AGNPH Stories

Biohazard by tehzombiewaster


Story Notes:

WARNING- All chapters from 2 onwards contain explicit violence and graphic gore... And lots of zombie killing. If you're offended by any of this stuff, DO NOT READ!Like comics? Check out the Biohazard manga, scripted and illustrated by Rio!

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.


Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.


It was ten-thirty at night. Even though most of the office workers had returned home, Doctor Jackson still sat inside his office running more simulations. So far, he had discovered that in some instances after a Pokemon was infected the shutdown of the Immune System was promptly followed by severe nerve damage. Also, after infected, the body would generate a contagious virus that would possibly cause mutation in any person or Pokemon infected; it was yet to be seen if it was able to spread through the air or was spread through direct contact with an open wound.

Exhausted, Nethaniel reached for a remote control and turned on the television. On the screen was an anchorman standing in the middle of an open road intersection; no cars were in sight and his figure was surrounded by darkness.

"Good evening, this is reporter Francis McCreary for the SNN news station reporting live from the streets of Jubilife City. There have now been increasing reports of large 'monsters' roaming the outskirts of most populated cities that viciously attack anybody in sight. It is yet to be seen where these things came from, but it is strongly advised to keep a long distance away from any suspicious-looking individuals as these monsters are reported to attack anything in sight. Shockingly, the Sinnoh government has lost total contact with isolated towns, Celestic and Twinleaf. The military has been dispatched to investigate. Wait... hold on, please."
The reporter backed away from the camera, speaking into a bluetooth device. Looking distressed, the man continued, "I have just been alerted that a large mob of creatures have entered the streets of Eterna City. All residents must immediately take shelter in their homes and stay away from all windows. Please take shelter in a fully-enclosed room. This is Francis McCreary for the SNN. Good luck, and God bless."

Jackson sat in is seat for a moment and then turned of the television. Even though the report claimed "monsters" were crowding the streets, all was quiet outside of his seventh-story window. He was running a cold sweat. The PRO and the government still didn't know what had caused the Pokemon to mutate (if they even knew that the "cannibals" were mutated Pokemon) and his conscience was gnawing at his brain. Reluctantly, he picked up his office phone and dialed the Sinnoh Government Hotline. Waiting for two minutes, a female operator answered the call. Nathan told her everything.


At eleven o' clock, Jackson hit gold. Apparently, Pokemon which had sustained nerve damage during infection would mutate a different sort of way than say, a Pokemon that was in perfect physical condition before and during mutation. What was even more fascinating was that the unknown Virus created within the host's body would twist and alter DNA to mold the body into a certain shape. In other words, all mutants that mutated the same way would have the exact same physical appearance. He had also been able to make the computer generate a model that should resemble a Pokemon that had sustained nerve damage from the virus. The result was terrifying.

According to his computer model, the infected being would stand approximately six feet in height and would be completely stripped of all skin. The bones in its fingers would push out of the hand, creating an approximate foot-long "claw" of sorts. Feet would be extremely large and taloned. Before finishing, Jackson saved the file as "Necroforme Mutation 1". Just as Giratina had an altered forme, apparently all infected Pokemon changed into a dead-looking altered formes, thus earning them the title of "Necroformes".

Nethaniel sighed, turning off his computer monitor. From several floors down, he thought he heard a faint sound of shattering glass. Alarmed, he turned to his office window and looking down, he didn't see anything out of the ordinary. On closer inspection, the scientist observed tiny flecks of pale light beaming up towards him. It was broken glass. Some bastard was trying to rob the building!

Rushing out of the office, Jackson took a metal paperweight from his desk and smashed a small glass rectangle adjacent from his room marked "Hazard Alarm". He slammed the small red button beneath and an alarm began to ring throughout the almost-empty research building.


Seven floors down, It heard something. Loud ringing noise. Red flashes. Noise up. Food. Hungry. Kill.

The tall creature looked around and spotted a flight of stairs.

