AGNPH Stories

All in the Mind by shinjihiroku


Story Notes:

I am by no means a good writer. This is my first attempt at a story ever. I wrote it at 3 in the morning cause I had nothing better to do and I've always wanted to try. Grammatical Errors? Continuity Errors? Tell me Ill try to fix em.Well I'm just gonna say it. Since I dont know how to go on with this story I'll just call it done. It was meant as a oneshot anyway >.> So unless you have some fantastic Idea that can keep the story going Imma call it good. Im not turning this into an epic adventure.

The Beginnings

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.


My name is Daniel, Dan as my friends call me, last name irrelevant, I don't care for it. I'm 25, 6'1" short black hair, blue jeans, plain white shirt, black jacket. Basically you couldn't find me in a crowd; I'm your average everyday trainer and I like it that way, never been one to grab attention. My Team? Two pokemon, one unnamed Mismagius and my lucario April. Yeah I know original right? Well I didn't name her, I found her 10 years ago alone and badly injured. As any person would I caught her and brought her to the pokemon center to get her fixed up. Sounds like any other story now, she wakes up, is thankful, and joins my team right? Well almost, if this were any other story maybe that would've happened, but she woke up the next day and while still lying down punched me in the face and said bluntly "I didn't ask for your help." I found myself more annoyed by her personality then the fact that she had punched me in the face.

I gave light sigh and ran my fingers through my hair, a habit which calms me down. "If you're gonna act that way you can just get the fuck out." My habit hadn't calmed me quite as much as it should've.

She scoffed and replied "Fine" She then proceeded to hop off the bed only to have her weakened legs give out beneath her and fall flat on her face, I couldn't help but laugh. She didn't say anything but gave a few more futile attempts to lift herself off the ground. After about a minute of vigorous laughter I was finally able to regain composure.

"Thanks, I haven't laughed that hard in ages." Still no reply from her.

A few minutes and about a half-dozen dirty looks later she simply asked "Well?"

I raised an eyebrow "Well what?"

"Aren't you going to help me up?"

I had to stop and think about that one. "I don't exactly see a reason to; after all you don't need my help." With a small hint of sarcasm.

"That's not what I said, I said 'I didn't ask for your help.' This time I AM asking for your help."

"And now you're playing word games, for some reason that doesn't seem to fit your personality." More sarcasm yet again.

"Look are you gonna help me or not." At this point I could tell her patience was wearing thin. But there was one more thing I had to try before I would help.

With a large and somewhat sinister grin I said "Say Please."

She was notably pissed, her fists clenched, she gritted her teeth, and she gave me a death stare. She didn't look very intimidating down there on the floor though so I held my grin. After several deep breaths she seemed to calm down and at least try to say it. She closed her eyes and for the next minute all that could be heard was "Ple- Plll- Plea-." It was pretty pathetic. The fact that she couldn't even say 'please' just made me sad on the inside. But with a sigh and another running of my fingers through my hair I went over, picked her up, and to both of our astonishment laid her down gently, it took all the willpower I had not to the throw her onto the bed for hitting me earlier.

"You're welcome." I said flatly as I went back to my seat. As I turned back around I could swear for just a second I saw the faintest hint of red in her cheeks, impossible, I doubt I could see it through her blue fur anyway. (My mind must be playing tricks on me.) I thought to myself.

She seemed surprised that I sat back down. "Why are you still here?" she asked in a lighter tone of voice I didn't think she was capable of.

"Well I'd love to say it's because I care about you, but at this point in time I really don't. I saved you out of a combination of obligation, guilt, and pity" I sighed "But there's another reason and I'll only ask you this once: Will you join my team? I tend not to capture pokemon until I ask them this question, but since you seem to have retained your personality you still seem sane enough answer. If you say no" I held up the ball I caught her in. "I'll release you right now and you'll never have to see me again. So will you join my team?"

After thinking about what I said for second I facepalmed. "Crap, I asked twice when I only said I'd ask once. Great there goes my entire speech, son-of-a-bitch." Then I heard something I didn't expect: Her laughing. She continued for some time before it died down, then for several minutes there was silence.

Unexpectedly she broke the silence saying "So what does your 'team' do, you don't seem like much of a trainer." She said as she eyed my only other pokeball.

"Well I'm not as much a trainer as I am an explorer; I hunt for artifacts and other rare treasures."

"Sounds boring."

"For anyone who's not me maybe because unlike everyone else I'm damn good at it." I said proudly. "Though I admit I would have more treasures if most of them weren't guarded by powerful pokemon. With no one else other then Mismagius at my side it's definitely difficult."

"Powerful pokemon" she repeated to herself. "Alright I'll join, but if I don't meet any particularly powerful pokemon then I'm gone.

"Im not here to keep you against your will; your free to go whenever you want." She gave a slight smile.

"Welcome to the you have a name?"


"Alright, welcome April." I didn't question how she got her name, at least out loud. Maybe she had a trainer in the past? It was irrelevant at this point. I also wanted to know how she ended up injured in the first place but true to her personality she never has told me anything.

10 years later she's still same April, only a lot stronger. It was only up until recently that I got up the courage to ask "Why did you really join my team?"

"Because I love battle."

(Yeah right battle, she knows she wants me.) I keep telling myself that jokingly but I wonder if it could really be true? Nah, she's April after all.
Chapter End Notes:Omg I suck at writing right? Well don't tell me I already know. Actually do tell me, leave a review and tell me how much though
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