A lonely Machoke is facing yet another mating season in the company of his own right hand. However, one night a mysterious Alakazam appears in his cave, bearing an unusual request...
April 2013 Odd Couple Contest entry,
Story Notes:
All characters, settings, and related material are the property of their respective owners, Pokemon character names are trademarks of Nintendo. All characters in this story are above the age of consent. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Mrs. Whiskers' Unusual Request (5744 words) [Reviews: 3]
Date:Apr 16 2013 Chapter:Mrs. Whiskers' Unusual Request
{} Achievement Unlocked; 60G
Mind Over Matter
"Bring the battle of mental and physical prowess to a stalemate."
{} Achievement Unlocked; 30G
Surprise, surprise!
"Toss in a surprise ending, opening up the possibility of a sequel"
Date:Apr 20 2013 Chapter:Mrs. Whiskers' Unusual Request
While I am against cheating, it works for this tale and doesn't detract from my enjoyment.
I give a solid 9 of 10.
I would actually enjoy seeing a follow up encounter between these two, perhaps even making it so that his fondness and love for her trump his attraction to her, making it unnecessary for her to trick his senses.
Date:Apr 21 2013 Chapter:Mrs. Whiskers' Unusual Request