AGNPH Stories

Biohazard by tehzombiewaster


Story Notes:

WARNING- All chapters from 2 onwards contain explicit violence and graphic gore... And lots of zombie killing. If you're offended by any of this stuff, DO NOT READ!Like comics? Check out the Biohazard manga, scripted and illustrated by Rio!

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

A Team Divided

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

WARNING- This chapter contains explicit violence and gore, foul language, and mild suggestive themes. Please do not read if you are offended by anything previously mentioned.

A Team Divided

The first thing that Bobby took account of when him and the PRO Bravo Team entered the Eterna Forest was that it was dark. Pitch dark. On top of that, the droning of the bug Pokemon and the singing of the birds had ceased all together. Something was obviously very wrong. Checking the time on the Poke'ch on his wrist, Bob found that it was already ten thirty. Looking up from the device, he saw Flara to his right, Jack to his left, Rose to the far left, Matt at the rear and Rocher in the front position. The entire team had their flashlights on.

Furthering his examination of the forest Bob observed that some of the trees appeared to be dying, limp and ghostly in the illumination of the flashlights. The leaves even seemed to be rotting... but how?

Attempting to start a conversation, Matt asked, "Hey, guys. Isn't there supposed to be an Old Chateau around here?"

Replying, Flara said, "Yeah. The place is supposed to be haunted, and I hear the people who used to work there made one of the most delicious food items ever created, the 'Old Gateau'." Laughing, she said, "You don't know how many morons went to investigate that place to try and find ghosts and goblins. It's really pretty funny. That Old Gateau is probably also a steaming load of bull that someone made up to get attention."

Stopping, Rose questioned, "...Did any of you hear that?"

Looking at her Bobby asked, "What?"


"That!" Rose yelled.

All six members of the Bravo Team immediately spun around towards the rear of the group.

Since he was now in front of the group, Matt nervously called out, "This is Matt Sears of the PRO Bravo Team, may you please identify yourself?"


Placing his hand on the holster of his gun and pointing his flashlight towards the noise, Matt slowly began to proceed into the dark, the rest of the team following closely behind. "Are you in trouble? Can you please identi... urk."

"...Matt?" Flara asked, "...Are you ok?" Behind her she heard Rocher gasp. Pointing her flashlight towards Matt's back she uttered a horrified scream. Flara, and every other team member saw... what looked to be a thickly veined tentacle thrust through Matt's neck. Blood poured from the wound as Matt feebly clawed at the tentacle-thing. Everyone could only watch in terror as Matt's body began convulsing, sending geysers of blood erupting in seemingly impossible amounts from both sides of the wound. Then, the tentacle wrapped itself around the dying PRO member's head and wrenched the body into the darkness of the Eterna Forest.

Being the first to come to their senses, Rose screamed, "What the fuck was that!? That son-of-a-bitching-bastard got Matt! Damn it!" Unsheathing her twin combat swords with her flashlight clamped firmly between her jaws, Rose tore off in pursuit.

Rocher and Jack ran after her leaving Flara and a terrified Bobby behind, completely unaware that they hadn't followed.

In shock in light of the recent event that had just transpired, Bob sank to the forest floor and vomited. Kneeling down to comfort him, Flara hugged him tightly as he began to cry.


It approximately ten minutes to catch up with the creature, but by the time Rose found Matt, there was very little of the man left.

All that remained was his badly mutilated lower torso. The grassy ground was covered in large chunks of shredded gore and ripped entrails that hung limply from the remains of Matt's body. His left leg was badly mangled and appeared to have been viciously chewed on; tattered shreds of scarlet flesh revealed the bloody half-eaten muscles underneath.

"No..." was all Rose could whisper.

Behind her, Rocher and Jack arrived at the gory scene, both completely out of breath from the long sprint through the woods. The captain had is gun drawn.

Peering at the body, Rocher wheezed, "We need to get the fuck out of these damn woods now and report this to Home Base." Pausing to catch his breath, he continued, "Whatever the hell that thing was, it got Matt and I'm not losing anymore men. We're leaving. Now."

Jack tapped Rocher's shoulder to gain his attention.


The Lucario gestured at himself, Rose, and Rocher. Then, he brought up five out of his six "fingers" into the air.

