AGNPH Stories

Untold Tales of Travelers by testa


A Tale of Death: Stumbling into Light

A Tale of Death: Stumbling into Light

Death growled low in his throat, looking over the other's in the pack. A particularly deadly gaze went to Bane, who had left the pack, but later was found and brought back into it, and now was also a mightyena. Death hated them all, from Bane to Thorn...and from Spike to his father. All of them were worthless, including the bitches, who he took pleasure from, whether they wanted it or not. None of them were even the slightest bit important. Just pawns for him to use to achieve what he wanted...and that was power...power and...attention.

So for now he kept them around, and let his father rule over the pack. It didn't really make much difference in the end. Death would slaughter them all, and then live life as a king over some pathetic gathering of fools. He'd take what he wanted, be it female or be it food. He gave a sinister chuckle as he thought about what he'd do.

Eventually though his thoughts were disturbed when a scout came up to Terror. "My Alpha! An absol has entered our territory. As expected she's alone."

Terror smiled, " she now?" he smiled, "Come on boys...let's give chase." Death arose and followed, while Bane sighing as he did the same. In a short while, the mightyena pack was chasing the absol, and into a corner. Death scowled, he didn't care much for how the absol looked, but pleasure was he didn't care. And like expected, they had her pinned against a rock wall. She gulped and shivered as she saw the mightyena surrond her. She let out a cry for help, "Don't waist your breath." Death said with a snicker.

Terror gave her an evil grin, "well, well, well, what do we have here? an absol come down from the mountains to grace us with her presence." the pack began laughing as their boss brought more fear into the already terrified dark pokemon.

"Wha.... you.....wa....nt?" was all she could say.

"Why, we want to have some fun." He chuckled.

One of the other mightyena added his voice, "boss we shouldn't let her get off such pertinent questions. After all she did come into our territory."

"You got a point she is trespassing. Heh heh heh and we can't let that go unpunished."

"I didn't know.......please I'm sorry.....please just let me go." the female pleaded.

Terror got another wicked grin, "since you asked so nicely I guess we wont tear you to a thousand bite sized pieces." The pack all laughed which sent a wave of fear down the absol. "But, we cant just let you go. I think we deserve to have some fun with you since you made us chase you." Terror stood up to reveal what he had in mind. The absol froze, shock on her face, on seeing the leaders cock hanging down.

"I expect the lot of you to stay back you can have your fun when I'm done with her." He began walking toward the recoiling absol. Death growled at the command, but let it be for now.

The dark female tryed to back up but was pinned to the wall. She closed her eyes and sreamed, "SOME ONE PLEASE HELP!!!!!"

Terror was at a full charge when a fire blast landed right in front of him stopping him cold. With a loud growl Terro let out a massive roar, "who the hell did that!?"

From the foliage a houndoom appeared. The mightyena pack forgot all about the absol and focused on this new comer, Death's eyes narrowing on him. Terror let out a loud bark, "who are you and why are you meddling in our affairs?"

"My name isn't revealed to a pack of weak, fools and I'm here to have some fun thrashing those same weak, fools." He replied. Before Death knew it, the beat down began.


Death couldn't believe that something like that had just happened. The houndoom had managed to beath them all down. Terror was cursing as they returned to the others in the pack, growling menacingly, "How could we lose!? He was just one houndoom!"

Death rolled his eyes, he was just one incredibly tough houndoom. Death had a bad feeling about the whole fight from the start. He knew nothing good was going to come of it...he just didn't know why. Something about the situation, as well as a voice in his head told him they'd fail. And he also had a feeling that another attack was'd end the same if not worse.

But Terror was livid, and wanted revenge, as did the other's in the pack, so they went off to keep an eye on the two. Death followed, just to make sure nothing happened to his pawns till they had served their purpose. Bane also, reluctantly, came along. Death grumbled under his breath, as he kept marching on, none to happy about this whole expedition.


