AGNPH Stories

My First and FOREVER Love by hamos


Story Notes:

Disclaimer: I do not own pokemon and all publicly recognized characters that are the property of their owners. I am in now way associated with Nintendo or GameFreak, ect. No copyright infringement is intended.

Young enough to dread Passion?

Sorry this chapter took so long, I had other things to do for the moments that I spent off duty.

About six mouth's later...

At this point in Krodic life he had started exploring his sexuality since he had recently seen his father and two mother's mating one night! He had confronted his father on the subject. He was closer to his father then anyone else inside and outside the family. When Hamos had heard what his son was asking him, he thought of no better opportunity to tell his son about the way's of the world. To be honest to himself, Hammy thought he taught his son way to much. And he was just waiting for the time to come when he would see if he had in fact taught his son to much. Little did he know that time would come all to soon...

Krodic was in his new built in room that Hamos had created for him and his sister as they were now to old enough to sleep by them selves. He was playing with his stealth, getting little bits of pleasure every time he moved one of his claws over it. He had already masturbated before! Little did Krodic know that Hamos he caught him doing this. Hamos didn't think he should say anything even though he was way to young to be performing this act already in his life. Hamos let it go, he was very understanding and only hoped that in not stopping his child from what he was doing would not bring upon something bad.

Krodic's member had appeared from out of it's hiding place. He started to play with the tip with his tail. Doing so got a quick soft moan out of him. Feabby had just barely heard this sound and went to investigate. Meanwhile Krodic thought he might try something new as his cock was now fully erect. He thought, {since I've cleaned myself there before, I bet I could put it in my maw}. He had never done this before, but dad did say that when someone puts it into their mouth it really feels good! He had thought before that this would hurt because of the teeth or fangs in one's maw. However his dad explained that if one is careful not to touch their teeth to his penis then you would really enjoy it. So he thought, { Why can't I do that to myself}. Krodic slowly put his head over his monhood, careful not to let his teeth touch. Krodic was very flexible and could perform this with ease. He slowly closed his maw completely over it and was struck by such a pleasurable feeling he could hardly keep his maw closed around his member to stop himself from moaning out load and risk getting caught. This is amazing he thought, why haven't I tried this before. Just barely outside the door was Feabby. A scent caught her nose and it was coming from inside Krodic's and her bedroom. She decided to investigate.

(Feabby) "BROTHER!"
(Krodic) OH MY GOD! Sis it's not what you think!
(Feabby) What are you doing, and what is that between your legs?
(Krodic) You mean you don't know!?
(Feabby) No I don't.
(Krodic) Haven't you ever seen dad and one of our mom's mate before?
(Feabby) Mate?
(Krodic) So you don't know. Um...would you like to find out?
(Feabby) Sure, it looked like fun anyway.
(Krodic) Well first I should tell you this is my penis and the reason you've never seen it before is because it stay's hidden and protected inside my stealth when I'm not using it.
(Feabby) Ok!? I still don't really understand. I mean why don't I have one or one of our mom's have one?
(Krodic) That's being's me to the next part of what we're going to do. You see I have one of these to put into your hole.

He pointed to her slit just below her tail hole. Krodic was trying to make this as simple as possible for his little sister. He knew she was younger and didn't understand things as easy as he did.

(Feabby) Oh! But wouldn't that hurt if you did that to me?
(Krodic) Yes, it will hurt the first time. However the pain will start to go away as we are doing this and it will start to feel good.
(Feabby) Umm.....ok. So can we do it then?
(Krodic) WHAT!!!!?
(Feabby) Well you said it will be fun after a while and I like having fun. So can we?

Krodic couldn't believe what he was hearing. His sister wanted to mate with him! His own sis! Well I guess it would be ok he thought, besides dad never said that it would be bad if I mated with my sis. But there's still something telling me I should not do this.

(Feabby) Brother!? Can we?

Well why not, it would be a good experience for both of them.

(Krodic) Ok sis, we can mate together. Now turn around and lift your tail.
(Feabby) Ok brother.

Feabby still wasn't quiet sure of what was to become of this, but she didn't imply that she didn't want to do this. So she just wait for what was about to happen. Krodic thought he must have been crazy to do this. However he didn't intend to stop now that he has already started. His member was still rock, therefor he positioned the tip at her entrance. The eevee could feel the heat from her brother on her back side and just kept waiting, just a little more anxious this time. Krodic pushed a very small portion of his meat in to keep him self in alinement with her tunnel. Feabby feel a small bit of pleasure from her walls being spread gently apart, and let out a soft moan of joy. Now she couldn't wait for what lye just head in this small portion of time.