Up. Kill. Eat.


In the dark of the Eterna Forest, Bobby and Flara cautiously wandered through the seemingly endless wall of brush and trees. Not more that half an hour ago, they had heard rapid gunfire of a single gun and saw a dulled blue flash through the thick canopy of the forest. It had to be a burst of Aura, which could only mean Jack had released an Aura sphere attack... And a big one too. The bright beams of light cut through the forest as the duo continued to proceed.

Turning to his partner, Bobby whispered, "How the heck did we not find them yet? We've been searching for them forever. Maybe we should stay in on place and let them find us."

"By let them find us, I hope you mean the rest of the team because if we stay put, it's only a matter of time before those bastards find us again." Flara answered, keeping her flashlight trained on the area behind them.

Checking his gun, Bobby nodded and quietly continued through the dense underbrush, keeping his flashlight aimed dead ahead. Checking his wrist he observed the time on the Pok'ech. It was one o' five in the morning.


Hot tears poured down Rose's face as the Zangoose tore through the thick grass of the forest. That giant bastard just wouldn't die! After the Captain pumped it full of lead, Jack whacked it with an Aura Sphere. It's body just knitted itself back together and... It ripped Jack's head clean off and then went after Rocher. He screamed for her to run, and that's what she did. Frightened, Rose continued to sprint across the damp terrain.


Flara stopped walking. She whispered to Bob, "Do you hear that?"

"What?" he asked.

"There's rustling up ahead." Flara whispered, bringing her voice down.

Shifting positions with Bobby, she aimed her gun ahead, muscles in her arm tensing in preperation of the G-17's recoil. Flara didn't expect what happened next at all.

As the rustling got louder and louder, a bloodied Rose shot out of the brush and ran straight into Flara, knocking both Pokemon over as the Blaziken cried out. On the ground, the Rose sobbed into Flara's shoulder.

Bobby spun around and targeted the white Pokemon on top of his friend before he realized that it was Rose.

Rising to her knees, Flara gingerly removed her sobbing teammate from her shoulder. The two friends then waited for Rose to sufficiently settle down. Although Flara had always seen the Zangoose as a strong and independent individual, her current form was pathetic. She sat on the ground in a tight fetal position with her face concealed in her arms; Rose occasionally sobbed and hiccupped, but eventually stopped.

Gathering herself, Rose lifted her head up and quietly said, "Sorry... Talk about a fucking spazz out," looking to her left and right, she continued, "Jack's dead and I don't know what happened to Cap. We got attacked by something and he told me to run, and well, here I am. It's my fault... I should have done something." Finishing, Rose unwound from her uncomfortable fetal position and sat normally, head down.

Crawling over to her, Flara gently said, "It's not your fault. There's nothing you could have done, but we need to find Rocher. Now. While you were with the rest of the group me and Bob got attacked by a group of... things. They're fast, and they won't hesitate to kill you; and the worst part is that after we killed them their bodies disappeared. " She turned to face Bobby who was standing watch.

Staring Flara in the eyes, Rose said, "Did you see the big one?"

"The big one?" Asked the Blaziken in confusion.

"One giant motherfucker, must be at least ten feet tall. When Jack shot it with an Aura Sphere, it all but ripped the bastard in half, but it's skin or whatever the hell it is knitted itself back together... We couldn't kill it..." Rose explained.

Bobby said, "Great. As if we didn't have enough shit to deal with already. We should go and find out if the Captain is still alive and try not to get ourselves killed. After that, I say we ditch these woods."

"Sounds like a plan." Flara replied.

Getting up off of the ground, Rose unsheathed her combat swords and growled, "Let's go."
Chapter End Notes:I know this chapter was a little rough around the edges, as I didn't have the time to edit this AT ALL. Sorry if it's not up to speed with previous chapters. I don't know if I can keep the quality of this story up because I almost have no spare time during the school year and I don't want people to read unedited, poorly-written crap.

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