AGNPH Stories


What is love? Love is a feeling so powerful, so unstoppable that nothing can stand in its way...nothing. But is that true, can two beings from entirely different backgrounds, entirely different races ever truly overcome the barriers that block their love? Join Rose as she embarks on a journey of adventure, of self-discovery and most importantly, love.

Story Notes:

Decided to repost the whole thing, but yeah, same story really, didn't make many changes. Hope you enjoy guys and gals.Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

  1. Act 1: Chapter 1: The Bond Made (4907 words)

  2. Act 1: Chapter 2: Suprises (6436 words)

  3. Act 1: Chapter 3: New Experiences, Old Friends (7590 words)

  4. Act 1: Chapter 4: A Ghost Of A Time (4980 words)

  5. Act 1: Chapter 5: Battle Royale (4782 words)

  6. Act 1: Chapter 6: The Meeting (4843 words)

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