Krodic leaned down so that he was lying on his sister's back. Indicating the use of the doggy-style position in this first time ordeal. His head was now beside Feabby's. He whispered in her ear.

(Krodic) Are you ready?

All Feabby could do was nod as her voice had been taken away from her in this situation. Krodic nodded back and slowly eased his way into her. She's so tight Krodic thought, I won't be able to last much longer. The little eevee was enjoying her treatment just as much. Krodic had got a large portion of his love parts in when he suddenly felt a barrier blocking him from going any further. He grabbed under the dog's front legs, tensed up his muscles and bucked as hard as he could. Breaking the barrier and impaling his entire length with in her sweet jewel while releasing his life giving fluids deep inside her cunt.


His sister was crying heavily and wouldn't stop. She had been taken by her own brother. Krodic quickly released his sis to let her drop to the ground crying uncontrollably. Krodic was ashamed of himself. He had given his sister a cruel punishment of pain within side her. It was then that along with his sperm on him, that there were also traces of blood. He looked over at his recently mated with relative, and that's when he noticed a trail of blood leaking out of her box. Krodic was almost frozen in shock at what he had done to her. Krodic burst into tears, got down on the ground with his sister comforting her and apoligizing.

(Krodic) I'm sorry! II'mmm s...s.sso!

Even though the pain was so severe that almost everything around her was irrelevant, she had heard brother's plea's for forgiveness. She also heard the sincerity in his voice, but was in no position to do anything about it even though comforted her somewhat, the pain from having her hymen be taken was more then she could handle and just kept on crying with her brother.


(Hamos) What was that!?
(Elishea) What was what, I could only hear your moans of pleasure!
(Hamos) "It's Feabby!" Something's wrong? She's hurt!
(Elishea) "WHAT?"
(Hamos) Quick, jump on I can run faster then both us even while caring you. Quickly!
(Elishea) Take me to my baby, NOW!

And then Hammy raced off with Elishea barely hanging on at the speed they were going. Hamos was topping 100mph trying to get to his child as fast as possible. Ready to face off whatever is hurting his daughter and dreading ever having the thought of running off with his love to please his needs. Both of them were totally unprepared for what they were about to face.

Back in the cave only a few minutes after what had happened, Hammy came at full force around the corner to stop dead in his tracks so suddenly at what he saw, that the one on his went flying dead on into the wall. Hammy was horrified at the sight of a puddle of blood mixed with sperm with a dried up trail leading to now swollen pussy which belong to his baby with his son, Krodic there beside her hugging her with all of his might until he heard something hit the wall that instantly made his try to find out what had made the noise. Even Feabby stopped crying was dazzled and frightened by the noise. Once Krodic saw who it was and saw that his dad was staring at him jaw dropped. He felt something heavy sink deep inside of him. He new he was going to be punished for what he had done. He backed away from his mess of a sister and ran out of the cave crying. He felt he would never be able to see his family again.

Hammy had ran over to his young, protecting and cleaning her from the mess that was left on her. Being careful around his opening.

(Hamos) Shhhh...It's ok. Daddy's here now...stop your crying...I will protect you from the's ok we're here now...your ok.

The sweet voice of her father converted the over whelming cry into a soft sob. Elishea ran over to help him take care of her.

(Elishea) It's ok, tell us what happend.
(Hamos) That's enough, it's ok. I know what happened. You don't need to tell us. Just rest now. That's it, just dream sweet dream's. We'll be here for you. Just rest.

Feabby almost instantaneously after hearing her loving father say these words, she felt like she was totally safe and nothing would ever happen to her again. She felt nice and warm in her parents paws and fell asleep. After she was asleep and curled up in a little ball, Elishea had to just ask Hammy what happened. She just had to know what and who had hurt her little ball of fur so badly.

(Elishea) Hammy what happened?
(Hamos) My rock hard empty head is what happened! I should have told you before, Krodic caught us once. He asked me about it and I think I told him to much. Because I've been catching him masturbating. I should have told you before. None of this is his fault either. He would have never hurt his sis intentionally. She must have wanted to mate with him.
(Elishea) Of Course! She doesn't know any better, but you I would have thought you'd know better then this. Look what it's done. I otta just fix you just fix you right now! Grrrrr!
(Hamos) Look enough of this, your over reacting. Besides I got to go find our son, have a talk with him and bring him home. Once I have you can do whatever you want with me. I deserve no less of a punishment.

Hammy ran out following his son's easy to follow trail.

Krodic was sitting on the edge of a lake crying his little heart out, knowing that he was now on his own unaware that his dad was sitting on a branch above him, hating himself for he had done to his family.

