AGNPH Stories

Gamma's Story by gamma


New Beginnings

Welcome back. I see you want me to continue, so let's get started.

I woke the next morning, expecting to see Jenny like I did the day before, but she was nowhere in sight. I heard the door open and turned to see who was there. Nurse Joy walked into the room.

"Oh, good, you're awake," she said when she saw me. "How're you feeling?"

"Vee," I said looking up at her.

She gently patted my head before getting to work. She unwrapped the bandages once again and examined my body. "Well, it looks like you've almost completely recovered," she said happily. "Your wounds have healed enough that I don't even need to replace these. Jenny'll be happy to know you can leave here today."


"You want to know where she is?" she asked me. I nodded to her. "She went off on a hike this morning. She should be back soon."

"Gamma, I want you to try to stand up," she continued. I laid there for a moment before attempting to. My legs felt weak from the lack of usage. I slowly brought my forelegs under my chest, then planting my hind paws under my belly. I carefully started to lift myself up. My legs wobbling below me as I stood. I held myself as long as I could, but my muscles wouldn't let me stay up for long. They gave out and I collapsed back onto the bed. Joy helped me return to my original position.

"Hmm...I think you're going to need some exercise. Not using your legs has made them pretty weak. I'll be sure to let Jenny know," she said. "Are you hungry, Gamma?" My stomach answered before I could. She smiled before walking out of the room. She returned a moment later with a bowl filled with something I didn't recognize. I sniffed it before taking a piece. Surprisingly, it tasted pretty good. I looked up at her confused, not knowing what this substance was.

"What?" I nuzzled the bowl and looked back up at her. "You want to know what it is? It's Pokefood, it's a special food made for Pokemon. It's got all the nutrients and vitamins you need and it's flavored to fit the Pokemon's tastes. I don't know what you like, so I just picked one off the shelf. I hope it's alright."

"Eev eevee," I responded and continued eating the Pokefood.
"It's great,"

She smiled as she turned to leave the room. I finished eating just as the door opened again. I looked up from the bowl and saw Jenny walk in. She looked exhausted. She settled into the chair next to me. She reached over and began running her hand through my fur. "How are you feeling, Gamma?" she asked me. I nuzzled her hand affectionately to answer her. "That's good."

About twenty minutes passed when Tom came into the room. He walked over to me and scratched behind my ear. I lazily closed my eyes from the treatment.

"How is he?" he asked Jenny.

"He's fine. He just needs to get some exercise. His legs are pretty weak from being here for so long."

"Wow, that sucks. Well, did Nurse Joy tell you if he can leave today?"

"Yeah, she said his injuries have recovered enough that he can."

"That's great! When did you want to take him back?"

"I guess now's as good a time as any." And with that, she reached over to me, gently lifting me off the bed and holding me in her arms. I shifted slightly, trying to get comfortable as she carried me out of the room. I looked all around as she walked down the hall, trying to see everything I could of this strange place. We got to the lobby where we met up with Nurse Joy. She called Jenny over to the front desk.

"You're taking him home now?" she asked.

"Yeah," Jenny replied.

Joy handed Tom a couple of jars seeing that Jenny couldn't carry them with me already occupying her arms. "He seems to enjoy that particular kind of Pokefood, so I want you to take these. Remember, make sure he gets some exercise and try not to overdo it, he is still weak after all. Well, goodbye you three."

"Bye," Jenny and Tom said in unison.

"Eevee vee eevee," I said to her. Jenny carried me out of the Pokemon Center with Tom following close behind.
"Thanks for everything,"

After a few minutes we arrived at their home. Tom opened the door to allow our entry. As we entered, my eyes darted all over the place. It was a small house by human standards, but to me it was huge. The outer walls were made of a deep red brick. The carpet in the living room was a pale purple, almost the same color as my fur. There was a small but comfortable looking couch against the wall, which in the middle contained a window with white curtains. Jenny set me down on the couch, which was just as comfortable as it looked, and she sat down next to me.

"Welcome to your new home, Gamma" she said to me, running a hand down my back. I figured I'd enjoy this place. It looked comfortable, spacious, and safe.

I began to get sleepy as Jenny continued to stroke me, and I laid my head down and closed my eyes.

I woke from my nap and looked out the window behind me. Considering the angle I was at with the window and the fact that the couch blocked my view, all I could see was high in the sky. It was mid-afternoon, judging from the brightness. I looked around the room, hoping to see Jenny or Tom, but neither was in sight. I tried to stand up again, and managing to do so, I stood on the couch. I tried walking forward a couple steps, but my legs didn't want to go. I
lost my balance and fell onto my side. The front door opened and Jenny stepped into the house, followed closely by Tom. Jenny smiled when she saw that I was awake.

"Hey, Gamma. How was your nap?" she asked me.

"Eevee" I said to her, nodding.

She walked over to me and sat down. She ran her hand down my head and back. I enjoyed the feeling of her hand on my skin and closed my eyes in the pleasure. Tom walked into another room in the house and out of view. I noticed he was carrying a bag with him. He was probably going to put whatever was in it where it belonged. About a minute later, he walked back into the living room. He came over next to Jenny and me and scratched the top of my head. He sat down in a chair near where I laid and picked something up that was on it. He pointed this object at a box on the other side of the room and did something with it. The box sprang to life, the glass portion on the front lighting up. I looked at it curiously, not knowing what it was. I heard a voice come from this mystery box as a picture of a human female was displayed on the front.