Not immediately catching on, Rocher paused to look around and then realized that Bobby and Flara were missing. "Ah, fuck."


Bobby had settled down and was now leaning against a tree trunk with Flara standing at his side. It was getting awfully cold out. Checking his Poke'ch, it was eleven-thirty.

Quietly, Flara asked, "Are you ok?"

"Ok? I just saw Matt get stabbed through the neck and dragged off into the dark by a fucking tentacle. I don't think anybody would be ok after seeing that, unless they were a real sick bastard."

Pausing, she answered, "Sorry, I just wanted to know that you weren't hurt. Since you obviously aren't we should stay on our claws, or in your case, toes and watch for anything that could be out there. Go to the opposite side of the tree and keep watch while I stay on this side. Hopefully the rest of the guys will be back soon. Tell me if you see something."

Backing up, Bob whispered through closed teeth, "I see something."

Using her body as a shield, Flara stepped in front of him, flashlight raised. In the pitch darkness, she saw the outline of about ten shapes coming their way. Flara estimated that they were about seventy feet away. Still proceeding towards them, she could now see approximately eleven pairs of ghostly white eyes and the gleam of glossy pink flesh as well as wicked-looking steely claws reflecting the light from the bright LED flashlight. Not thinking twice, Flara raised her handgun, firing three times at the leading creature; she was greeted with the sound of two wet smacks as two of the hollow point bullets impacted flesh. The creature didn't even flinch.

Letting out a low, guttural roar, the lead beast tore towards the pair with the rest of the creatures following closely behind; some ran on two legs and some ran on four, but all appeared identical in physical structure.

Panicking, the Blaziken shot of seven rounds of ammunition in quick succession.

The creature in front faltered and fell to the ground, skidding several feet before coming to a stop. It furiously twitched, but did not rise.

With the group now less than forty feet away from the pair, Bobby stepped out from behind Flara, raised his gun and began to shoot. Bright flashes from the gunshots lit the forest around them as both friends emptied their clips into the small horde rapidly approaching.

Three more beasts were killed as the bullets smashed into their bodies, crimson gore and shattered chips of bone spraying from the wounds as they fell. But there were still eight remaining, and running towards the pair with gaining speed.

After sliding his second clip into the modified G-17, Bobby flipped the small dial marked "FIRE SELECT" and aimed into the center of the mob. Pulling the textured trigger, he was nearly smashed over as all seventeen bullets came tearing out of the gun's barrel creating one of the brightest flashes Bobby had ever seen in his life.

From the light that Bobby's gun created, Flara saw three topple to the ground and one's head fragmentize; gray brain matter combined with white skeletal bone and vast amounts of blood sprayed the surviving four monsters who were now in reach of the duo. The lead attacked Flara first.

Ducking to avoid it's deadly claws, she elegantly spun the G-17 around as an expert would and sent the butt of the gun smashing through the thing's skull. Fleshy, bloody chunks flew.

Clumsily, Bob loaded another clip into his gun and sidestepped as a creature swiped at him, narrowly avoiding getting disemboweled. Raising his gun, he shot it in the eye. White fragments of eyeball exploded all around as a large amount of chunky gore erupted out of the top of the beast's head. It died instantly.

The last two monsters advanced on Flara, but Bobby couldn't shoot due to the risk of hitting his friend. There was nothing he could do.

With her gun empty and no time to reach into her fanny pack to retrieve another clip, Flara slowly backed up against a tree. Both lunged at her, foot long claws outstretched. This was what she was waiting for.

As both creatures nearly impaled her, Flara leaped into the air, acrobatically twisting her body to perform a 180-degree mid-air flip. While directly above one of the beasts, both her three-taloned hands shot out, twisting it's head around as blood sprayed out of the dead beast's mouth. Landing directly behind the second creature, Flara shot a Mach Punch straight into the base of the abomination's back and with all her might, tore out the creature's spinal column. With blood streaming out of the seven-inch diameter hole in it's back, it fell to the ground as Flara tossed her gory prize away.

Lost for words, Bobby could only stare at his gore-smeared companion. Shifting his gaze from Flara, he stared at the ruined creatures they had killed. Oddly enough, no matter how badly their bodies were damaged, all were still twitching.