Death growled, he couldn't have been more right about the whole thing. Terror was dead now, slain by the absol. Death knew it wasn't smart to attack just because the houndoom was injured, but did his worthless father listen? NO! Instead they attacked, and were beaten down by the female.

And to make matters worse, since Death was injured, the pack had lost the two most powerful members, and were being harassed by the locals. All of the females, plus a few males, Bane among them, had fled the pack. Now Death was the leader of a weak pack, which could never reclaim its old power in its current condition. Death's plans had been thrown into complete and total disarray.

"Fuck! Damn it!" he growled, sitting on his haunches as he snarled at the sky. He would not be denied his right though...he'd press on through any challenge!


A long time had passed since Death and his ragtag pack were forced to flee their old land. But the time had been well spent, they had recovered, found some food and fun in a group of lopunny and buneary. And right now they were looking for more members to add to the pack. This was proving difficult though, since none of the mightyena they found seem to fit Death's demands.

For the time being, they were still just the same numbers of those who had stayed from the first pack. And Death was getting hungry again, and there wasn't any prey in sigh...he gave the air a sniff. "Ha ha...well well well boys...I smell rodent." Death, and his minions, chuckled as they began moving to the source of the scent.

What they found was one raichu, not much, but at least she had just eaten some apples, so she was plump, tired, and easy prey. Death smiled, as he slowly advanced, but still were out of the chu's sight. "Well well well...what do we have here?"

"Looks like a fat little rat." one of his minions spoke out.

That was when they started emerging, Death smiling, "I do believe your right. A nice fat little snack." the pack began to laugh. The raichu was dead silent, unable to run anywhere she could only sit as the pack drew closer. "Ain't she a cute one too."

"Sorry boss, but I dont find prey to be very appealing unless it's in my stomach."

"True and my hunger for food is stronger than my hunger for a little fun so I guess we'll just eat her." The pack began to move in as she closed her eyes and let out a small cry. But before they got close, a mightyena appeared, ripping the ear off one of the pack. Death glared at him, "I don't believe it Bane. What the hell do you think your doing she's our prey go find some other meat." Of course, Death didn't mind that he'd get to kill his filthy brother.

Bane stood his ground, "Sorry but she's with me no ones laying a single tooth on her."

"My god Bane you really are pathetic. Hanging around with a raichu, a little rat good for nothing aside from food. Listen you weak little fool just stand aside and let us have her and you can keep your life." Death couldn't believe how much of a disgrace Bane was to their family.

Bane just stood there, "You not going to do anything to her. Back down now and I might spare you lives."

The pack just laughed, one of the mightyena to the sides joined the banter, "Please Bane your nothing but a weak little...." the rest of his sentence was cut off by a shadow ball to the face.

"RIKA RUN!" Bane yelled at the raichu. She quickly set off through the gap with Bane and kept running when he stopped and turned, "Get outta here I'll hold them off." The raichu looked back, but Death could see that his brother left no room for argument.

But it was the shadow ball that irritated Death the most. "Damn it I see we aren't the only one's to learn a few things in three months."

Bane smiled, "actually I could do that since before I joined your little group."

"You always were a problem, never wanted to go with the pack and do as you're told." The mightyena charged him, and the battle ensued.


Death growled, as he lay on a rock, waiting for his scouts to return with news on his brother's fate. Death was more then a tad agitated that not only was Bane traveling and protecting a raichu...but he was also traveling with the very two who had killed their father. Not that Death held any love for his departed parent, but because of those two Death's own plans were delayed.

At least Death had some satisfaction in the thought that Bane was dead...after all, he couldn't have possibly..."He survived Death."

Death snarled, "DAMN IT!!!" He glared, "The bastard is going to pay! I will see him dead!" Death took a deep breath, and started thinking calmly. He couldn't rush this, it would just be like when his father rushed. He'd need to wait, and plan carefully...then he'd bring them all to their knees.