(Krodic) he was doing. I'm enough to know....................that I should have.....just stayed.....out of IIIT!
(Hamos) You know it wasn't your fault!

Hamos jumped out of the tree and landed behind a bush. And he had just revealed himself by walking up and sitting by his son and looking up at the now clear night sky. He had almost gave his son a heart attack, and was now lying on the ground inhaling fast and deep. Trying to catch his breath at his father's unexpected appearance. Once he had settled down he heard his father say something that he thought he would never hear his father say.

(Hamos) Krodic, I was wrong! I should have known better then to tell you about mating and I should have said something when I caught you jerking-off the first time.

Krodic became frozen again, he didn't know his dad had saw him. He became very embarrassed and started to blush. Hamos could feel his son.

(Hamos) Krodic, I mean son! There's nothing to be embarrassed about. It's quite natural, um not at your age of course. But almost every mon out there does it at least once in they're lives if not twenty times. Even females like your mother's normally masturbate on a regular basis.
(Krodic) Dad?
(Hamos) Yes son?
(Krodic) Have you............................[Hamos cut him off to finish his sentence]
(Hamos) Ever masturbated, Yes. Before I met your mother's I did quite a but of pleasing myself. I did it to make me feel better about myself. I used to be very lonely when I was in school which you will be going to soon. You see I had an unhappy child hood.
(Krodic) What happened?
(Hamos) After what has happened I think you've learned and grown enough for me to tell you. I was abused by adopted parent's. After my birth mother had given birth to me she died from being to weak to fight off a virus she got because of having me. You see she gave live birth to me, it happen's. However it's very uncommon. So after she died, my dad lost himself! He through me out into the woods in the rain. Then I was adopted by two female hating males.........................................................They raped me! That sent me to the hospital. Everyone looked at me differently from then on. My best friend. Even my best friend. I killed my best friend...Because he was calling me names, saying things and pretending to act out the scene when it happened. It got me so fieriest that I attacked and killed him. I dread that day as I do the day I changed your world to soon, and for the worst...........................You have to believe me, I love you son and I love your sister and the rest of my family. Look I know how you feel but it's not your fault, it's mine. I just hope this never happen's again. Krodic you need to listen to me, when we had that conversation I told you that you were not nearly old enough to mate and you still aren't. And you won't be for a long time. I need to tell you though, you will know, when the time comes. But till then I want you to keep it in your stealth for now. But if you have an urge then find a safe hidden place and ease your temptations, but only when you need to got it! Now I'm also going to say that when the time comes make sure it's with someone you truly love. Now we need to head back, mom will get worried. And don't worry your self either your not in trouble. Your sister will forgive you and so will your mother. But I do have one question, did she want to mate?
(Krodic) Yes, but it would have never have happened if she didn't catch me masturbating.
(Hamos) So that's how all this got started. It's ok just try to make sure it doesn't happen again with anyone. Now are you ok? Ready to come back with me?
(Krodic) Yes, thanks dad! I love you!

Hammy and Krodic walked home together discussing random things like when he was going to teach them how to fish and when they would be going to see they're grandparents. It was a long walk so at one point neither of them had anything to say to each other. Just then A genger and arbok and they were all to familiar. They were the ones that had attacked Elishea long ago. Hamos knew this just by their looks and smells.

(Gengar) Long time no see. I knew we would find you eventually. The that time we met we were weak but that has changed since then. We are going to take you and your kid. And we'll do things to you that will make you wish you never saved that bitch of a female. She was are play toy and you took her away. So now you two will become our new play toys.
(Hamos) I will never let you touch my son.
(Gengar) Well that's not your decision to make, it's our's.
(Krodic) Dad!
(Hamos) Get behind that tree, NOW!
(Gengar) Get him!
(Hamos) Oh no you don't!

Hamos was filled with rage and sent out a fire blast that had a direct hit and knocked the snake mon out cold. The only thing that he was keeping in his mind was to protect his son liked he promised.

(Gengar) Pitiful! Getting knocked out by that weak attack! You're weak!
(Arbok) SssI'mssssnotsssweakss.
(Gengar) Prove it, defeat his son.

Arbok slithered up to the tree and wrapped himself around his pray. He then revealed his two long fangs ready to dig them selves into the little charmander.

(Krodic) DAD! HELP ME!

Hamos was not going to let that arbok get the best of his son. Hamos bit down as hard as he could into the kobra's neck feeling bones crush under the force and hearing the hissing scream from him.

(Hamos) Let go of my son and I won't kill you!
(Arbok) Sssyessss.

The arbok unwrapped Krodic.

