Author's Chapter Notes:
Widowed and pent up, Delphox finds herself succumbing to a taboo lust for her own son and devises a plan to have him all to herself. Mother/Son with minor Braixen M x Flaaffy M
Braixen M x Delphox F
"Hey mom, I'm home! Brought a friend with me!" Looking up from my book, my eyes laid upon him. The male I've longed for, for awhile now. My own son, a young Braixen with a well-built figure. Strong muscles under his lush fur, smooth chest, firm waist and hips. A wonderful blend of masculine and feminine. He was perfect. But he was my son and I knew it was wrong to think of him in such a way. Very wrong.
Everyday, when he'd come home for the weekend, it felt as if he were teasing me, taunting me. My body was on fire—I was going through my cycle, it was that time of the year again. Living alone had its advantages, but the disadvantages became very clear when the season comes around; a lack of a man in my life to fill that empty void growing larger within me, it would become worse and worse to bare every year. Sure, I could go throw myself to any male out there and he'll surely take a dive between my legs the moment he catches wind of my aroma, but there is no true satisfaction in being a whore about it. It's the time where you need a true male to catch your eye, a guy you can put your trust into as he puts his dick into you. A male like my son…
Ever since his father—my mate, that is—passed away a few years ago, I'd been trying to find another to fill the space in both of our hearts, but when you have a child, the difficulty in finding someone to settle with suddenly skyrockets. It says a lot… Since my son had turned 18 two years ago, I couldn't stop eyeing him down every year I went into heat. He's not only well raised child in appearance but in smarts too. He's kept his grades high, though not to the level of straight A students, but he's done well enough that he's received a full scholarship for college and has since went to attend. While the school itself isn't far away from home, he'd decided it'd help him in the future if he stayed on campus as it would be "a stepping stone into independence". He is right about that, and I was so happy for him and yet at the same time, seeing him walk away, luggage in paws was almost painful… my baby boy is all grown up now and I couldn't be any hornier—H-HAPPIER!
I suppose this craving didn't come out of nowhere; I should have mentioned this earlier. It began months after his 18th birthday during one of his visits home for the weekend. It was a mid-July summer evening when I'd returned home earlier than I told him to expect and was rather tuckered and drenched down in sweat. The weather that summer season was rather high, hotter than normal for our part of the region. I wanted nothing more than to take a cold shower, throw myself in bed, and blast the A/C on me at full power. Fantasies of cleaning and cooling must had occupied my attention a little too much as I'd opened the bathroom door and stepped in without stopping to realize that it was already occupied—why the door wasn't locked is beyond me but I suppose if you expect to be home alone for four hours, there wouldn't be much reason to lock it anyway. My fault, I guess. Popping back into reality, the first things my eyes took notice of was my son having just stepped out of the shower, paw reaching to the towel rack, fur drenched down and presenting his toned figure to me. If that wasn't enough of a turn-on, a lower glance brought forth the fire in my loins that made me want him back to the wall and me at my knees. One look down and there it was, fully erect and all—perhaps the soap scrubbing or a little tension release is what did the trick. My eyes met with a well-endowed 8 inches stiff, standing straight, and throbbing at me as if saying hello. He stared at me and I at him...or his penis to be more exact. The two of us stood still as if frozen in time, his cheeks red but mine a deeper shade. Embarrassment washed over both of us, him that he was caught naked by his mother—so innocent and pure—and me, suddenly realizing that I wanted my son to throw me to the bed and blast my womb with his semen—so sinful and filthy… Neither of us spoke a word in that moment as I backed out of the bathroom and closed the door behind me. We never spoke of that moment after. Maybe he'd forgotten. I never forgot. Every time I find myself with a paw between my legs, the same scene runs through my mind over and over, most specifically the sight of his thick erection standing tall, feeling as if it were staring right back at me, anticipating me to reach out to grab and stroke it. Sometimes, the image would play out into a fantasy, a daydream of my lips sealed around that size, bobbing up and down, hearing my son's deep moans, his low growls, his paw on the back of my head forcing me down, demanding me to suck it all, to take it all, to drink it all… f-fuck…
I've wondered if this is an issue that most single or widowed mothers deal with when they have sons, their grown boy in all his adult glory standing before them with a newfound confidence and maturity in themselves. Does that set a flame in any mother? Am I a special case? Either way, it won't change the fact that I want my son, no I need my son.
Before this weekend is over, he will return to college a true man.
I let off a quiet sigh and closed my book, setting it on the couch beside me. My boy had brought his friend here with him. I hope he doesn't plan on having him over all weekend. If I gotta kick that kid out or suck him dry just to get to my son then by Arceus I will fucking do it. The two of them are dorm mates, as my son told me. They've been that way since he first went to college two years ago and quickly kicked off into best friends. Before I forget again, my baby's bestie is a Flaaffy.
Getting up off the couch, I began to wonder how I'm going to address my problem with my son. I could go up there, kick the door open, and tell him I'm going to fuck his dick until he can't feel it anymore. Or I could sit him down and slowly talk my way into it. Maybe throw one of my dildos at him while he isn't looking and tell him it was ghosts. Nah, that's stupid. I should be mature about this and sit him down and half a talk. I'm sure by now he knows plenty about sex so I shouldn't have to explain much, but he will surely be perplexed, and maybe disgusted, that his own mother is attracted to him. Maybe his hormones will let him see passed that and be willing to fuck me into the ground. Whatever happens, overthinking the outcomes isn't going to bring forth any. Looking to the stairs up to the bedrooms, I stopped and hesitated again. Why am I so nervous? I doubt that my son would lose respect for me for wanting him this way.