Death was overjoyed, he had a plan already made out. He had two other groups to help, as well as a nidoking. And they even had the means of ambushing Bane and his friends. Nothing was going to ruin Death's plan...nothing at all. He knew in his black heart that this would be where it would all be decided. This would be where Bane would die. Death smiled to himself at the thought.


Death couldn't believe it. Everything had gone wrong. It was because he allowed himself to endulge in some pleasure rather then just making sure that Bane died. Now he was dieing, stuck to a tree, his blood leaking out, his life fading fast. He had so much to accomplish, so much to achieve, and now thanks to Bane, none of it would come to pass.

Death's last thoughts were simply curses and damnations upon his brother, who had taken everything from him.


He felt wet, disoriented. He wasn't sure which way was up, or where he was. He didn't know if the last images in his head were real or not...if they were, then he should be dead. As he opened his eyes, his vision was a blur, but seemed to be clearing up. As he regained his focus, he saw a very bizarre arbok, one with wings and claws. He also saw...something monsterous beyond all reason. He also noticed...tentacles? Coming from his sides!?

"Arise...Death." spoke the monsterous figure. "I am Errol. This is Sarak. And this..." he gestured to everything around him, "Is Biogen! We will rule the world!"

Death stood up, eyeing the two, before smirking, "Interesting. Do go on."


Death had been informed about Biogen and it's workings. And while he was indeed intrigued by it all, he was also bitter that he was taking orders yet again. Not even his ability to fly made up for the fact that he was now a pawn. The mighty Death! A mere pawn! It infuriated him beyond all reason.

At least he had something going for his happiness though. Biogen's goal was the destruction of Bane and his friends. And that was enough to make Death play subserviant, if only long enough to kill Bane. So he spent his time with Biogen getting used to his new body, and quickly learning of his new abilities. He'd definatly make Bane pay now. "Death. Come on, it's time to strike!"

Death smiled, and followed the snake Sarak. After Bane went down, the serpent would follow.


Death glared, seething in his quarters. Yet another failure. Yet again Bane walked away alive, while he was injured, and forced to recover. But how did it happen!? How could a new and improved Death fail to destroy his weak and worthless brother!? What made Bane so special!?

It didn't make sense! None of it did! Bane was still alive! BUT WHY!?

Death forced himself to calm down. It made no difference how the battle came out. The plan now was to let the group come to them. They'd tire themselves out fighting the grunts, and would be to weak to stand against the real warriors. Death would easily destroy Bane, then erradicate whoever was left. He'd then take Biogen for himself, and continue his plan. It was a fool-proof idea. Nothing would be able to stop him.

Of course, his plan never anticipated an extra member to the group who'd deal with the grunts. After that, everything went south.


Death couldn't believe had all gone wrong again. First Sarak lived through the base's destruction. Then they moved to a mountain for some giant cannon. They encountered the group again, and just when Death thought victory was within grasp, that mutt Inferno destroyed the cannon. Death may not have been at the center of the explosion, but he was close enough that his unstable form fell apart.

Death was in some sort of hell...or maybe limbo. He didn't know...nor did he care. He was dead and alone now. His plans were ruined completely. He couldn't even find his mother in this bad...he wanted to kill her. He growled, a tentacle slamming into the ground, "Damn it all!" He blinked, when he heard a strange voice. Then everything went white.


Death was mortified to find out his new position in the living world. He was fused with Sarak! That insane and weak little snake! And it was all because of Damien and Scar! Those two insane fools! They had the gall to do this to him!

Death sighed, calming down. He couldn't change what was, so there was no point getting angry about it. All that was left for him to do was to aid the two psychos till he was freed from Sarak, then he'd kill all of them, plus it'd mean that they'd destroy that filthy group of Bane's. So there was still some good to this whole mess.

He'd obey again, until the time came where his "supieriors" would cease being useful. To bad for Death that the plan would fall apart again, his brother recovering from the trick, and killing him yet again.


