AGNPH Stories

Coordination by yarid


Written by Cammy

Hiya! My name is Cammy! The "Author" asked me to give you some insight into the way Zach catched us and what I think of our group.

He says to tell you that this is not a story, and that if you haven't read the other stories, there might be things called "spoilers" after this point, if you have not read Chapter 3 (Author's note: Chapter 3 is not out yet, so there is some spoiler on the matter of Cynthia). What does that mean?... oh. Right. Anyway.

First, there's Zach. I like him lots, he's kind to almost everyone, though he was kinda rude to that Gardevoir a bit ago. I'm not sure why, to be honest, because what she was saying sounded cool, but when Zach leaves, the rest of us follow. Zach has what humans call "sandy" hair, which I think means its between brown and yellow in color. It doesn't look like sand, though, 'cause it's too dark. His eyes are the color of dead pine needles... which makes them sound less pretty than they are. It's a good color. His skin was really light when I hatched, but now it's much darker, only a few shades lighter than his hair and eyes. He wears a really dark brown coat all the time, which reaches down past his knees, and it makes him look like a tree trunk from a distance, if you don't look at the blue of his jeans poking out underneath. He's got really scuffed brown boots made of leather, he calls them "steel toed," though they don't look like my toes. Maybe I have fighting toes instead of steel toes? His shirt is the color of a cloud just as it's starting to decide to rain; a bit grey, but still bright. He wants to call it "cream," though. Maybe it needs a wash.

Zach is always nice to me and Beni. Even when I broke his new fishing rod, he only looked at it and then threw it away as soon as he found a trash can. He didn't even yell at me, and being a Riolu then, I wasn't much use to him. I was afraid he'd release me, and I wanted to follow him, but the only thing he did to me was tell me that catching fish was my job. It was really hard at first, but I had Beni ask a Pelipper how he did it, and the Pelipper gave me suggestions, and I made a net out of reeds and grass by the river. The look on his face was really proud when he saw how much I caught the first time I used the net, and I evolved really fast after that.

Zach is never nice to people who aren't nice to him. Beni keeps telling him that, *An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind,* which I don't understand, since someone would have to have an eye left after that, and blind people aren't going to be able to find it if they can't see. I told Zach this once and he started laughing. The next time Beni used that expression on him, Zach replied that "In a country of the blind, a one-eyed man would be king." I'm not sure what that means, either, but Beni didn't have any reply and Zach said that I had given him the idea.

Beni is an Arcanine, a big pokemon that looks a bit like the lion I saw in the zoo and a dog I saw once in Hoenn, which Zach called a husky. She's got red and black fur, a yellow-white mane, and fangs that are this big. I guess you can't see my arms, so I'll tell you that the fangs are as big as my hands put together. I like her, but she also scares me a bit. She goes real quiet sometimes, when she and Zach are watching the sunrise, and he just looks at her, sort of sad, as she stands perfectly still. I think the two of them had something happen once to them, and they're trying to deal with it. I asked Beni about it once, and she just got really stern and told me to ask Zach. Zach got really flustered and told me to ask Beni. "Who am I supposed to ask?" I wailed at both of them, but they didn't respond. I guess it's none of my business.

Beni is the one to keep Zach from doing things which are dangerous. I try, but I get excited easily and so when Zach suggests something that sounds like fun, sometimes I don't remember that fun things can hurt, too. Beni is always able to stop Zach when she tries, but sometimes Zach just gives her a look and Beni goes silent. I think that they worked out a long time ago who was supposed to be in control, and those moments are when Zach feels he has to do something. Beni usually sounds unhappy afterward, but she's admitted before that he was right.

I'm told that it was Beni that helped the most to hatch me. She's kinda standoffish around me in a lot of ways, like I imagine a mother might be, but Zach told me once that she always lay around my egg, keeping it warm and waiting to see what would hatch. She had a pouch that she used to carry me in when I was really young. I don't remember that, but Zach showed me the pouch and I saw claw marks in the bottom which might have fit my Riolu feet, so it makes sense. He said the egg used to fit in there too, but that Beni didn't want to risk it being broken, so she made him carry it. It sounds like she really cares about me and Zach, but thinks its her job to protect us like a mommy.

I'm me, a Lucario. I don't look very different from other Lucario, but Zach gave me a charm bracelet with a pokemon egg on it, that I wear all the time.

Venus is new. We don't really know her well yet, but she seems really friendly and cheerful all the time. I only understand a few words of what she says, most of the time. Sometimes she goes really calm and then says things I understand all of, but that's rare and I'm not sure why she does that. Maybe her mommy or daddy taught her?

She seems to feel really attached to all of us. Zach is the most important one, to her, from what I see, but Beni definitely is a mother figure to her. I'm her big sister! I've never been anyone's big sister before, and it's a fun feeling! I get to tell her not to do things and help her do things she can't and all of that. It's really cool! She takes it nicely, too, and she does what I tell her to. I have to be careful not to say anything stupid, though, or she'll do that, too, and maybe get hurt. Then Zach would be angry with me, I think, and I don't ever want that.

Oh! Venus is a Mawile. Her "maw" is the big mouth that sticks out of her head, the one she uses to frighten other people and to hold on to tree branches and stuff. That part is black and yellow. The rest of her is sort of gold and black. She smells a bit like a spice Zach bought once. It was really expensive, but it tasted good in rice. It was called saffron.

Cynthia isn't part of our group. She's the Pokemon Champion for the Sinnoh Region, which Celestic is a part of. Zach comes from Sinnoh, so he feels a lot of respect for her. I saw the two of them hugging after seeing Celestic, and I'm not really sure what to think about that. Zach says she was just really sad and lonely, and he felt like he should comfort her, but that night when we had sex (for the first time, yay!) he was really eager. I think Zach feels attracted to her, which might be good. Zach can't marry a pokemon, after all, and marriage seems really important to him. Maybe it will be alright if he marries her and keeps us. I hope he can talk her into letting him still sleep with us.

I just realized that I've never seen humans mate. Do they mate like pokemon? I saw a man give another man flowers once, and Zach told me that was courtship, and turned away a bit with embarrassment. I don't understand that, especially since Beni says that pokemon in the wild have lovers that are the same sex as them about as often as they have mates. It seems to be a natural thing, but Zach is bothered by it. I'll figure that out sometime. He doesn't seem to be bothered by women liking women, though, because he had a magazine about that for a long time. I loved that magazine, it gave me all sorts of ideas for how to get Zach to love me.

The Author says I should finish this up. Thanks, everyone! I love you!

Cammy is a 6 year old Lucario. She has been a Coordinator correspondent for six months and specializes in human relationships.
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