AGNPH Stories

All in the Mind by shinjihiroku


Story Notes:

I am by no means a good writer. This is my first attempt at a story ever. I wrote it at 3 in the morning cause I had nothing better to do and I've always wanted to try. Grammatical Errors? Continuity Errors? Tell me Ill try to fix em.Well I'm just gonna say it. Since I dont know how to go on with this story I'll just call it done. It was meant as a oneshot anyway >.> So unless you have some fantastic Idea that can keep the story going Imma call it good. Im not turning this into an epic adventure.

The Past

Lemme take you back about five years.

It was spring; April and I were setting up camp after a two day long cave expedition. Rumor had it that there were enough gold and jewels inside to "Buy the world." At least that's what I kept hearing. I didn't believe a word it but it never hurt to check. Two days later and what do we have to show for all of our hard work? Rocks, we found rocks, oh and a bone too. I couldn't exactly tell what it was from; I'm not an archeologist that's my dad's department. So we came out empty-handed, happens occasionally but you have to look at the positives: at least April had fun, the cave was full of Aggron.

Setting up camp took longer then it should've but I was physically exhausted and April was being lazy as usual.

"Fire, Check, Tent, Check, Water, nope, Good enough." And with that I fell flat on my back. Even though my body didn't feel like moving I was still wide awake. With nothing better to do I decided to get a look at my surroundings. Trees, trees, and more trees, there wasn't much to look at. That is until I noticed the sun was setting. I've always loved the orange-ish color the setting sun has; it's as if it pours out of the sun and onto everything around it. Wait lemme stop before I get all poetic. There was one last bit of "scenery" I hadn't noticed, April lying down on the other side of camp.

(If she's gonna lay on the ground then what was the point of setting up the damn tent. Fine if she isn't gonna use it then-) My thoughts were cut short by the "scenery" I mentioned earlier. She was flat on her back with her legs facing my direction and to make matters worse (or better) her legs were slightly ajar. It wasn't much but it was more then enough for me to see what was in between them. She was wet; the orange glow from the setting sun made her juices shine like gold.

(Must be in heat again) I thought.

I stared at it for about five minutes but before I could finish appreciating its beauty the sun finally set. The golden shimmer now replaced by the harsh light of the fire.

I let out a loud groan of disappointment. It was enough to get April's attention.

"What are you looking at you perv!"

I quickly averted my eyes. "Oh you know, the trees and the uh, the umm...." I was probably blushing.

"Ha, I doubt you could anyway."

Any blush I had was gone. "And what is that supposed to mean!?"

"Oh nothing Mr. Penis Mimimus."

(Where the hell does she come up with this stuff; I never see her read.)

"Like you've ever seen a penis in your life; if I didn't know any better I'd say you were afraid of them." That last part came out a little more smug sounding then I intended.

"Care to repeat that last part?" Accompanied by her trademark death stare.

"Which, the part about you being scared of penises or the part about you never having seen one in your life due to phallaphobia." I probably should have stopped earlier but no one talks about my penis and gets away with it. Also I get a bit of joy out of making her angry; it's so easy.

She was about ready to get up and beat me half to death when out of nowhere her body convulsed momentarily in what appeared to be pain. I say that because despite how "painful" it looked her lower area seemed to be getting wetter by the second.

Sigh "Look April why don't you just let me take you to the breeding center; it's been five years, at this rate I think something bad might happen." As much as I joked with her I really did hate to see her like this; and I'm scared that one day she'll just snap and rape the nearest innocent bystander which incase you didn't notice is usually me.

"I don't need a damn breeding center."

"Do you plan on going your entire life without having sex?"

"I will someday but only when I choose to; I'm not having my body choose for me."

"That's ridiculous; who could you possibly be waiting for."

"A man with "specific" qualities."

"And those qualities would be?"

"For one he has to be able to beat me."

"Good to know I'm out of the running." I said as sarcastically as possible.