Death wearily rose, shaking his head, "Welcome back to life Death." Death looked up, and saw the face of the force he'd serve. "I am Orochi. Demon Serpent. And soon to be ruler of this pathetic world." He smirked, "Your father served as a good puppet, and you shall be an even better soldier. You've aided me without realizing it. It'd be a shame to not use you to your fullest."

Death nodded, "Yes...Lord Orochi." Death could feel that Orochi wasn't someone to make angry. He knew just from the few seconds of speaking to Orochi, that there'd be no betrayal, no killing off a false master...Orochi was his master, no questions. Death was quickly filled in on Orochi's plans, and was informed of what he'd be doing. Death nodded, and followed his lord to the Crown of Ribetium, then to the spot that Inferno would rise again.

Death kept a blank face as he watched an old enemy rise, no memory of him or his old friends. Inferno would indeed serve as an excellent warrior, just like Orochi wanted. Death was amazed at how well thought out the plan was, every detail was accounted for, and no chances were taken. Orochi had everything written up to this point. Now Death had to wait and see if Orochi's script would stay true till the others of the group were slain. Death wasn't sure what would be the outcome, but either way, he was getting tired of dieing.


The attack on the group had failed, mainly because Inferno was called back before the fight could really get under way. Add to that, a new face emerged. Death groaned as he adjusted himself on his bed. That marowak was tough, and very effective at hitting hard and fast. He sighed, adjusting again. It was becoming so predictable. He'd go in, fight, then be forced to retreat. Eventually he'd die, again, and spend a short time in limbo before getting called back to repeat the cycle all over again.

Death was getting tired of it all. Nothing was going as he wanted it to. He'd never get what he wanted, he accepted that. What chance did he have after all? It was nothing but failure after failure, caused by his wretched brother and his friends. Death had had enough, he wanted to just live out the rest of his life alone. He wanted nothing more to do with Bane, with getting powerful, with ruling. He just wanted to leave it all behind and start fresh. But as long as Orochi lived, that wouldn't happen.

Death got up and started wandering around the castle, not really minding where he was going. Eventually he got the scent of cooking food. He had wandered to the kitchen. Death looked in and saw the various chefs doing the cooking that kept Orochi's army fed. Death kept watching as the cooking went on. He had been fasinated by the concept of cooking food to make it taste better since his Biogen days. "Ah. Master Death. Something we can help you with?"

Death turned to the head chef, who wore a clean white apron, as usual, and a chefs hat upon his head. The garb was more for the man's vanity then for the actual job. Death shook his head, "No. I'm just watching how food is cooked. I never actually saw it when I was with Biogen."

"Ah." he nodded. "Perhaps master Death would like to assist us? I'm missing a few of my assistance, but they were dolts anyway, even an unknowing canine would be better help than them."

Death smiled, nodding, "Sure. I've got nothing better to do anyways."

"Ah yes. Orochi doesn't use you much does he. Probably doesn't trust you to not attack your brother."

Death growled, "I don't want anything to do with that mutt anymore. I learned to stop caring about him after death 2." The chef chuckled, "By the way. What's your name?"

The chef bowed, "Master of Culinary arts. King of Cooking. I am Jock Gusto!" He gave a pose of triumph.

Death blinked, then shook his head. Orochi sure knew how to pick'em. "So what do I do?"

Jock pointed to some berries, "Those are dry berries, I need you to grind them up, then mix it with some berry juice. But you'll need to get the juice from the berries next to the dry ones. Then you put the mix on that spoink." He pointed to the soon to be roasted spoink. Death nodded, and went to work. His tentacles made it very easy to grind up the dry berries, and juice the other berries. He mixed the two together, before basting the spoink. "Good, now put it in the oven, it's already been pre-heated so just shut the door when it's in."

Death nodded, obeying the commands. Jock nodded, " use those tentacles of yours and slice up those carrots." Death nodded, tossing the vegetables up and using quick whips to turn them into pieces. "Now take those and put it in the giant salad bowl over there." Death used his wings to carry the pieces over, and slide them into the salad. "Now toss it. Or basically mix it up."

