AGNPH Stories

Down by the River by ayn_blackfox


Round 2

Twenty minutes later, Maxie wakes up. He slowly gets to his feet. His fur is cover in dirt. He shakes it off. Maxie's stomach growls. The only thing on Maxie's mind now is food. Pepper and Candi start giggling. Maxie hears this and turns around to find the two Vulpix behind him.

"What are you two still doing her?" Maxie asked. His stomach continues to growl. "why are you are following me?"

"Oh, we are not done with you yet." Pepper said. "Are we Candi?"

"Oh no. I am waiting on my turn." Candi said. "But I'm going let you get something to eat, first. You are going to need all the strength you can get when I get to you."

"(Why don't I like the sound of that?") Maxie said to himself.

"Go get you something to eat. I'm not going wait all day." Candi said.

Maxie walks over to an apple tree and headbutts it to knock off some apple to fill his empty stomach. A few apples fall off landing at the base of the tree in a small pile. These apples are bigger than the ones he had earlier. He can only eat three of these. Now wanting to leave the last two apples untouch he gives them to Pepper and Candi.

"Thanks." Pepper said. She takes her apple and goes over by a large rock to eat in peace.

"For me? Thanks." Candi said. "But this does not stop me for having my fun with you. As going to get you as soon as I done." Candi holds the apple down on the ground with her paws and starts eating.

"(Now while they are pre-occupied eating. I am getting out of here.)" Maxie said. He turns around and runs away. "(Where should I go?)"

Maxie runs as fast as his eevee legs can take him. He hopes that Candi and Pepper will not be able to catch him. He dashes through the forest and find himself at a towering waterfall. Out of breath. He stops at the water's edge to get something to drink.

"Hey! Where did that Eevee run off to?" Candi said furious. "How could he get away?" Candi looks at Pepper wgo is still eating her apple. "Pepper! The Eevee got away." Candi said. "He tricked us."

Pepper leaves her unfinished apple. "He could of have gotten far." Pepper said. She sniffs the air to track Maxie's scent. "He went that way." Pepper said. "I think the water fall I think the Water is that way."

"Let's go find our toy." Candi said. The two of them tun towards the waterfall following Maxie's scent.

Meanwhile at the water fall, Maxie keeps an eye out for the two Vulpix. He thinks he lost them. Maxie sits down and enjoys that sound of the waterfall. He tires not to shut his eyes but the soothing sound of the waterfall is overpowering.

"There he is!" Pepper exclaims.

"Hey, you little sneak." Candi said. "Trying to run away, are we? I'll show you."

Before Maxie do anything, Candi is on top of him forcing his cock out of it's sheath. Candi is angry. She is not in the mood for any more games. Pepper knows how Candi is when she gets mad so she backs off. Again Maxie is pinned to the ground. Candi lick his furry balls madly until Maxie has a decent erection. At that Candi places her cunt down on to Maxie's shaft. She starts riding Maxie slow but quick speeds up to a hard, fast pace taking out all her anger on Maxie for running away. But it's too much for Maxie. The only thing he can feel is pain.

"Stop! You are hurting me." Maxie said. "Ow. Ow. Ow." Each thrust feels like he is being hit with a hammer. Being pinned down, his back is holding his weight as well as most of Candi's. The pain he feels on his chest is get worse every minute.

Candi moans and pants as she rides Maxie's rock hard shaft. She can feel the first few globs of pre-cum line her cunt walls adding abit of lube to this fast paced sex. Her moans grow louder as her readies itself for her orgasm.

"STOP IT!" Maxie exclaims under alot of pain. "You are hurting me. Owwww! God, someone stop this. Owww." Maxie's body tenses up as his orgasm approaches.

"YES! Oooh. Ahh." Candi moans as pleasrue rock her big body in ways she has not felt since she had her trainer. "(gasp)...Oh, I'm going to..." Candi said but it's cut off by the sudden approach of her orgasm. Bursting with her orgasm soaking Maxie's shaft and much of his fur his her juice. "Ohhh, that was..." Candi said but unabke to finish. Then Maxie orgasms. He send jets of his seed into Candi's cunt. But Candi pulls away from Maxie. She then muzzles Maxie's cock. She drinks up all of his seed that is still coming out.

When Maxie's orgasm subsides, the two Vulpix leave Maxie by the waterfall. Maxie lays on the ground relaxed by the sound of the water fall. As the sun goes down Amxie drifts off into dream land. His adventure for today is done.

The End
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