"You were never in to begin with." She waited a second too long to finish that sentence. She had to be hiding something.

"So that's it? You don't care about his species or personality?"

"Not really." She said nonchalantly.

I had forgotten that no pokemon wild or trained had ever been able to beat her. She's still undefeated to this day.
"Well." I threw my hands behind my head. "You have fun with that; in the meantime I'm gonna go take a piss."

I hadn't told April but while I was on the ground I could feel a faint rumble, most likely a waterfall. If it was true then we could fill up our water supply for a few days. I was killing two birds with one stone: getting away from April while she's in heat and grabbing water, technically three if you count me taking a piss.

The waterfall was a lot farther away then I had guessed but it was a blessing in disguise because April was about to go through the battle of her life and if I had stayed lets just say I might have lost my virginity a little earlier then I planned and not in the good way either.


April. The voice whispered as if someone could here her inside April's head.


"Great it's you again." April replied in a half annoyed tone.

Have you found one yet? The evil tone we were so used to hadn't quite surfaced yet.


Sigh April we can't go on like this, why do you have to be so picky?

"It's my body and I'll choose okay?" She sounded as if she was replying to a nagging parent.

Then just choose a man and get it over with! Why are you letting your stupid pride get in the way!?

"Look I already told you when I find one that beats me-"

Who knows when that will be, a day from now, years from now?!

"Probably." Her nonchalant-ness had returned.

"I WONT WAIT THAT LONG!" The volume was enough to make April wince this time around.

"Someone's moody today, what got your panties in a bunch?"


Without warning April's limbs began moving on their own. She stood up and began to walk.

"How the hell- wait where are you taking me?"

"To the nearest man." Her voice actually coming out of April's mouth now.

"The nearest ma- *gasp* DAN!" With as much strength as she could muster she latched on to a nearby tree. "Don't you even think about it!"

"And why not, he's perfect." The evil tone finally starting to rear its ugly head. "I see the way you stare at him."

"Shut up!"

Trying to jerk her hands free between each word. "Every single time you're in heat, and even the first day you met him." She said slyly as she finally managed to yank her hands free. "Do you remember April? Let me refresh your memory."

Everything went black for April. "Where-" was all April managed to say before the world suddenly came into focus. In front of her was a little riolu sitting alone in the middle of the forest.

"Remember this April? You were three years old; it was the day after your parents were killed.

The riolu began sobbing.

"You almost wanted to kill yourself, after all how could you live without your beloved parents? But instead of ending your own life you created me: your own imaginary friend. I was just that at first: imaginary, but the more you came to rely on me the more real I became. I was there for you, I helped you, and I watched you grow stronger."

April watched what seemed to be a montage of her life.

"I understood you and why you acted the way you did, you had a tough life so you had to become strong. I watched over you like my own child. Well, until you evolved." Her voice adopted a tone of slight disgust.

"Like children throw away their toys you threw me away without a second thought. I tried to call out to you but you never seemed to hear me, all I could do was watch. I watched as your personality changed from strong and proud, to plain arrogant."

The scene changed to April charging her way into a large group of pokemon before a white out to a scene of her walking down a path heavily injured.
"And it was that arrogance that nearly got you killed."

She stumbled for as long as she could until finally collapsing in the middle of the path. Dan appeared minutes later.

"You would've died that day if not for him. He saved your life and how do you repay him? With a punch to the face, I was genuinely mortified. I wanted to say so much, I wanted to apologize for your behavior; I wanted to thank him for saving us, and I wanted to tell him how cute he was." She seemed almost embarrassed when saying the last part.

"But no." The anger slowly returned to her voice "I was stuck simply watching, you have no idea how painful it is to just sit back and watch for so long. I was so angry I couldn't stand it, but through some miracle my voice was finally heard. The moment he picked you up I was free again. It wasn't until a year later that I discovered I was only free when you were in heat or just plain horny. Not only that but every time you went into heat I could feel it too. That unpleasant burning sensation, if I could feel that then surely I could feel the pleasure that came with it. I was so excited when you decided to go with him. I knew I couldn't count on him to ask you for sex since it was still somewhat taboo at the time, but eventually your heat would get to you, or so I thought."

