AGNPH Stories


You've defeated the Elite Four; you're now the strongest pokémon trainer in all of Kanto. But there's so much more to being a Pokémon Master than simply winning battles.

Mewtwo is the most powerful pokémon alive, created solely to be the best. However, Mewtwo discovers the consequences of cornering a trainer between a rock and a hard place.

You'll have to learn how to deal with a psychotic pokémon dedicated to your destruction.

Mewtwo will have to learn how to deal with people in general.

Grab some popcorn, put on a helmet, and let the chaos ensue.

Story Notes:

Well, this is my first time delving into the world of Pokémon fanfiction so I hope the story is decent. I also would like to note that I wrote in 2nd person "you" style and that the character portrayed is female (even if you can't tell at first) so if you find that uncomfortable just replace the "you"s with "I"s or "she"s.Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.Spoilers: Possible spoilers for the game Pokémon Fire Red / Leaf Green version.

  1. Prologue: The Calm Before The Storm (3834 words)

  2. Epic Battle of Epicness (6846 words)

  3. All's Well That Ends Well? (4150 words)

  4. Run Forrest, Run! (4777 words)

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