(Hamos) But for even touching my son you deserve this.

Hamos through the snake as hard as he could at the gengar and knocking them both into a tree. The arbok just lye there unable to move.

(HAMOS) You should have made your self transparent you stupid fool!

(Gengar) You worthless pathetic fool! I should have killed you long ago.

The shadow pokemon was about to unleash a shadow ball onto the limp body when a ball of fire hit his arm and stopped the attack.

(Hamos) You're fight is with me, not him.
(Gengar) Fine, I shouldn't waste my energy on him anyway. So I will use it on your son.
(Hamos) NO!

Gengar turned toward the frightened little mon and fired another shadow ball that was directly aimed on him. Hammy jumped in the way just in time. The ball of darkness hit him in the head and got him to the ground. Hamos quickly got up and was ready for his opponent's next attack. Krodic just stand there watching in amazement as his father was defeating the two mon's with ease. Hamos on the other hand had no mercy left inside him after that attack

(Hamos) NEVER..NEVER EVER...EVER ATTACK MY SON YOU BASTARD! AND NOW YOU NEVER WILL AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Krodic had never heard his dad use foul language, and was scared because he most have been very mad. Hamos unleashed what was hidden within him. A flamethrower that was at least fifteen feet in diameter. It was so hot that the entire flame was pure white. It must have been over 2000 degrees Fahrenheit. It burned everything in it's path. The gengar tried to use night shade to block the attack but it was quickly overwhelmed by the fire. Hamos kept up the flame for only seconds. He didn't need to fire it any longer. When he stopped his attack he took a look around The ghost pokemon was disintegrated from the heat. His body was know more then the air around them now. Luckily the arbok was not in the path of the flame, but he still could not move very well after the damages done to him earlier. Hamos beckoned his son to come out from behind the tree and they slowly approached the snake.

(Hamos) I am sparing your life, so if you anything to enrage me again you will end up like your friend. Now when you can get out of here and I never want to see you around these part's again got it!

The arbok weakly nodded his head to comply.

(Hamos) Good. Now let's get home son. You've had enough of an adventure for one day.

They started to walk home again when Krodic just had to ask a question.

(Krodic) Dad that was amazing! Do you think you can teach me that please!?
(Hamos) Maybe one day son, but not until then. And don't bother me about it either got it?
(Krodic) Yes dad. And thanks for saving me.
(Hamos) That's what dad's are for. Did you think I was a big patch of lovable fur?
(Krodic) No I didn't but I never expected that.
(Hamos) There are a lot of thing's you don't know about me. And it will remain that way until the day comes when I share it with you or until you ask the right question.
(Krodic) Ok dad.

Krodic was upset that his dad wouldn't tell him anything else. It just made him more determined.
Finally they reached home and went in. Ember was still gone on her trip to Element's National Park that was paid for by Hamos as a gift for her birthday last week along with a mystery date, that he thought she might like to have a little company with her on her trip. He thought it would be nice for her to find her own mate instead of just Hammy. But she sent them a post card and the family got it two day's ago. And it said thank's for the friend a long on the trip. But I will still only love you! He accepted that he didn't want to let her go either, he just wanted her to be happy and have her own choices. Krodic and Hamos talked to Elishea when they saw her and she understood that it wasn't Krodic's fault and she was just glad that he was ok and she gave him a big loving hug. Feabby was awake when they came back so Krodic thought he should give her the apology that she deserved. However she stopped him from apologizing and told him...

(Feabby) I know you didn't mean to hurt me and that you love me deeply I just couldn't tell you in the pain I was having. It's not your fault. I still love you.
(Krodic) I am still deeply sorry for what happened and I still love you too. How are you felling now?
(Feabby) It still hurt's a little. I'm ok thou.
(Krodic) I hope you feel better. Look I need to tell you not to tell anyone about this either ok?
(Feabby) Sure. I'm sleepy. I'm going to bed, you coming?

Before Krodic said anything he looked up at his parent's to make sure it was ok. They nodded they're head's and watched their little one's walk off to bed.

(Hamos) I guess I will have to build that one his own personal room that only he can enter so he can have some privacy.
(Elishea) I guess so!

From that moment on Krodic became determined to learn and know everything there is to learn and know. He became very smart and you could see it even the very next day. He inspected things more carefully from then on to gain as much knowledge as possible. Because he wanted to become just like his dad.

I hope you all gained more of an image of what kind of mon Hamos is. This one took a little more then you think out of me. This chapter is my own little dedication to my new friend the Tinkler. For showing me that even if your new at doing something you should still give it your all. Hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I hope you all send me reviews and requests!
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