...Right? I've been the best to him I could be, giving when he wants, helping when he needs. Why am I treating this like such a problem!? Just go up there, sit him down, and sit on his dick! It's not hard!...I'm making this hard on myself when I should be making him hard.
Shaking my head, I threw all my worries aside and began up the stairs with newfound confidence. Reaching the top of the staircase, my eyes darted straight to my son's room, the door slightly ajar with the light on. I've always wondered what these two often do while here. Perhaps playing video games or browsing the internet, who knows? They're young, youthful college teens, if they aren't out on the prowl for girls and parties, they're probably gamers. Perhaps they didn't want to be disturbed with whatever they're doing, though the door isn't closed or locked so I could probably walk right in. Once again, I find myself overthinking this instead of just taking the plunge. Creeping up to the door, I was about to peek in when I heard something that caught my ear and my attention.
"A-Ahh,'s been awhile, dude..." One of them spoke out, sounding a bit pained. That was the Flaaffy's voice.
"Shit, sorry dude, I'm tryin' but you're making it kinda hard bein' so tight." The other voice, my son, replied. His tone was rather mixed in feelings. He sounded a bit nervous but also pleasured? Now my curiosities were at maximum. What on earth were those two doing in there? Carefully opening the door just a tad more, I thanked Arceus I kept them well managed and thus weren't a creaky mess. One eye closed, I focused on my son's room, glancing around. Everything looked just fine until my eyes laid upon the bed. My eye widened with wonder, intrigue, and an immediate idea on how to claim what I've craved for so long.
Clothes strewn across the bed, a bottle, three-quarters empty laying off to the side, a sizable Zebstrika design dildo resting on one of his pillows. But what really had my attention was the sight of my boy and his friend, both naked with my son atop the Flaaffy whom was held face down, ass up. My view of them was from behind so they were blissfully unaware of my presence while I had a heated view of his impressive size half buried into that rather plump sheep ass. I bit my lip, the flame already coursing through my body just sky rocketed in potency and I immediately felt a heavy dampness in my panties.
To say I was horny would be an understatement. I was on my last stepping stone, wobbling unbalanced over a raging rapid ready to sweep me away down a one-way path to the waterfall that is my dripping, steaming vagina. Literally steamed. I found myself struggling to maintain my inner heat. Seeing my boy like this, the thoughts of him in the shower ran through my mind once again. As I couldn't get the best view of his shaft burying in that backside, I had to play out the rest of the sight in my mind, and yet any time I tried, my thoughts would always return to that evening two years back. Why was this haunting me? Am I seriously that horny? Well...yeah, that's kinda been made obvious several times now. But holy fuck, the way my mind races of that same instant on a near daily basis, you'd think there were an actual medical condition that had me gawking over my son's cock! Even if this were a regular occurrence among mothers, I don't think it's natural for a mother to obsess over her son like this.
Regaining my senses, I suddenly realized my right paw felt terribly hot. Not that it was bothersome—being a fire-type made us very resistant to high temperatures—but it was an acknowledgment worth addressing. Glancing down, I'd realized I've began subconsciously feeling upon myself, digits gliding between the quivering, swollen folds, drenched in a seemingly endless ooze of my nectar. I bit my lip, the realization that I'd began masturbating now catching up with my psyche and I became very aware of the pleasure rippling through my figure. I'd started to tremble, my breathing becoming irregular, chest raising and falling as I couldn't and wouldn't dare stop myself. I'd lost control of my body. I needed this beyond a point I could even comprehend. I needed to cum. And not just that. I needed a male to push me over. A man worthy of my lust. A man that can fuck me to orgasm after orgasm without any signs of stopping or caring that I would be a writhing mess screaming for mercy while knowing my body would not let him ease his thrusts.
I needed my son to own me.
My other paw had been fondling my chest for some time know. How long was beyond me, time stopped mattering a lot time ago. It only served to make me quake and tremble harder; my breasts were very sensitive due to this burning heat, my nipples especially tender. I wasn't the most endowed female out there, only having a C-cup size, but it was well made up for with wide baby baring hips, thick, toned thighs that could crush watermelons, and a fat, well-rounded ass that could suffocate a mon and end them in moments. Needless to say, I put a lot of love and attention into shaping my ass, hips, and thighs since I'd not been a strong bloomer in the upper department.
My thoughts were cut off by the sound of a rather audible moan sounding from in the room. Looking back into the room, I'd notice the two had changed positions, the Flaaffy now laid out on his back, legs raised and spread, hung over my boy's shoulders as he mounted in missionary position, now going freely at the male, hips pumping at a rapid pace, moans ringing out from the electric-type. "D-Dude, hush up..! Mom's gonna hear you then we're really fucked!" He whispered sharply to his friend, albeit not letting up one bit on the poor boy. I could just barely see the Flaaffy clasp a paw over his muzzle, attempting to muffle his moans or anything. It didn't do much. His moans, so soft and feminine, were a big turn on—must be why my boy's going at him with such feral force. Those smacks of balls to ass, hips to hips, every hilt, I heard it all. His grunts and growls, the Flaaffy's whines and cries, they weren't doing a very good job of keeping this a secret from me. It's almost as if they wanted me to catch them.
Though, as badly as I wanted to storm in there and blackmail them into having my way with them—I wouldn't actually hold it against them, but the threat would help ensure my desires are appeased—I wanted to see this played out to the end. My baby has always been an energetic and enduring one, I know he'll still be raring to go after one load in that sheep ass.
"G-Goddamn,'re reeeally gripping on it now..." My ears perked up.
"Sh-shut uuuUUP, man...mmMMHH...j-just do it alreadyyYYY before we get caught—hhhhffff!" The Flaaffy spoke up, his body trembling.
