AGNPH Stories


After narrowly escaping death's cold grasp, Niani the Jolteon gets found and brought to a place where she might be able to lead a better life. (The first chapter is basically an introduction, later chapters have more actual plot. Rated "XXX" for the occurence of sexual intercourse in some chapters.)(13146 words)

  1. Niani's first day (13314 words)

  2. A closer look at Richard (13216 words)

  3. She's a heroine! (16617 words)

  4. Darkness and Fire (22722 words)

  5. For Sally (2513 words)

  6. As sweet as Sugar (Part one) (21213 words)

  7. As sweet as Sugar (Part two) (27720 words)

  8. The Meeting (23802 words)

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