AGNPH Stories


A Corporal finds himself lost in the world of Pokemon and is experimented on by Team Rocket.
The Series describes his quest to find the rest of his unit and to take vengence on Team Rocket, made all the more harder as he struggles to cope with another mind sharing his body.

Story Notes:

This is my first series/ story.As the story progressess there will be more violence and action.Disclaimer:All related material are property of their respective creators. I am in no way associated with owners, producers and creators of any media franchise. No copyright infringment or plagiarism is intented.

  1. Chapter 1 - Project Emergence (1196 words)

  2. Chapter 2 - Odai (1691 words)

  3. Chapter 3 - And so it Begins (2426 words)

  4. Chapter 4 - A Trainers Path (1569 words)

  5. Chapter 5 - Reunion (2736 words)

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