Death nodded, grateful he had been told what tossing the salad ment, before he literally tossed it. Death was actually quite enjoying himself, before he smelt smoke. "Is something on fire?"

The chef looked about, "Wha..." he looked to the oven, "The roasts on fire! Some blithering idiot turned up the heat!" Death turned opened the oven door and took out the spoink, tossing it up briefly in the air since it was hot. "What do I do with it!?"

"It's inedible now! Toss it, literally!" Death obeyed, and threw the burning roast spoink aside...and into a chef, setting him on fire. The man screamed and began running around, setting the rest of the kitchen on fire. "Put me out! Put me out!" Once chef grabbed a bucket of water, and moved to help the other. But before he got to him, the chef bumped into a gaurd who had come to see what the commotion was, and was set of fire himself. The gaurd quickly began running himself, as the chef was put out. Death looked out of the door and saw several fires starting as the gaurd screamed and ran about. "I don't think Orochi will want you in here anymore Death." Jock said, surpressing a chuckle at the incident.

Death sighed, "I think your right."

"Tell ya what though. Come around at night and I'll help you learn how to not set the castle on fire."

Death glared, as Jock chuckled. With a shake of his head, and a small little laugh, Death went back to wandering about the castle.


Jock had been right, Death wasn't allowed in the kitchen least during the normal cooking. But Jock did give Death the lessons he promised. Death rather enjoyed cooking. He also enjoyed the spectacle Sarak had made out of himself just last week. Death didn't know that Sarak was such a pervert, but the snake had taken to spying on the women in the bath. Sarak wasn't a ninja though, and was caught on a regular basis. But the thing that made the last time so funny was that it was Dasi that Sarak was spying on.

The white female human, if she really was a human, had chased Sarak through out the castle. The chase only ended when they slipped on some water that they had left during their chase and were in a crumpled heap. Sarak had a great view of Dasi's privates, and Dasi saw first hand what a male serpents genetilia looked like. Sarak had been put in the infirmiry after Dasi stomped, kicked, and punch his crotch. Death did get a good view of her ass during the chase. While he didn't find much about her attractive, he did think she had a pretty good rear, for a skinny white human.

But aside from that, Death had become pretty bored during the day. Inferno had been injured, but was healed, and then made more powerful by Orochi. Inferno's ride and friend Draggany seemed to take quite the liking to him. Rumors began to spread among the low ranks that Inferno was mating the dragonite, but Death could see that that wasn't the case. The two were much like him and Jock, friends.

Death still couldn't believe that though. He had an actual friend. Granted Jock was a bit to laid back, but Death supposed that's what made him Jock. And Death needed a friend in this place, with psycho's all around him, and then there was Sima Yi. Death could tell Sima Yi had his own goals and plans, which were much different from Orochi's no doubt. Sima was a threat, and Inferno was showing signs of doubt. Death was getting the feeling that Orochi's plans were going to fall apart.


The day of the final battle was filled with blood shed, death, pain, and hate. Not to long ago, Death would have embraced that with open paws, welcoming the suffering that others felt. But as he was now, Death wanted nothing more to do with it. He had been right though, Orochi's plans did fall in around him. Death was glad he told Jock as much too. The chef had made his escape the night before the battle. Death didn't know if he'd see his friend again, he didn't even have hope of living past the fight. But Death was happy he managed to save his friend from the fate that would befall the others in Orochi's forces.

When the battle was over Death was stunned. He had lived through it! He managed to escape Bane and his mate, he had managed to get away. Orochi was dead, slain by the one who's life he had messed with for so long. Inferno was back with his friends, and Death was free of Orochi. He smiled, and began walking away from Koshi castle. He was finally free to live his life out.


Death coughed, groaning in pain. No more then a day after Orochi's fall, he had been attacked by a bunch of primape. He managed to beat them away and fly away, but he was badly injured now. He sighed, "I'm gonna die after all." he layed his head down. He suppose it didn't matter to him at all really. What point was there to living anyway? He had no purpose, no reason to go on. Why bother trying to live when your existence is pointless?