"Fffuuuuck, I can't hold it, man…!" Oh fuck… he's tensing up, his thrusts are losing rhythm, his panting is becoming irregular… he's going to cum!
"Do it...fucking seed my ass, dude!" The Flaaffy called out to him, back arching and his body tensing as well. A few more slams forward and both let off with a unison loud moan. Thick, slimy cum shot over the Flaaffy's body from his own erection while my Braixen hilted that lush sheep ass, watching his ass cheeks clench lightly and his balls tighten up against his body as he most certainly unloaded inside of that fat ass.
My body was on fire, I needed that inside me, spilling and filling my womb. I wanted nothing more than to step in there, split those two apart, and make that puzzle piece a three-way fit. I was all but ready to make my presence known and yet… my body refused to move. No matter what I did, I remained stationary, watching from the doorway. Why couldn't I move? What is wrong with me!? The opportunity is right there, balls deep inside of some fucking sheep and here I am letting this all play out without me!? Why? A two-for-one deal right there! And I can't even speak up! But… the longer I looked over the two of them, the more it became clear why I would not step forward.
My body hungered for one and one alone.
Two boys ripe for the breeding right there and yet my body truly knew what it was it desired. It did not lust for two males to spitroast or double team in any way. No. My body lusts only for the fire-type in my eyes, the male buried in another male. That bastard was milking every drop out of my man's dick. That semen belongs to me.
I sighed and shook my head, tearing my eyes away from the sight of the two worn boys before me, shuddering a bit as I looked down to see my paw and inner thighs drenched with my essence. Without even realizing, I'd had an orgasm touching myself to the show before me. Without making a sound, I quickly scurried from the doorway, completely unaware that I'd left a small puddle of my nectar in front of my son's door. I closed the bathroom door behind me, my heart racing with nervousness and excitement. I now knew what I wanted to do. But first, I needed to clear my mind so I can act accordingly and with patience so I don't ruin what may be my only chance to claim what is rightfully mine.
Sorry, sweetie, but mommy can't allow you to have company this weekend.
A few hours passed and the sun had set fully over the horizon, bringing the beginning of night. I'd since taken a cold shower to cool myself and soothe the flames between my legs temporarily. I would allow him company for tonight, but that sheep will be out by noon tomorrow. This weekend will be mother-son bondag—err BONDING time. For his happiness, I can wait awhile longer. But momma has a bundle of happiness just waiting to wrap around him and embrace him in its warmth. In more ways than one~
I could hear the two of them chattering in my son's room with the sound of retro beeps and classic chimes mixing in. Must be playing video games in there, probably getting competitive again. Once again, capturing my son in… improper situations has tainted my imagination. Instead of the usual innocence of my child and his friend playing video games, my thoughts now run by the reasons behind their gaming. Seeing my son reign victorious over the Flaaffy, clothes being ripped away, the poor sheep shoved over and ass raised, my boy dropping his pants, presenting his goods to the loser. Those moans ringing out once more as round two engaged…
I shook my head, trying to clear my mind of these thoughts. I've really put myself in a bad way. I can't even look at my son now without lusting over him anymore. What have I done to myself? I looked down to see that I'd began leaking onto my bed sheets, my pussy swollen and burning up, yet again craving my son to put out the fire within my loins. Just a few hours… sleep it off, wake up, send that boy off, then fuck my son like an animal. I can endure this heat. I can. I can do it. I can. I can't. Nope. Fuck. YES. Dick. SUNFLOWERS… I need to get laid.
I wanted to check on them again, see what they're up to. Part of me was praying for another show. That the background noise was merely a cover up to more debauchery. Part of me wanted to sit in that doorway, hand up my blouse and fingering myself to another orgasm while they fucked like the hormone driven teenagers they are. I resisted. Every fiber of my being wanted to peek into his room. I almost knew they'd be having sex again, especially with the thought that I'd be in my room for the night or, better yet, asleep. They could be more free to fuck as they want while being a little louder. Honestly, they could be as loud as they wanted, I wouldn't mind. I wanted to hear them. I'd never say, though. They'd probably be way freaked out knowing I'd be getting off to the sound of their fucking.
I need to sleep. It won't get any better staying away. My mind has become corrupted by intrusive thoughts of lust and hunger. My body burns for every second I remain away. And my only cure is being obstructed and occupied by a goddamn sheep.
Life really sucks sometimes.
Despite everything, I managed to force myself to sleep in time. Rising out of bed, I took a look out the window to see the sun still in its early stages of shining over the land. By the looks of it, it's still morning, about mid-morning. Turning my direction to the clock on the wall, my guesses were confirmed true; the time read 10:24. I stretched and yawned, scratching my back a bit before snatching a robe out of my closet—I liked to sleep in the nude, it's quite comfortable. Wrapping myself in the tightly snug cloth—my hips have widened more since my last scavenge for clothing so I'm finding myself a bit hugged by my clothes lately—I grabbed a towel on the way out and made my first stop in the bathroom to clean and groom for the rest of the day ahead. I wanted to look my best for what I had planned. I'd been needing another shower when I'm finished with him.
