AGNPH Stories


A girl named Grace finds herself in a particularly stressful situation; a diabolical scientist has made her into a pokemon breeding machine! Follow her adventures as she discovers herself and the sensual detail of the endangered pokemon around her.

You are, of course, more than welcome to write me reviews and drop by suggestions for other pokemon for her to breed with!Oh, I should mention that if you are requesting a non-legendary (I just thought of this!) create a scenario for it.

Story Notes:

No pokemon are mine, obviously, blah blah blah.... Grace is, however.

  1. Prolugue (1033 words)

  2. A Fiery Beginning (1467 words)

  3. A Deal Made Clear (1138 words)

  4. Beneath the Waters (2054 words)

  5. A 'Wet' Realization (1767 words)

  6. And The Day Started So Well... (2127 words)

  7. So Much For Favors (2802 words)

  8. Aren't we lucky! ... Aren't we? (3880 words)

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