He sighed, when he heard humming. He closed his eyes, wondering who'd be his executioner. He opened his eyes, and saw a floatzel come into sight. The floatzel stopped looking at him, "Oh my god! Are you okay!?" the voice betrayed her as a female. She rushed up to him and looked him over, "My goodness, what happened to you?"

Death blinked, he hadn't expected this. "what's your name? Oh that's not important. Come on, my homes not to far away, you can recover in there."

Recover! Death wouldn't allow that. "Leave me be!"

The floatzel blinked, "What?"

"Do you have any idea what I've done!? I've raped, stolen, and killed without a regret...and if you lay one paw one on me I'll do the same to you!"

She just stared at him, not scared. She smiled, and grabbed him, lifting him onto her back. "I said leave me be!"

He felt her shake her head, "Not happening mister. I can't just leave you in your condition."

"You think I'm joking you stupid bitch! When I get better I'll kill you...after getting my joy from your tail!"

She still kept carrying him, not caring what he said, "We'll get to that when we come to it then."

Death blinked, he couldn't believe what was happening. She wasn't scared of him! Him! A tentacled and winged mightyena! Who threatened to rape and kill her! What was going on!?

"So what's your name?" she asked, as they neared a cave. "Mine's Ferra."

Death snarled, "Just call me your rapist and killer."

"Alright my rapist and killer." She giggled. Death wasn't sure what to say to that.


It had been a few days since Death had been taken in by Ferra. He was recovering quite well thanks to her. But he wasn't sure how to react to it. During the time that she had taken care of him, she told him about herself, since he refused to say anything outside of "I'm going to kill you!"

Ferra yawned stretching as she got up, "Morning my rapist and killer."

"Death." She blinked, tilting her head, "My's Death."

Ferra smiled, "Well it's nice to meet you Death."

Death just growled, "shut up."

"Alright Deathy-poo."

Death's eye twitched, "Don't you ever call me that again!"

Ferra giggled, "Alright Deathy-poo." Death's eye went mad with twitches. Ferra giggled some, "So mind telling me a little about yourself?"

Death eyed her, " I told you...I'm a killer, stealer, and raper." he began to tell her his story, leaving out a lot of details of his puphood. He told her of everything he had done in his life, leaving out any details that might make him seem less frightening. When he finished he had expected to see her recoiling, but she didn't seem to care. "Wow...quite a lot you've done."

He blinked, "What is up with you!? Am I common!?"

She shook her head, "First person I met who's done all that." she smiled, "But I can see it in your're not like that anymore."

He just stared at her, stunned. He had wanted to leave everything behind and just live life...but how could she tell that from just his eyes? He shook his head, growling. "Oh, calm down Death." she giggled, "I think it's good that someone so cute gives up on that life style."

He glared at her, but kept silent. She smiled, heading out to get more food for the both of them. Death sighed when she got back, "Man...I miss cooked fish."

Ferra blinked, "What?"

He shook his head, "It's fish cooked over fire. Add some berries to it, and you'll make a good meal."


He nodded, "Yes. Better then raw."

Ferra looked at the fish, " bad I we can't start a fire huh?" she smiled, "Will you cook if we get someone to make the fire?"

He blinked, staring at her. He shrugged, "I'll serve me quite fine so I guess I'll let you leech off my enjoyment. Before I..."

"Kill and rape me?"

He scoffed, "You're not worth it anymore. So fucking annoying, I'll let you go about your worthless existence just so you can suffer through life."

Ferra smiled, "Aww...thanks. That's awfully sweet of you Deathy..." He growled, making her break into laughter. He smirked, as a tentacle got her tail and gave it a yank. "Ouch!" she rubbed her tail, "Alright...I guess I deserved that." She giggled, sitting next to him and patting his head. Death just grumbled, laying his head down. He might as well make the best of this. Besides...while he'd never tell her, he was starting to like Ferra.
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