AGNPH Stories

It's not over til' the end Book 1: The Prevention of the Legendary Genocide by zackarykidder


Story Notes:

Enjoy reading :3

Author's Chapter Notes:

(new chapter sorry for the long wait)

Are They Dreams or Reality?

"Am I Dreaming again?" Says Zero as she looks around curiously last she knew she was in her tent now she's in a pink room


"Right This Way Zero," says a doctor as he leads her to a room with a device and straps her in.


She lets out Pained whine as the device shocks her and then extracts something. Zero bolts awake from shock after this horrifying image.

Zero begins panting as she asks herself, "Was that a memory?

"Indeed it was," says the strange voice again.

"I'm Still Dreaming Right Mystery voice?"

"Correct yet I'm not a mystery You Know me and I know you."

"What Do you mean?"

"I Mean I am You and You are me. We are one in the same"


"Yes I will show you another image clip now"

Zero Watches the extracted material form into a black sludge that kills the doctor and her before running out and killing anything it see's.

"That's Horrifying!"

"Yes and when you wake you won't remember any of it since it hasn't happened yet."

"Just Head to the forest of ages..."


In The Real World



Zero Jumps awake in shock and can't remember much except for the words, 'Head to the forest of ages.'

She Packs up her camping gear and pulls out a map and see's it is off the 13th route and she knows she can't get to the forest without the league badges so she sets off to pewter city and heading down the road to see if she'll spot anything. She Does let her eevee out for some fresh air however knowing that It's quite sad to have to travel in a pokeball. She Looks ahead to see something blue take off into the tree's and pushes it off as nothing. She Continues walking but continues to see that blue blur run into the tree's sometimes she'd get to see a little black mask over it's face but nothing other than that is featured before it flees.


Zero looks around again to make sure she isn't being followed and hurries along the route but bumps into someone he looks at her and says, "Watch where your going."

Zero replies with, "Sorry About that I keep seeing a blue..." She cuts herself off noticing this creature is the one she keeps seeing from the blue fur it has. It also has the same black mask and is not human from it's looks and asks who he is.

"I am Rio The Lucario, Are you Zero?"

Zero eeps and asks, "H-how do you know my name?"

"I have my ways. Anyways May I travel with you for awhile?"

Zero nods and says, "Of Course you can"

They head off to the first city unknown to them being watched by a shadow through a window...


In The area of that window


"She's on her way to pewter city now! Are you in position V?"

"Yes I am is everything good on your end Emily?"

"Yea everything is good here V."

"I Shall have a pitfall trap set for Rio."

"We Got to be More elaborate because he'll be able to see it."

"Then it's an electrical Zap from the electro cannon?"

"That'll work"

"So Electrical cannon for Rio"


"Alrighty... After the cannon shocks him my men shall grab zero and begin the mind control so we can extract the sludge from her."

"Yes That sounds perfect. I Just hope we can safely extract it to harness it's power. World Domination will be ours soon"

"Yes it will..."


Night Fall


"It's Getting dark out we should camp out here Rio."

"I Agree Zero we don't want to get sneaked up on."

Zero begins to set up camp and Rio sits down and closes his eyes practicing aura sight as Zero Finishes setting up camp

Zero Looks towards Rio and asks, "What are you doing?"

Ri Replies to her with a simple, "Aura sight"

Zero begins to remember something upon hearing that as her head begins to hurt and she passes out

Rio Bolts up rushing to her side and shaking her but she's knocked out cold


Dream sequence(voice only)


"Ready to learn how to use aura Zero?"

"Yes Auros I am ready."

"Ok, close your eyes and take a deep breath and imagine everything is clear to your mind."

"Try moving your mind's mental image to see everything."


"Do You see it the orange flames and the red hues that burn within them."

"Yes I do Auros."

"Good Your getting the hang of it Zero."

"Nice I learned aura sight..."

"Who is Auros," Zero wonders to herself.


in a secluded area


"Did She Get The Memory Rio?"

"I made sure she did Mi'lady"

"Thank You Rio."

"Of Course Anything for Mother Mew."

"Alright Also Make sure you don't get hit by Emily's Electro cannon or the world will be screwed"

"I Know Mi'lady you told me everything that will happen if we fail to get her to Celestial Tower in the forest of ages."

"It's Just That Zero will have to collect the silver bell from the dragon Tower and bring it to celestial tower without being caught."

"I Know Mother Mew but let's keep this a secret for a little longer I know she is an eevee at heart but she is a hybrid on her own."

"Rio, You know she is a hybrid mew why say she's a hybrid eevee?"

"Sorry Mi'lady times running out and she will wake soon"

"Ri promise me you'll make sure she is safe?"

"Of Course Mi'lady"

"Jir Will meet you under her guise of Ari she will be a trainer so keep an eye out for a silver ribbon she wears"

"Ok Mi'lady I shall do that"

"Very Well I shall see you later..."

"Farewell Mi'lady"

"You can Just be formal with me you know Rio"

"Ok Then, Verity"

"Much Better Rio"

"Shall I Return to the campsite or do you want me to stay"

"Please Return to the campsite Further orders shall be given to you later"

"Very Well Verity"


Rio Returns to the campsite and sits back down as zero wakes up with a confused expression not knowing anything from the conversation but clearly remembering that vision


"Is everything as it seems?" Zero wonders.

"It's never the same Zero," her Brother says.

"thanks for clarifying Xero..."

"No problem hehe"

"So Where to next?"

"Pewter city, Zero that's where we're heading right?"

"We have to pass through viridian city first right Xero?"

"Yep That is correct Zero"

"it's a long road then Xero"

Chapter End Notes:

Oh God this took awhile to write Phew anyways...

Who Is auros?

"Who Is V and why is he so intent on world domination?"

"And Why is the mysterious Voice also Zero."

Find out Later! When I post the respective chapters for it

Gonna start referring to Xero as X By the way so if your wondering Who X Is later Just remember he is Xero, Zero's brother

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