Getting cleaned up, I dried off and threw the towel into the hamper for washing later and wrapped myself back in my robe. I stopped by the mirror, comb in paw and combing through my fur, getting out any leftover knots and kinks to ensure my fur was lush and glowing with health and cleanliness. I beamed a smile of glee and my reflection returned that exact smile. Not to sound narcissistic but I must say that I'm looking awfully sexy in this robe. The soft red, cotton robe fit snugly onto my body, hugging against my curves perfectly due to it now practically being about one size too small since my hips and ass had grown out a bit more. It'd been about half a year since my last update on clothing—I take great care of what I treat myself to. Due to having not bothered with a bra or panties, there was a nice bit of cleavage out from my average sized rack. Most of the robe was slightly translucent as well. Yeah, I bought myself one of those robes. A gal's gotta attract a mate somehow, right? I need a man in my life and if I gotta present to get some sausage then you bet your ass I'm gonna show off. The only parts of the robe that didn't have any transparency were the chest and the puffed out cotton that make the sleeves. Looking over myself in the mirror, a single thought popped into my head that brought a smirk to my lips and a faint blush across my cheeks:
Would my son find me to be good eye candy making his breakfast in this?
Of course, I could show off to him in a plethora of ways that'd get him thinking some bad thoughts and possibly tenting his PJ's. I could be the generic mother in an apron and 'accidentally' forget to wear any other clothes, ass out and bent over the counter on full display. But where's the fun in that? Not that I'm complaining...fucked over the counter sounds great...~
Shaking my head, I stopped myself from getting sidetracked any further and went downstairs and to the kitchen. Walking by the living room, I noticed my son and his friend sat together on the couch playing video games. The Flaaffy took a quick glance up from the screen and I almost smirked at the sight of his cheeks flushing red as he saw me in nothing but a single robe hugging against me. I took a moment to exaggerate my walk, letting my wide hips and lush ass sway more than usual to entice him before I made it to the kitchen, leaving a flustered Flaaffy and oblivious Braixen behind but not before managing to pick up a quick snippet of the electric sheep's comment about me.
"Dude, your mom's fucking bangin' hot."
About half an hour passed before I'd finished breakfast for three. Looking to the clock, it was almost noon now. I'll treat that boy to a little feast then it's back home with him. I've got a date with my son. "Kids, breakfast is ready!" I called out to the two boys in the next room. The faint sound of video game ambiance was cut and scrambling feet followed. Coming forward into the kitchen, the two stopped in their tracks, almost tumbling over each other. I had one more trick up my sleeve to tease the two and hopefully solidify my one-sided plans with my son.
The two stood in the doorway, Flaaffy's mouth agape and both males flushed red in their cheeks. Standing before them, I was bent forward in a motherly yet slightly revealing fashion, plentiful cleavage on display to the point that my robe did next to nothing to hide my breasts from their staring eyes. My wide hips were in the slightest of sways but just barely noticeable to the two swishing to and fro the smallest bit. In both of my paws were plates of Pecha Pancakes and Oran Waffles on one plate with strips of bacon and sausage as well as egg and cheese omelets on the other plate. I looked at the boys with bedroom eyes and a smile, as if inviting them to dig into more than the food.
Breakfast goes well with a little milk, wouldn't you agree?
Setting the plates down, I waved my hand in their faces with a playful giggle as they came out of their trances. "M-Mom, wha...where are your clothes?" My son spoke up, tripping over his words. I giggled again and gentle pat his head before giving him a gentle kiss on the cheek. His face flushed a deeper red shade as if that single kiss had more meaning to it to him than just a mother showing her affection for her son.
"Darling, I didn't think I'd need to cover myself up so much in my own home. Surely it isn't too much of a bother to you and your friend, is it?" I feigned innocence. That Flaaffy, he's certainly caught me without a single covering over my body more than once. Not only that, but I knew he'd blown a load in the bathroom once because of it. Most certainly to thoughts of me exposed in such a way. Maybe even more than just visuals of my body playing in his head. Of course, he wouldn't dare say anything and I certainly would keep his secret. I had no intentions on tainting their friendship.
"At least cover up while Mallow is here, mom!" The flustered Braixen yipped at me, throwing his arms up in the air. I chuckled again at my embarrassed son and gave both males a gentle pat on the head.
"Oh, sweetie. He's practically a part of the family at this point. There probably isn't much he hasn't seen already~" I hinted with a teasing wink at the Flaaffy, earning a brighter red glow about his cheeks. Barry looked over at his best friend with eyes of disbelief and I could've sworn I also saw a hint of jealousy in there.
"What?! What do you do while I'm asleep?" He questioned perhaps more at me than at him. I remained silent but smirking, wanting to hear the Flaaffy's response. I knew a lot about his rather perverse ways. He was smitten with me ever since he first caught me in nothing but a bra and panties during one of his very first few visits when they first began getting closer as buddies. The tent in his pajamas didn't lie then and the bulge that I'd taken notice of in his shorts now don't lie either. Fortunate enough, my son didn't seem to notice the sheep's shorts were looking more of a tighter fit than usual all of the sudden.
"N-Nothing! I don't do anything! She just waltz around in little clothing often, y-you should know that, you've lived with her till you were 18!" He defended with paws up in front of his face as if readying to block a punch or something. My son gave a quiet sigh and shook his head, unable to clear his face of the blush plaguing his cheeks.
"Whatever, man… you're not exactly wrong, though. P-Put some clothes on, mom!"
"But sweetie, your friend here is about to be out the house anyway so it shouldn't be so bad. Besides, most of me will be under the table anyway~" I replied with a smirk as if implying something. My wording was perfect, I wanted them to believe something much different from what I meant—I was going to sit and eat my damn food, you perverts. But what went into both of their minds had both of them red as a Tamato Berry. "Anyway, who wants breakfast?"
Minutes passed as food was eaten in silence, neither male wanting to speak up out of nervousness and a building sexual tension between the three of us. While I remained calm and collected—what a contrast I am from yesterday, huh?—the boys were looking quite flustered the entire time as if there was something on their minds. Probably me.
