked. Unknow to him Pepper is ready to strike.

"A Landmark." Dandi said.

"What kind of Landmark?" Maxie asked.

"This one." Candi said and tackles Maxie to ground and pins him down on his back.

"What are you doing?!" Maxie cries.

Candi starts lick his face. Pepper walks over to Maxie's rear end and starts to lick his furred balls.

"Hey, what are you....Ooooh..." Maxie tries say but is cut off by a wave of pleasure.

As Pepper continues to lick Maxie's balls, she noticed that Maxie's erection is growing. Maxie unable to fight back, has general idea of what's about to happen.

"Pepper, do you the first round?" Candi asked.

"Sure." Pepper said.

"Hey, you can't...." Maxie said but is cut off when Candi shoves a large piece of fruit in Maxie's mouth to keep him quiet. She then spins around to let Pepper take Maxie. Pepper stops licking Maxie's balls and moves up to start round one.

Pepper eases her cunt down onto Maxie's rock hard cock. The warm walls of Pepper's cunt makes Maxie bite down on the piece of fruit that Candi shoved in his mouth as pleasure overrides all other feelings. Pepper rides Maxie's shaft slowly picking up speed until she finds a good to work Maxie and leave him with enough to take on Candi.

Pepper can feel waves of plearsure surging through her small body. She moans and gasp as she can feel her orgasm nearing. Maxie continues to bite on that fruit feeling some of it's juice leak out and run down his throat adds to the plearsure he feels while Pepper is riding him. Pepper can feel the first few streams of pre-cum leak from Maxie's cock.

"Ohhh.(gasp)" Pepper moans as she reaches her orgasm. More muffled moans come from Maxie as he is nearing his own orgasm. Then without warning Pepper explodes with her orgasm coating Maxie's cock and some of his fur with her juice. "AH, YES!" Pepper exclaims. "It's been so long since I felt this good!" Then Maxie sends jets of his seed into Pepper's cunt. Biting down as hard as he can on the fruit, he can feel the juice run down his throat. Suddenly he starts to choking in the middle of his orgasm. Candi removes the fruit to let him spit out the juice. Maxie spits out the juice he was choking on. Maxie passes out.

"I think he's had enough for now. Let him rest." Candi said back off. Pepper parts away from Maxie. They move away just enough to give Maxie some breathing room, but they are not done with him yet.

End of Part 1.
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