"And another Pokemon's body was found earlier today on the northern coast, just north of Ryca. No one knows what's been causing this, and there are no clues as to how to find it," the woman said.

"I wonder what's killing all those poor Pokemon" Jenny said, continuing to stroke my fur.

"Haven't got a clue, Jen" Tom replied. "Maybe there's some anti-Pokemon conspiracy."

"Don't even joke about that, Tom."

"Alright, let's just drop it."

A different human appeared on the screen. This time, a man in front of a map.

"Tomorrow's weather looks like some scattered thunderstorms. High temperature of 67 with a nighttime low of 33. Winter is almost upon us, people, and that means it's time to get ready for cold weather ahead. Here's the weekly forecast. Thursday, partly cloudy, high of 65. Friday's looking like some more rain with some heavy thunderstorms. High temperature of 63. The weekend is looking like it's going to be a bit cold, highs of 53 and 54. I'm predicting the first snow of the year is going to be in about a week and a half, judging by this cold front coming along from the east along with all this moisture in the air."

"Aww, looks like I'm not going to be able to go on a hike tomorrow" Jenny said sadly. I nuzzled her hand to comfort her. She looked down at me, smiling. "Well at least someone cares about my hikes." She laughed as she finished the sentence.

"Yeah, yeah. You and your hikes, Jen. I have work tomorrow, so I might as well get the umbrella out" Tom said, standing up. He walked into another room and out of my sight.

Jenny looked down at me once more. "You feel up for trying to get some exercise?" she asked me. I nodded to her, wanting to give it another shot. I planted my four paws underneath me and slowly pushed myself up. I stood shakily for a moment. Realizing that I didn't have the strength to maintain the posture, I sat down, taking the weight off my front legs.

"You okay?" Jenny asked me, a look of concern on her face. I nodded curtly to her to answer. I felt an emptiness in my belly and looked up to Jenny. She gave me a confused look.

"What is it, Gamma?" she asked. I carefully removed one of my front paws from the couch and tapped my gut with it, quickly replanting it as I began to lose my balance. "You're hungry?" I answered her with another nod.

"Okay, hang on, I'll be right back." She stood up and walked out of the room into the kitchen.

Tom walked back into the room carrying a black object. He set it up against the door and sat back down in the chair. I looked over at the box again to see yet another human speaking.

"A note to all you Pokemon trainers and owners, PokeFlu season is right around the corner. Vaccinations are available at all Pokemon Centers, although they are in a limited supply."

"PokeFlu season, eh?" Tom said. "Never had to worry about it till now. I think maybe we should get you vaccinated, Gamma. Wouldn't want you to get sick."

I stared at him until I heard Jenny's voice.

"What were you saying, Tom?" she said as she reentered the room. She was carrying a small dish and I could smell a sweet aroma coming from it. She set it down in front of me and I recognized it instantly as the Pokefood that Joy had given me earlier that day. I dug into the dish, enjoying the taste of the food.

"PokeFlu season is coming up, I was saying I think we should get Gamma vaccinated."

"Good idea. I'll take him in tomorrow morning. I hope they haven't run out by then."

"I don't see how they would have."

"Yeah, you're probably right."

A low rumble could be heard from outside. I looked up from the bowl and looked out the window. Dark clouds were in the sky. Another rumble sounded. I suddenly heard the sound of rain falling on the roof of the house and water spattered the window I was peering through.

"Seems like that storm's starting a bit early" Tom said.

"Sure does" Jenny replied.

I finished my meal and laid back down, resting my head on my paws. I continued to watch this mysterious box for a couple hours before I began to fall asleep. Another crack of thunder jolted me awake again, however. I was lying there, tired and wanting to drift off into a peaceful slumber, but every time I would close my eyes, another loud boom would bring me out of it. Tom stood up from the chair and walked off into his bedroom. Jenny turned off the box with the black object that Tom had used on it before. She stood up from the couch and made to go to her room to sleep. She stopped, however, and turned to face me.

"Did you want to sleep out here, Gamma? Or would you rather come sleep in my room?" she asked me.

I slowly tried to stand up once again and she walked back over to me.

"I take it you want to sleep with me, huh?"

I nodded to her. She placed her hands below my shoulders and gently lifted me up, cradling me. She carried me into her bedroom which contained a bed, a small wooden table next to a small bookshelf, and a desk against the far wall. She set me down carefully onto the bed and left the room. To be honest, I preferred the couch to this bed, but it wasn't bad considering what I slept on before I came to live with Jenny, back when I still lived with my family. I heard a strange sound come from a nearby room in the house, sounding almost like rushing water. Jenny walked back into the room wearing just a tee shirt and underwear, carrying her other clothes with her which she deposited into a plastic bin near the door. She approached the bed and drew back the blanket that was on it. She laid down on the bed and pulled me closer to her, drawing the blanket back over both of us. I could feel the warmth of her body along mine, and I enjoyed it. It was comforting.

"Good night, Gamma" she said to me in a whisper.

"Eev eevee" I replied to her.
"Good night"

I curled up next to her and closed my eyes, finally drifting into a peaceful sleep.

Well, there you have it. My first day in my new home with Jenny and her brother, Tom. I'm a bit tired now, so I'll be going. I'll tell you more later, alright?
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