Plates were set in the center of the table as we'd all finished eating. I rose first from the table, grabbing the plates and taking them to the sink for washing. "You boys get cleaned up if you haven't yet. It's about time for your Flaaffy friend to be on his way. As for you, deary," I turned back to them, eyeing the Braixen intently with an assertive stare. "There are a few things I would like to talk with you about. I want you in my room in the next twenty minutes while I wash these dishes, understood?"
"Y-Yeah, mom… I'll be there." The blush made itself home across his cheeks again. He's been acting awfully embarrassed to be around me lately. Maybe he's catching onto my intentions with him? I haven't exactly been subtle with my hints and innuendos lately. Whatever the case, the two of them were back upstairs, probably for a quick shower, and about 15 minutes passed before I heard the two coming back down. By now, I'd finished washing the dishes and pans I'd used for cooking and eating and were all put away back in their rightful places. Turning towards the door, I saw the two in the hallway, standing at the opened front door, my son waving goodbye to his friend as he stepped out and into the forested walkway. Closing the door behind him, he and I made eye contact. The tension seemed to return tenfold as our being alone seemed to click something inside of me. And perhaps something in him as well. I bit my lip and gulped as I eyed him down. Being in a different room made it hard for him to see exactly what I was staring at, but he knew at the very least that he was the source of my staring. I was examining him once again, looking him up and down as he wore nothing more than a black, tight fitting tank top and matching shorts. His outfit would make for great workout clothes hugging his body the way it did—seems I wasn't the only one overdue for an updated wardrobe. The clothes left little to the imagination as his toned stomach could be seen just barely through the snugly fit shirt, his slightly bulky chest on display from the tank top's design not quite covering his upper half much. My body began to feel hot, the flame in my loins returning to life as I tore my eyes away from my son and tried to think of something, anything other than him. My eyes took a quick glance back in his direction to see that he was long gone, perhaps up the stairs to the rendezvous in my room. I looked down at the counter, clean of any dishes or silverware then at my paws gripping the edges.
This was it. It's time to claim my catch.
Every step up the stairs and towards my room was another filling of anxiety coursing through my body. Nervousness seemed to numb my body as I stood outside the ajar door that lead to my room. Inside, my son sat on the bed, paws on his thighs, fingers entwined, one foot tapping on the carpeted floor. He looked as wracked with nerves as I was. It calmed me a little seeing that he was feeling unsure about this like I was, though our reasons behind our feelings were probably very different. Perhaps he thought he may be in trouble or something, while I thought about how I'm going to break it to him that I need him to throw me over his legs, smack my ass until it's red, then crush my cervix with his dick until he swells my gut with his liquid Fennekins.
I swallowed a knot that had formed in my throat, closed my eyes, and sighed deeply, using every bit of courage in my body to push open the door and walk inside. Now standing before my son, our eyes met once again and every ounce of bravery that had spilled into my body just spilled right out and onto the floor. I stood there while he sat, staring at one another, almost gazing through each other. Our minds seemed to become one as it felt as if we were reading one another's thoughts. His face flushed blood red and mine grew pale and sweaty. The tension was high. My desires were obvious. If not by my anxiousness then by the aroma that now wafted into the air. I'd lost control of my will, my ability to hold back the scent that would signal to him that I was in heat, that my body hungered for a male, for him. I could tell that he was finally fully aware of my need as one glance down and my eyes met with a large tent that he didn't even attempt to hide. Perhaps he hadn't noticed yet or maybe he wanted me to see. Either way, he was as close to being on full display as possible without it all coming out. I bit my lip again, my body began to quiver. I couldn't hide it anymore. I was about ready to pounce, pin, rip away his clothes, and choke his dick inside my most sacred of tunnels. But I needed to take it slowly; this was something that needed not be rushed. Seeing how he hasn't revolted against these thoughts, I figured he may be dealing with a lot of thoughts and emotions right now. Between his arousal and interest and knowing that who he lusted for was his own mother, it must have been very confusing for him. I'd long since accepted these feelings, but this was all new to him. I had to get him comfortable with mating me.
I didn't know what to say. What could I say? There wasn't really much I could say to reassure his feelings. It's a taboo thing to even consider; sex with a family member. It happens more often than you'd think amongst Pokemon in comparison to humans but that didn't make it any less of an oddity in a moral sense. Instead of trying to talk him into accepting these feelings, I decided I'd give him a real reason to want me bent over. Without a word, I knelt in front of him, now face-to-face with my son and lips inches apart as I gave him a soft smile then place a paw on the back of his head and brought him forward, lips meeting in a tender, soft kiss. I decided it would be best to start light and work my way in. And what better way than to begin with a kiss? I made sure not to push too hard or make it feel forced or one-sided so he could pull away at any moment. However, instead of pulling away, he was quick to lean in and return the affection, eyes closed and head tilted to better press inwards. I followed his lead, eyes closing and letting off a low purr as we remained there, lips locked and bodies unmoving until he finally pulled away about a minute later, panting ever so slightly. Our gazes met once again, this time unable to look away as the fire burned in both of us now, my loins blazing and his tented trunks shifting with each throb of his erection. Still, no words came from either of us as we stared on until he took the initiative to lean in and push his lips onto mine, rather forcefully at that. I could feel his need growing stronger as he brought a paw up to my face and caressed my cheek lightly while we kissed once more. This time, he took it a step further, his lips parting to give a light flick of his tongue against my lips and I welcomed him immediately, parting as well to invite him into my warm maw. His tongue gladly entered and was greeted by mine, organs beginning a dance for dominance, twirling one another as we both tried to take the lead role. Eventually, he came out on top with a quiet growl rumbling in his throat, my tongue following his motions while his paws reached forth and began to feel upon my chest.
