AGNPH Stories

Untold Tales of Travelers by testa


A Love Unrequited

It was an early morning for a small area that a number of pokemon called home. Walking along a small path was a little larvitar. She picked a berry from a nearby bush, and ate it. She took in a breath, smiling lightly. She kept walking, than froze seeing someone coming on down the same path. She quickly ducked into the bushes, and waited for the mon to pass. She had never seen the individual, but she was incredibly shy.

Her name was Tia, and as the mon passed by, she left her cover. She gave a relieved sigh, and went back to her walk. Her smile had returned as she took in the morning sights, enjoying seeing some of the early blooming flowers. She was smiling, enjoying one very lovely sight when she bumped into someone. The larvitar blushed up, "I'm sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going." She looked to the mon she ran in to, blushing even more. It was a cyndaquil, and he was...cute.

He smiled, "It's okay...I wasn't looking much either." He rubbed his head, chuckling, "I don't think we've ever met. I'm Blaze."

Tia gulped, blushing up, "I'm...uhh...I'm Tia."

Blaze grinned, "Nice to meet you Tia." He chuckled, "You take morning walks too?" She nodded, as he chuckled more, "Cool. Wanna join me on my walk?"

Tia blushed, "Oh...I...Don't want to be annoying."

Blaze shook his head, "Nonsense...I don't mind the company." He helped her up, and started to take her along his route. Tia only blushed, her paw in his as he led her around, talking about himself, occasionally attempting to get her talking. But his attempts were met with no success, only stutters and gazes at her feet.

"You're pretty shy aren't you?" Blaze cracked a smile, "That's cool...that means I can talk more...and I do like talking." He laughed, "Okay...not that much really...but...I'm sure you'll be able to fill the silence soon enough." He smiled, leading her on the bend that led back to his home, "So big is your family?"

Tia barely got her answer out in a squeak, "Just me and my parents."

"An only kid huh? That's interesting...myself, I've got a big brother, and twin younger bro/sis combo." He began to name and describe each of his siblings, Tia listening to his every word. "Hey...want to go to this little berry spot me and my big bro's got a bunch of berries around it." He smiled, "It's super cool."

Tai was still a bit red, but she managed a nod, "o...okay."

Blaze smiled, "Cool! Then follow me, I'm sure you'll love it. It's a great spot."


"Hey Tia!"

Tia turned, smiling and waving back at Blaze, who was now a quilava, "Hey Blaze."

She and Blaze had become great friends. Blaze had made other friends too, friends who didn't seem quite as fond of her, but they weren't terrible. Montana and Bart, and monferno and Bagon respectively, were okay mon. And even if they hadn't been, she would have endured them if it meant she could be around Blaze.

She hadn't told him, but she had found him cute when they met, and developed a little crush on him. She knew now, after talking with her parents, successfully avoiding raising flags that would make them ask the dreaded question, "Who do you like?" and had discovered she actually...loved him. They had a lot of similar interests, and he was always so kind to her. Blaze was her knight in shining armor, and he was just the best person in the whole world.

The only problem was...she couldn't tell him her feelings. Anytime she tried, she'd just choke up and look like an idiot. And Blaze didn't seem to notice any of the signs she gave that she liked him. He was the only one she talked too, the only one who made her laugh. Her eye's seemed glued to him at times, and she always blushed when they were alone together. Tia had a feeling that Montana had noticed her feelings for Blaze, and had tried to help get the two alone. Tia could never look Montana in the eyes when they met again, having failed once more.

But now was going to be different, she was going to tell Blaze just how she felt. She wasn't going to waste another chance, she had promised herself this. She felt her courage build up as Blaze neared. "Blaze...I..."

"I got a girlfriend!" Blaze nearly shouted, smiling big.

Tia's face became a blank slate, as she stared at her friend. It took her a while to actually register what he had said fully, but when she did, she nearly collapsed. All she could manage, aside from standing, was a rather breathless question, ""

Blaze nodded, not seeming to notice her change in demeanor, " know Niska right? The ralts that just evolved?" Tia barely nodded, "Well we had a little date and well...a couple." He was beaming in joy, obviously happy he had gotten to the kirlia first.

Tia could only nod, feeling numb, "Congratulations. I...hope you two will be happy together."

Blaze smiled big, "Thanks Tia...come on...I want you to meet her." Taking her paw, he dragged the heartbroken larvitar off.


Tia yelped lightly, as she was knocked to the ground. "You okay Tia? Sorry...I guess Niska tripped." Blaze helped the larvitar up. "No harm it looks like."