April snapped back to reality, Dan was sitting in front of a waterfall and her body was walking towards him.

You were distracting me!

Yes and it worked quite well, now you can watch while I get what we've both wanted for years.

April tried to struggle but it was pointless; she had even less control over her body then before. All she could do was watch.

She threw her arms around Dan nearly causing him to nearly choke on the water he was drinking.

"April." He said trying to catch his breath. "What are you doi-?" But before he could finish his sentence he was thrown onto his back.

"Apr-" his sentence cut short again by April on top of him and dangerously close to his face with a seductive look in her eyes.

April was forced to watch as her body kissed him, she could feel her tongue dance around his mouth as he lay nearly motionless. Dan was so stunned he couldn't process a thought. While she continued her passionate kiss her hands began to unzip his jeans and slide them down his legs.

April couldn't stand it anymore. She screamed at the top of her lungs, in her own mind anyway. With a sudden burst of strength she threw herself off of Dan who had his hand to his ear as if he had heard a gunshot.

"Run...NOW!" She commanded.

Dan complied as quickly as possible, pulling up his pants and beginning to run but not before looking back to see April rolling back and forth.


With an almost guilty look on his face he finally turned and ran.

"LET ME GO!" The voice had never been so angry (or horny) in her life. "Almost, I WAS SO CLOSE I ALMOST HAD HIM!"

"Get over it." With another quick boost of strength April threw herself into the water.


Needless to say after what happened I was scared as hell but I was more worried then anything. I couldn't help but feel like I should've done something to help, but no matter how you look at it the best thing for me to do was run. I got up to go find her at least five times but convinced myself each time that I might just make the situation worse. I must have been there for an hour or so before April finally stumbled back into camp. She was soaking wet and it looked like she made no effort to dry off. She just stood there and stared at me for what seemed like an eternity until she smiled and then collapsed.

With a sigh of relief I carried her to the fire and used the spare towel from my bag to dry her off as much as I could. I let the heat of the fire do the rest. I'm not sure what I was thinking, maybe I wasn't but unconsciously I laid her head on my lap and fell asleep.

We both woke at sunrise the next morning. I almost couldn't believe what I was seeing. She opened her eyes and blushed. Now I knew I wasn't crazy, that must have been some intense blush to show through her fur so clearly. The moment did last long though, she caught on to what she was doing and as I expected "What are you doing?!"

"What am I doing? What are YOU doing?" I said jokingly.

Various sounds came out of her mouth but none of them came out as a complete word until "Let go of me." She said as she flailed her arms at me. She was still blushing by the way and I couldn't help but smile.

"What are you smiling at?"

She starting blushing even harder as my smile slowly turned into light laughter. It was the first time I had ever seen her embarrassed about something and it just made laugh for some reason. This scene didn't go on for long because she broke my laughter with something I didn't expect.

"I'm sorry."

My laughter changed back into a smile.

"What for?"

"Don't act like you don't know....last night.....when I tried to-"

"You must have had SOME nightmare; I've never seen you act this way."

She looked confused. "Nightmare?"

"I left to go piss and when I came back you were already sleep. You seemed kind of cold by yourself though so I brought you closer to the fire."

She was speechless for awhile.

"I'm gonna pack up camp, you sit here and be lazy like you normally do." I gave her a wink before I started picking up.


How could you not love him, he's amazing.


Chapter End Notes:Yep I'm still a failure as a writer but that doesn't mean I'm not trying, read, review, or enjoy. Do one of those and I'm happy.

Still in all honesty I have NO IDEA how to move the story forward I kinda planned it as a oneshot, and a oneshot it might stay >.>
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