Cringing in disgust at her current state, Flara stripped off her overtop and discarded it on the forest floor, revealing a spandex undershirt that seemed to emphasize her ample chest. Bobby didn't seem to notice, which was slightly out of character for him. Bending over, she retrieved her gun and flashlight that she had dropped when performing the jump.

Finally gathering himself, Bobby exclaimed, "... Where the heck did you learn how to do that?!" Briefly pausing he pointed at the various bodies littering the ground. "And more importantly, what in the hell are those things?"

Reloading and holstering her gun, Flara answered, "I have no idea. But if I had to take a guess, they're probably those cannibalistic 'Pokemon' everyone's heard about in the news. They also said that over two-hundred Pokemon disappeared, so I wonder if these... monsters have anything to do with it." Turning away from the bodies she continued, "Let's get behind that big oak tree over there and wait to see if Captain Rocher and the others come back.

Nodding his head in agreement, Bobby replied, "Ok."


Bobby and Flara had been awaiting the return of the rest of the team for well over half-an-hour. Again checking his Poke'ch, Bobby said the time aloud. It was twelve-thirty-four.

Turning towards him Flara said, "Bobby? I just want you to know that if we don't make it out of here... you've been the best friend that I could have ever hoped to have."

Taken aback by her sudden remark Bob replied, "Thanks, Flara. You're my best friend too." Although she couldn't see it, his cheeks had turned a bright shade of red.

Flara leaned over and hugged him, and both froze as the audible rustle of grass entered their hearing range. Both clutched each other as the faint sound of footsteps disappeared into the forest.

Whispering in Bob's ear, Flara said, "I'm going to see what it is. You stay right here." Releasing her grip from him, she drew her gun and turned on her flashlight. Getting up, she vanished into the darkness.

Raw fear began to build up in Bobby's chest when his friend didn't return for over a minute. Just as he was about to pursue her, he heard Flara's voice call out, "Bob! You better take a look at this, quick!"

Hastily turning on his flashlight, he ran to where Flara was standing and gasped. The bodies were gone.


Rocher, Jack and Rose had been searching for the two missing members for what seemed like and eternity. Earlier, the trio had heard rapid gunfire that Rocher guessed to be about two miles away. After heading in that direction, they must have altered their course and gone off trace because if they didn't the half-team would have surely found them by now.

Trudging along, Rose said, "Maybe we should build a fire like when Bob and Flara got lost the first time. I don't know how much longer I can keep walking..."

Morbidly, Rocher replied, "First off, we don't even know if Bob and Flara are still alive. You heard those gunshots; one of them fired on full auto, which was maybe a last ditch effort to survive. Secondly, if we build a fire, whatever attacked them will most likely come after us. It's not safe. But I can tell you one thing- we're not leaving until we find out what happened to the rest of our team."

"I'd drink to that." Rose smiled. The thought of Matt made it immediately disappear, though.

Jack nodded his head in agreement.

Rocher began to speak. "So here's the plan, as soon as we find Bob and Flara, assuming they're still alive, we head to the Old Chateau and spend the night there. I can't be too far from here."

Before either Rose or Jack could reply, Rocher drew his gun.

Looking up, Rose and Jack saw what Rocher was aiming at.

Deep in the forest, a hulking figure slowly approached them. A giant ten-foot humanoid creature sporting three-foot claws on it's right hand advanced slowly. A mouthful of large, sharp teeth made it look as if it had a twisted permanent grin pasted to it's face. It's enormous black eyes reflected the light of Bravo team's flashlights just as it's glistening pink skin did. Pausing for a few seconds, it growled deeply.

Jack focused his mind and created a large ball of crackling blue aura energy in preparation for the inevitable attack.

Badly shaken by the titanic monster's appearance, Rose asked, "Captain, what do we do?"

Keeping his eyes fixed on the creature, Rocher replied, "Stay behind Jack and me."

The Lucario turned to Rocher as if questioning what to do.

Deactivating the gun safety, the Bravo team captain said, "Fire at will."
Chapter End Notes:I hope this is what you guys have been waiting for! Now if I could only had a quarter for every time the words "gore" and "blood" were used in this chapter XD

Aside from that, Chapter 4 probably won't be up for at least another three days. I've got a busy rest-of-the-week, so hopefully this installment satisfies until next time!

P.S.- If you found any mistakes, please tell me. Thanks
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