I soon found myself laying atop of him as, at some point, we'd moved our make out session to the bed, my son laid back with me straddling his hips, tongues in an endless battle of lust, swabbing saliva about each other's maws. His flavor was incredible, a light twinge of spiciness that made my body quiver. His tongue was so soft as it pushed and bullied my about. Steam rose from our muzzles as our heat gradually rose to intense temperatures, our bodies quite literally burning for each other. His hands were fondling at my chest, cupping my sizable, sensitive breasts and kneading at them, earning shivers and moans from me as I submitted to his actions, letting him take control so as to let him dive into the waters of experimentation that is sex with his own mother. Needless to say, he was looking awfully comfortable now, lips locked and paws fondling me, but I kept myself in line, moving along as he wanted. My essence dripped onto his tented shorts as he pressed upon my bare folds with the fabric, my hips instinctively pushing down on him, grinding onto the bulged shorts and quaking as rubbing against the fabric sent ripples of pleasure up my spine, back arching as I let off a heated, shaky moan, my body moving itself as I quickly lost control of my movements to the sensational fulfillment of grinding against my son. Nectar dripped from my pussy in thick amounts, staining his shorts more than what he'd already done to himself, our kiss becoming sloppy as our focus became cut between the kiss and our dry humping each other, though dry would be the worst way to describe it with how much I was leaking on him.
His paws moved from my chest, leaving me panting and whimpering into his mouth, feeling them gliding slowly down my figure. Every bit of contact he made with me left me panting for more, my entire frame having grown sensitive to touch as I'd reached the point in arousal in which I wouldn't come down until I'd have a proper orgasm. So badly did I want to tear off his shorts and engulf him but somehow, despite how fucked up I'd become in the head, I maintained some form of composure that allowed him to remain in control. I think it grew obvious how much I'd been anticipating this moment finally happening as a smirk made itself upon my baby boy's muzzle and he reluctantly pulled away from the kiss, leaving me panting heavily not from a lack of breath but from the growing anxiety in me. He was going to milk out this moment as much as I wanted to. But his idea of making it last was much different from my own.
"Mother..." His voice finally cut through the silence that only our heavy breathing and my idle moans once did. His tone was so formal. Despite the heat both figuratively and literally coming off of our bodies, he maintained such high control and composure over himself while I was gasping for air, sweating bullets, and panting like a damn dog. I wanted to answer his call, to reply to him, say anything, yet any time I opened my mouth, only more gasps and pants emanated from my muzzle, as if I'd gone full feral, incapable of speech and being no more than a slut anchoring for her owner to feed her the usual daily treat of his dick and semen.
I felt like a complete whore and it was the most exhilarating thrill I've experienced in a very long time. I've never felt so alive.
"I know what you want, mother..." My ears twitched as he spoke once more to me. I bit my lip and simply nodded with a soft whine. I'm a damn mess of emotions and moods; I've gone full circle in the past 24 hours. "I know you may disagree with what I'm about to say, but..." Once again, he paused. What was he going to say? If I wasn't going to like it then it couldn't be good. Was he about to deny me? Make me wait? Make me beg? What is it? His paw pressed on my chest, pushing against me with barely any strength behind it, yet my body fell back with ease as if I knew just want he wanted me to do. Now on my back, my robe laid sprawled out on the bed, leaving my body essentially in the nude as he now stood over me, gazing down at me with a soft yet dominant gaze. His paws reached to his tank top, slowly undoing it, almost as if he was trying to torture me with the slow pace. It felt like minutes passed before his shirt was finally removed and thrown aside. His fur glowed with good health and his muscles bulged enough to just slightly be visible through his fur. I closed my legs, my heat just doubled over.
"Spread 'em, mom." His voice… he spoke so softly, so soothing yet the demand held an air to it that emitted an incredible persuasive power. I did as instructed, opening my legs back up, my spade on display, swollen and moist, glistening in the rays of the afternoon sunlight. His gaze went downwards and I knew my sex had captured his attention. The throb in his shorts all but confirmed it. He let off a small growl of approval at the sight of my arousal. "That's a good girl..." He lowered himself, face-to-face once again before he planted a soft peck on my cheek. His kisses trailed downwards on my body, from the cheek to my neck then shoulder blade, over my breasts, stopping to take a quick suckle at both teats and earn a strong shiver and breathy moan out of me. He resumed his trailing kisses down my chest and onto my belly, lower and lower he went until his face hovered above my cunt. He leaned in, nose pressing upon my plump folds and took a single, strong whiff of my scent. I could hear his inhale, feel the air being pulled from around my folds as he took in my aroma. My strong, sweet smell of a female in heat invading his senses. In that single instant, I could see his pupils dilate just a bit before returning to normal. His primal instinct had clicked and he almost snapped right then and there but he managed to steel his will and retain control of himself. However, he did let off a deep growl as he took another strong inhale of my aroma. His body shook and his eyes dilated again, much more noticeably this time. Only now, they didn't shift back and he stared at me with a primal look of longing. My body tensed and I shook hard as I gasped and blushed a deep red shade, staring into those eyes with a look of embarrassment and fear.
I'd lost my son to the scent of me own arousal and the realization had just caused me to have an orgasm all over my sheets.
"You smell wonderful, mother..." His tone was deeper than usual, dripping with lust. Something tells me that whatever he was going to say or do to me may not be happening anymore. I don't think he'll be able to resist the urge to breed running on instinct. A feral-minded male mon will claim his female with full intention to breed her until she's carrying. He was going to impregnate me. I felt the slightest twinge of doubt in my body, to resist the desire to bare my own son's young. That slight instance of doubt was quickly shrouded by the overwhelming fire of lust welling within me and my body seemed to glide through air as I moved smoothly to spread wide and raise my legs, displaying myself entirely to my son to be taken as he pleases. The edges of his lips curved upwards in a crooked smirk as another feral growl emitted from him, the tent in his trunks shifting repeatedly as he'd went into a perpetual throb, aching to soothe his own flames within me. They say igniting a new fire over an old one will cancel the two forces and put both flames out. Frankly, I think it sounds stupid and nonsensical. But right now, that's exactly what's about to happen.