Tia wanted to point out that Niska had meant to knock her down. Niska didn't like her, Tia had mutual feelings. The larvitar only put up with the kirlia because she made Blaze happy, and even if Tia couldn't be with him, his happiness mattered most of all. But it was because Tia still cared so much about Blaze...that Niska disliked her so much.

They psychic type was possessive, and saw Blaze as more a toy than a lover of any sort. And she didn't like it that Tia was smitten with what was hers. And the female didn't bother hiding her displeasure with anyone. She'd cut down Tia whenever she could, and push her out of the way whenever she got to close to Blaze. And he never saw it as anything more than accidents, though he did always help Tia up, and told Niska to lay off when she was getting to aggressive with her insults.

But it didn't help much, Niska would use her psychic power to further insult Tia, and trip her. ~Enjoy the fall little runt?~

Tia ignored her, walking with her friends, seething in anger as she saw Niska hold on tight to Blaze. "So Blaze...what do you wanna do today love?" Niska was only being so sweet to bug Tia, but as usual the larvitar said nothing, not wanting to jeopardize Blaze's happiness. The group eventually came to a small river near their home, "How about...we practice our jumping? Any good pokemon can jump far."

Montana shivered, "Does it have to be over water?"

Blaze nodded, "yeah...I don't like it any more than you, you know." He grinned, "More reason not to fail."

Bart nodded, "Yeah! I'll show you guys what a great jumper I's all in prep for my flying." The others rolled their eyes.

Niska grinned maliciously, "You gonna try Tia? Oh! That's right...fat little larvitar and tyranitar aren't meant for jumping." She giggled, "Sorry I're a real ground type after all."

Tia ignored the comments again, not paying the kirlia any mind. "Come on Niska...Tia's not supposed to jump...she's supposed to be a tank." He chuckled, "And she isn't fat...raichu's are fat." Montana and Bart broke into laughter.

Tia smiled, "Thanks Blaze." He gave her a friendly punch to the shoulder, nodding. Niska glared at the larvitar.


Tia took a seat, watching Niska get on a rock ready to face off against Bart in a little sparing match. They had come here at Blaze's suggestion again, and were sparing to practice. As usual since Tia didn't want to participate, Niska insulted her, and Blaze told her to lay off.

"Thanks Blaze."

The quilava nodded, "It's nothing...we're friends after all." The worlds offered little comfort to her heart, as she sighed.

"Hey Blaze." Catharine, his cyndaquil little sister, spoke up, "What are you gonna do when you grow up?"

Blaze laid back, thinking about the answer to that question, "I don't really know...maybe I'll go and make myself a kingdom." He chuckled, "That's what I'll do. I'll make myself a nice little kingdom, and I'll call it...umm...Egnever."

"Egnever?" Catharine asked, "That sounds so weird." Montana nodded in agreement.

Blaze shrugged, "It just came to me."

"I'd be the queen right?" Niska walked up after a victory, seeing him nod, "Than I think Egnever is a good name." Niska sat down, pushing Tia out of the way. "I'd be queen of Egnever, with my handsome male by my side as a great king."

Blaze blushed lightly, smiling from the words. His blush only grew when Niska kissed him hard. Bart smirked, whooping, getting tripped by a psychic for it. Catharine giggled, smiling at the two. Montana rolled her eyes, and Tia stayed quiet. When the kiss finally broke, the male fell on his back, getting a giggle from his girl. "Th...thanks." He stuttered out. Niska just nodded, petting his tummy, casting a smirk at Tia.

Bart looked up, "'s getting late...we should get home now." The other's looked up before nodding and heading off. Niska left Tia while sending a swirl of insults through her mind.


Tia sighed, it had been another day, filled with wanting Blaze and Niska being a bitch. Niska didn't even really love him, she just wanted him now because Tia wanted him. But...Blaze was so could Tia hurt him by telling him about Niska.

"Hey bitch!"

Tia turned, seeing Niska approaching. "What Niska?"

"Don't what me you fucking cunt! You know why I'm aren't getting the message." Niska smacked the larvitar, "I can't believe you just don't get it...I want you to stay away from my male."

Tia glared, "He's not something you can just own."

"Like hell he's not!" A psychic blast knocked Tia back, "He's my little toy! You got that you stupid little bitch! He's mine and mine alone, and he's never going to be yours." Niska smirked, "Who could love such a fat little bitch? You're ugly to're nothing like me...I'll always get guys and you'll always be in the shadows...ignored."

