AGNPH Stories


After experiencing a tragic event, Beau the buizel finds himself thrust into the wild with a carefree growlithe. Now he has to fit into his new life, overcome his grief, and find something he didn't know he wanted to find.

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 4
  • Completed: No Word Count: 8020 Views: 1018
  • Published: Sep 15 2022Updated: Oct 19 2022

Story Notes:

First things first: No, I will not be continuing Brotherly Love. I know there were some people who liked it, and I apologize for ending it so abruptly. I did try writing chapter 3 (several times, actually), but I found it harder and harder each time I went back to it. I soon realized that I wasn't really interested in the story as a whole, and thus stopped writing it all together. I doubt I'll ever come back to it, and even if I wanted to, my writing style has changed quite a bit since then, and to keep the writing chapter to chapter from being so jarring in it's sudden switch, I would have to rewrite the story AGAIN. And no one wants that (at least I don't think so, idk), I know I don't. Not now at least. Maybe if enough people request it, I would consider rewriting it again. But as it stands, I'm done with Brotherly Love. I'm still going to be writing other stories though, either short, smut-for-the-sake-of-smut stories, or maybe even some bigger, more in depth stories. Who knows

  1. Prologue (1091 words)

  2. Chapter I (1987 words)

    Whoo, here we go! First chapter! Hopefully I could make it past two this time lol, otherwise I should go work at Valve. 

  3. Chapter II (2066 words)

  4. Chapter III (2876 words)

    Took a while, but here ya go! 


    CW: Brief gore

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