Seeing him literally rip away his shorts made my body tense again, this time with anticipation for what's soon to come. My eyes laid upon his bare erection once more. I hadn't seen him this way in so long—technically, I'd seen his cock last night, but most of it was buried in Flaaffy dick so...-my pussy drooled heavily with its nectar, further dampening itself on top of my previous premature orgasm making a mess of my crotch and the bed sheets. Taking a whiff of the air, my nose caught wind of a potent musk and my heat doubled over yet again. I went lightheaded at the smell. It was incredible! It smelled amazing, I needed more of it! I took repeated strong inhales, getting drunk off of that scent. That aroma. A male ready to mark his female. That's what I was smelling. So powerful. So manipulative…
I lost myself in another orgasm.
Nectar spilled from my folds in thick beads, adding to the growing stain in my sheets as I trembled under the looming dominance of my son. He'd barely touched me and he managed to make me cum twice. "Cumming again? We've not even started and already I've left a strong impression on you~" He teased with a wink and devious chuckle. I couldn't speak. My voice remained lost in a sea of arousal and embarrassment. I looked away, unable to make eye contact. What a shame I must have looked like, cumming so easily to his subtle and passive actions alone. He simply purred as a finger slowly trailed up my left inner thigh, causing me to quake violently under his gentle touch. My body was extremely sensitive, especially around the thighs and I could only tense hard and moan aloud to my son as my pussy constricted and clamped around the air while he ran his finger up and down my thigh. I wanted to beg him for mercy; my body was far too sensitive, it almost hurt to feel this good. Not once has he penetrated me and already I felt exhausted to the core, as if I'd been fucked out of my mind. The burning heat remained as did my desire for cock, yet I also felt as if I'd already been well-bred by a male. I couldn't stand what he was doing to me. Yet I loved every second of it at the same time.
"One more thing, then you're all mine." He licked his lips and placed both paws on my thighs, holding them spread as he dipped his head between them. My eyes finally gazed down upon him as his attention was placed at my dripping snatch, watching with anticipation for his next move. He let off a low growl before his steaming tongue pushed upon my labia. My body went numb as contact was made, a loud gasp sounding from me. The feeling of his tongue, the soft organ pressed at my folds, it was surreal. I'd had sex plenty before with my previous mate but nothing he'd ever done to me could compare to this alone. Where did my son learn such incredible skill? Or perhaps it wasn't skill at all. Perhaps he simply used my own desires against me to make me into an easy target for his pleasures.
Maybe he had plan of his own and preyed off of my desires for him to set me right in his trap. If that were the case then I'd consider him a mastermind. He played me like a fiddle.
His tongue dragged up my folds from the very bottom to the top, ending with a flick over my clit. All the while, I shook hard, a drawn out moan echoing off the walls of the room as he lapped away at me, slow but firm. My body reacted just as he wanted, as he expected. Writhing, quaking, whining for more, grinding onto his tongue, trying to get it to slip in yet he'd always pull back just before enough pressure would allow his organ to slip inside me. "Ah ah ah… getting hasty, are we~?" His teasing persisted. He really wanted to make me beg for it. Two years of suffering from my own lust, my own corrupted thoughts and he wanted me to beg for what I wanted. What was right in front of me, a single thrust away. He kept up the licks, so gentle and agile gliding up and down my sex. Enough pressure to send ripples of pleasure through me but not enough to truly stimulate me and work up another orgasm despite how sensitive I'd become after the previous two.
"Well..? This is what you've been wanting, no? Your own son… between your legs, plunging into the very depths I'd come out of as a wee egg… don't you want another batch in there, mother?" Damn him. I don't know who taught him, but whoever it was they taught him well. Far too well. He had me wrapped around his pinkie finger. I was at his mercy. I would do anything for that cock. Anything. But all he wanted was to hear me beg for it. He's seen me submit. Now he wanted to hear me submit.
"P...Please..." I finally managed to spit something out other than a cacophony of panting and moaning, albeit barely more than a whisper over more gasps.
"Mmh? What was that? You have to be loud and upfront with your desires, mother~ You can't express yourself through whispers."
"Please…!" I called out louder to him, though it still wasn't good enough.
"PLEASE WHAT!?" He pulled back from my folds, staring me down, his arousal throbbing in front of me. So close to my crotch. One thrust away… something in me snapped.
"PLEASE FUCK ME FULL OF YOUR YOUNG!" The world around me went white. My vision blurred, my body went numb. Everything came crashing down on me like a tsunami. Waves of pleasure rushed through me as I let off an orgasmic scream. My canal clenched and rippled, squeezing down hard as I finally felt something being grasped by my pussy.
He'd buried into my pussy and set me off on my third orgasm. My body was on fire with more than arousal. It ached. It burned. It hurt. But it felt so good. My walls convulsed, his breathing became labored. The pleasure hit us both hard, but only one of us was able to endure it. I could feel his every throb, every pulse of his erection, of the veins in his erection. He wanted this so badly. Perhaps even more than I did. From an outside view, that would never look to be possible—I was a drooling mess, tongue rolled out of my mouth, eyes rolled back, sweat dripping off my body, nectar messing both of our crotches, bed sheets stained, fur matted. One would think I was far more enthusiastic about our mating. But the way he stood there, his body stationary as he remained buried, the look of determination on his face despite the sensations that filled both of us. The way he maintained composure during the most intimate or most feral of mating. He needed this more than anything. And not just for the pleasure. No, this went much deeper than simply being about sex.