Tia got up, "I don't care...I'm not leaving."

"Yes you are." Niska pinned Tia to a tree, "I've had it with you hanging around my home. All of this is mine hear me! I'm a pretty princess! And you're an ugly hag! And hags don't belong in a princess's home!" She increased the pressure of the psychic, making Tia scream out in pain. "Go on one would possibly want to help an ugly and fat little fucktard."

Niska slapped Tia, while keeping her pinned, "'re going to leave my me...if you don't...I'll kill you." Niska's eyes showed she wasn't bluffing...she would actually kill the tyranitar.

Niska tossed the larvitar away, "I don't ever want to see you again little miss fuck ugly." She slammed Tia into the ground with a psychic for emphasis. "Get out of her...and remember...if I see you again...I'll kill you." Niska went home, humming as if nothing had happened.

Tia got up, and ran. She knew that Niska could kill her, and she was more than willing too. The larvitar ran and ran, eventually leaving the borders of her home, and still she ran. Tears blinded her, she had no idea where she was going, but she knew she had to get away.


Tia sniffled and cried, sitting alone in a cave on a mountain that she had found. She had no idea how far she had ran, but she was a good distance from home, from her family...and from Blaze. She tried to wipe her eyes, and calm down her breathing, both met limited success. She didn't know what to do now...she had ran away because she was gripped by fear. But now she was without direction.

She sniffled, trying to think of what she do next. She wished she was evolved...she'd be bigger, stronger...a lot more intimidating and...and...

Tia's eyes widened, as she realized something...she'd be a dark type as a tyranitar. She'd be immune to Niska's power...and if she was immune to it...she could teach the bitch a lesson. Tia smiled, and when Niska was beaten down...she could tell Blaze just what a bitch she was.

His short term happiness had to be sacrificed, otherwise he'd be miserable in the long run. Niska was an evil whore, and she'd only hurt him a lot more later. Maybe she'd even be able to tell him how much SHE liked him. Tia shook her head, "I'm...getting ahead of myself...I've got to evolve first!"

Tia got up, and set about her goal, evolution. She'd stop at nothing till she became a dark type tyranitar, than she'd show Niska that she wasn't any princess.


Tia sighed, now a pupitar, she was awaiting to evolve into a tyranitar. But during her time as her middle state, she had realized something. Niska would obviously have fucked things over by now with Blaze...and...Blaze would most likely move on. It appeared that no matter what, Tia didn't have a chance with Blaze.

He'd move on, and she'd still be alone, watching from the sidelines. She held back tears, ~I don't have any choice...I have to move on.~ She shuddered at the thought, not wanting to let him go...but she had lost any chance at being with him. What was the point of clinging to a what if?

"'s a pokemon! It's a pupitar!"

Tia managed to turn and saw a strange thing. It looked humanoid, but it had different features of pokemon. "What's your name?"

" can...understand me?"

He smiled, "'s a gift from my change...curious Tia...would you like to help us?"

She blinked, " With what?"

"I'm a part of an organization called Biogen. And we're trying to help the world. We're going to remove disease, genetic defects that make pokemon and people outcasts will be a thing of the past." He smiled, "We're going to make the whole world a better place...Errol is a visionary. Even the division of pokemon and humans are gone!"

Tia blinked again, "!"

"What do you say Tia...the transformations are mandatory...and hurt a bit...but you'll have powers that you normally wouldn't." he chuckled, "Maybe you'll be able to shoot lightning from your tail when you evolve."

Tia looked at him, than nodded, feeling that arceus had just given her a chance at a good life. "Alright...I'll help!" she felt happy for the first time in a long time, "I'm...a bit shy just so you know it be okay if..."

"As long as you're willing to do work when can stay in your own little place as long as you want."

Tia nodded, "Okay...thanks umm..."

"My name is Riptal...welcome to Biogen Tia...I see big things in store for you." He chuckled, picking her up and leaving the cave. Tia gave a small sigh, feeling that she would be able to leave her past where it belonged...behind her. She'd never see Blaze again...nor would she see was kind of bitter sweet...she wanted a little payback on the kirlia. She chastised herself, she couldn't dwell on anything from would only remind her of her unrequited love for a male who probably didn't really miss her.
Chapter End Notes:Two more Untold Tales of Travelers coming. First is a What-if scenario, than it'll be Albel's past. I will start working on new Brotherhood's now though
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