Story Notes:
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of me. I, Crystal Serebii am in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Chapter 0: The Incarcerated (1238 words)
[Reviews: 1]
In the mirror world, created by Giritina in order to balance the chaos of the world, a trial is held to hear the sentencing of a Timekeeper by the name of Crystal. Being of a rare blood that should have died out long ago, Crystal is threatened with death. The Bii has waited long to tell this story and now is his time.
Date:Aug 12 2014 Chapter:Chapter 0: The Incarcerated
This is pretty good but there are a few spelling errors, such as when you wrote reviled instead of revealed.
Also, and this is just my opinion, I feel like if this was intended to be some important exposition required to fully understand the events that transpire in Mina, this should be added to Mina. Reason being that in the future, someone reading Mina without reading this story could easily become very confused. Just my opinion.
Wow, thanks for responding!
I know spelling errors are an issue. I'll have to go back through them and fix them all. No biggie 7_7...
Also, Crystal's back story isn't REALLY important to the plot of Mina. IE: Any plot created by him is self contained within Mina. Therefore, one wouldn't really have to read this to understand what is going on.
I just wanted to get some character exposition out there. Crystal is a time traveler and can be way more confusing than most other time based characters. Not to look down on them or anything, but just because I love time travel so much, and I want to make a story that shows just how complicated it can get (In a sensical madness kind of way). that being said... if I were to put this story in Mina, I'm afraid people would stop reading it lol.