He needed to prove that he was not only the man of the house, but capable of being the man of my dreams. He knew I'd been eyeing him down these past two years and he was going to make the long wait worth it and more.
If I were to be completely honest, he'd proven himself to me by the time I'd came a second time. He was far more a man than his father ever was. That's not to say he wasn't a good male or mate. He was a wonderful mate and I still miss him deeply, but I made a vow to him that I would move on and find someone new to fill that void for both me and my son. I just didn't expect that he would be the one to fill those holes.
His growls sounded deeply, paws grasping my waist as he positioned himself properly over me, his hips to mine before he pulled back, slowly easing from my canal. My walls clenched onto him as he tugged from my pussy, trying to keep him buried within me as my body longed to keep that girthy pole snug where it belongs. The process was another tease, I could feel every bit of his dick rubbing against my tight snatch as he pulled all the way to the very tip of his erection, leaving me feeling quite empty inside before he'd refill that void with one firm slam forward, burying his bone into me and winning a loud cry from me while he let off a deep growl. Both of us were in bliss, him buck and breeding, me quaking and squeezing. Truly, this was heaven. Pinned under my new mate—my own son—and being tamed after years without a man to calm the raging heat of my loins. Needless to say, I would be cumming a lot more before he pumped me up.
My fourth orgasm had hit and I was writhing and hugging him hard, crying out loud while my pussy milked at him yet again. He growled lowly, hilting and letting me feel his bulbous knot as it began to swell. He was closing in on release. With the way I held onto him in both arms and sex, I knew he wouldn't last too long. It was almost like being a virgin again, I was so tight around him, constricting and suffocating his erection with my vice-like grip every time he push to the base of his shaft within me. His growls gradually increased in volume and my moans in octaves as we carried on our incestuous act, his hips slamming, my cunt squeezing, both of us hugging.
Five orgasms.
He panted out and lifted himself, gazing into my eyes as he reluctantly tugged every last ounce of himself out of my pussy and spoke between heavy pants and breaths. "Mother...hah...all" He didn't need to say it twice. I was quick to act, flipping myself, front remaining to the bed while I raised my backside high, plump, well-rounded ass swaying and cheeks wobbling with every bounce and swish I gave it. He quickly grasped my fat, lush ass and spread my cheeks, plunging his rock solid bone back into its hole, digging and burying it as he moaned aloud and my body tensed and eyes rolled back.
Six orgasms.
He immediately went into a feral frenzy, now in a position that felt more natural to us, he could dig even deeper into my sex, his large size repeatedly dragging across my g-spot or jabbing away at my cervix. I couldn't take how amazing it felt, to feel a male so large and so thick repeatedly attempting to invade my deepest of tunnels. The entire bed began to rock under the sheer force of my son's thrusts and I began seeing stars under the intense pleasure of our mating.
Seven orgasms.
Lights danced in my vision as I began to slip in and out of consciousness from the stinging pain of unbearable ecstasy. My body was in a completely different state of pleasure. One that a mere mortal like myself was incapable of grasping and enduring its unforgiving wrath. Every thrust of my son's hips smashing against my own felt like an orgasm in itself, my pussy quivering endlessly as I'd left both of our lower halves and the bed sheets drenched in nonstop dribbles and squirts of juices.
Eight orgasms.
I could feel his muscles tense, the throbs of his erection grow stronger and more frequent. He was nearing. He's going to cum any moment now. Those growls, full of feral hunger and lust. His desire to impregnate me was at its peak just as he was approaching the peak of his pleasure. His thrusts were losing rhythm, becoming wilder. Strength faltering then reinforcing, speed easing then increasing. He was fucking me at whatever pace his body allowed, constantly fluctuating and it left me out in the open to taking it however he could give it.
Nine orgasms.
"M..Moooom..." He spoke up. After minutes on end of nothing but gasping, growling, moaning, and screaming, one of us finally said something intelligible. I tried to respond, tried to say anything, but yet again I was nothing but a wreck of sound effects mixing into the loud noise of squishing, squelching, and slapping. My ass jiggled like gelatin, my pussy burned with painful satisfaction from the constant orgasms, but my womb hungered for his seed, my eggs ready to be fertilized with my son's thick white. My train of thought was cut and my mind went blank as I felt one particularly powerful thrust bury himself deeper than usual, the tip of his shaft pushing strongly upon my cervix until it finally sank through. The very tip of his size dipped into my womb as I heard one final roar and the first fire of his white magma splatter my insides with the force of a faucet running on max. All of my senses had been beyond overstimulated as we had both reached the absolute. No words could be spoken as shot after shot of his steamy cum flooded my cunt, my womb quickly overflowing and swelling to full size as the rest pooled within my sex, the swelling in his knot keeping him locked thoroughly within me and every last ounce of his semen plugged in my pussy. My belly began to swell just the slightest bit with the sheer amount he output into me before his orgasm finally began to calm. Both of us were panting heavily, me barely conscious and him trying to regain his senses. He panted out, looking down at me, face flushed red and giving me a gentle kiss on the forehead. I almost didn't even feel it nor hear what he'd said next. It was all a blur in my memory but I was just able to make out a couple words. "……" I barely felt another kiss on my forehead before he gave a tug against my sex that forced his knot out of my sex and everything after that went black.
Ten orgasms.
Date:Jul 26 2021
This is great
Date:Feb 16 2025
Absolutely amazing