AGNPH Stories

Awkward by time by thedreamer


Story Notes:

On-going story, so enjoy as it unfolds(note: if your coming here for the more...sorry for the grammar and typos....if you want to edit, tell me, I would be happy to accept any help to improve the quality of story.) (Leon's cell phone alarm)This is my first try at fan fic, Pokemon based story, or anything of the sexual area of stories, enjoy and worship!

Chapter 5: Getting your education (filler)

Ninetails laughed as Lucario told her what had happened the day before and why they had not been let out of their poke-balls.

"It sound's like some cheap sex story." Ninetails said laughing for a short time till she noticed Lucario's angry eyes. "I apologize, but it seems to me as if you and Leon do not know the first thing of sex, it surprises me greatly that Leon should not know much, he is a boy of a rather interesting age, most of his kind are know to look up or think such images up on a daily bases." Lucario never remembered him ever showing such interest he seemed as far as she knew far more interested in battles and food then sex before.

"Leon is not like that..." Lucario muttered as she looked over at the sleeping boy. Leon tended to be known to sleep half the day away when he planned to leave a town or city. She never really knew why, just that nothing seemed to wake him up. This normally lead to her having to set up everything for them to leave and having to wait the day away till he woke up. In this she was thankful that now there were new additions to the team, she was not waiting all day for him to wake up.

"I should say, from what I understand of the human male, at his age. He should normally know a great deal of the female body, thanks to such things as the internet and more loose attempts to hid such things as pornography." Ninetails said, her paw rubbing against Lucario's muzzle, a white dried substance on it. "And it seem's you did not know enough to even hid your mating, something I assume you would see as needed given the circumstances."

"We were...tired..." Lucario replied.

"After what was possibly only ten or eleven minutes?" NInetails said smiling. "Perhaps it may have been all used on thinking about what could go wrong?" Ninetails smiled as she licked the substance off her paw. "Interesting flavor." she muttered.

"'re a pervert..." Lucario said surprised as Ninetails licking at her trainers left over juices.

"No, I am only free with my mind." Ninetails replied. "Tell me, do you want to know how to please Leon better?"

"I...yes...I guess..." Lucario replied slightly worried by Ninetails words.

"Hm, 'I guess' is it? Then I am happy to aid the first mate of Master Leon." Ninetails said bowing her head but the smile seemed to not leave her face.

"First...mate?" Lucario asked.

"In my own species a male has several mates, the first one being of the most importance, your would qualify as Master Leon's first mate." Ninetails said as if it was a well known fact.

"I...I don't think it works like that for Lucario." Lucario said.

"Do you know?" Ninetails asked.

"Not, not parents were...taken before I learned that kind of stuff." Lucario muttered.

"Then let us assume your species runs as does mine." Ninetails replied, her paw seeming to be moving closer to Lucario's neater reigns.

"I-I guess." Lucario said seeming to be in thought before she felt something poke at her passage, making Lucario yelp as she jumped back. "What were you..." Ninetails smiled as she licked at more of the dried white substance that still clung to Lucario's fur.

"I just enjoy the taste." Ninetails said seeming to be confused by Lucario's reaction. "Either way, it would be wise that we look for a computer for the first of your teaching in pleasing Master Leon."

"What would a computer help with?" Lucario said already forgetting Ninetails minor invasion of her privacy.

"It will help...illustrate things I can no show on account of my own gender." Ninetails replied before walking out the door, leaving Lucario alone with Leon sleeping soundly on the bed, the scent of his seed still hanging on her nose...or was there some of it really on her?

"Wait Ninetails" Lucario said as she ran off after the Pokemon, forgetting to close the door behind her as she left the room. Just a few feet up the hall was Ninetails walking slowly as she glanced back.

"Come now, I can not wait all day, you stated that he would be awake by midday, correct?" Ninetails said.

"Yeah....umm, what don't we take Venus?" Lucario asked.

"Because I feel she is not adequately ready for such material, if I expose her to such to early she may become a addict." Ninetails said.
"A addict?" Lucario asked.

"To sex, such thing is not uncommon, I think human's call them, Nymphomaniacs? Or something similar." Ninetails stopped at a half opened door. "This room may have one."

"You can't just enter other human's rooms." Lucario said tempted to try to grab at her to stop the Ninetails

"It appears to be unoccupied." Ninetails said nosing the door open. "Come now, we need to educate you properly."

"Why are you doing this for me?" Lucario asked as stepped into the white walled room, it was mostly the same as the room Leon ordered. A standard bathroom, a small tv, and a twin sized bed with nice clean sheets colored in some fashion much like a poke-ball would appear. But in one corner of the room rested a computer that reminded her of the one that was in Leon's room at his own house. Yet this one seemed newer and better maintained. Ninetails walked over to it, hopping on the rolling chair before replying to Lucario.

"It's simply I wish to please Master Leon, and his first mate who helped me escape a avarice of a man." The Nintails smirked as she typed on the silver coated keyboard, words flashing on the screen with surprising speed for one with only paws to work with.

"You know English?" Lucario asked.

"I learned how to read and write it a while ago, human's have a method of keeping something called data in order to use it later, normally keeping it in this form of written words. It's rather strange but it seems to allow quick learning with a ready source of information." Ninetails smiled as she pushed the enter button and softly pushed herself back her paw pointing to the screen.

"This is what you think Leon watches?" Lucario said watching in interest as she watch the screen of the computer monitor, seeing the moaning of two people, a man and woman human. She felt a bit of lustful hunger as the male human inserting himself into the human woman, the male pleasuring her breast with skilful teasing as she was moved up and down his length. Loud moans were let out of the human female as she was pushed up and down in this odd position. "And what is that they are doing?" Lucario added on.

"He may, yet considering how he acted he may have very little knowledge, even less so then you had at that point. As for this, I believe the humans call it...mercenary, it is a common position for humans to take because of the placement of the human females vaginal tunnels placement, or it may be a matter of hearing of it first or their body structure...Hmm I am not exactly sure why that one is common...anyway." Ninetails leaned forward typing in more human words and pushing the button, ending the sexual display, Lucario wished that she was back in the room with Leon, feeling awkward as well as interested in showing this new position to Leon that she had learned...or was it much like the one they had did? It looked a bit like it might have looked if someone was...watching. Lucario blushed thinking of the idea of someone watching Leon and her, the idea seeming to make her own 'vaginal tunnel' feel a slight dampness.

"Here it is." Ninetails said pushing herself back. In the video stood a human male, his length hanging limping in a human woman's face. She seemed to be talking but the sound was not coming out. Yet another thing she recognized happened, the woman started licking the mans penis, flowing softly over the top, licking softly as pre-cum came from his slowing erecting mass. She seemed more skilled then Lucario had been, her movements were working more slowly as first for a few seconds before diving in on it, her movements seemed to make the human male great pleasure. She saw as the human male placed his hand on the human woman's head pushing her into it, as if to encourage something. It seemed so much more lustful and more enjoyable to the human male then when she had done it to Leon. What had this girl done differently? "Well you seem to be enjoying yourself." Ninetails said, her voice making Lucario look over to see Ninetails paw rubbing at her own entrance, the faint sound of juices hitting the ground.

"What are you doing?" Lucario said, feeling her cheeks blush. The Ninetails moaned as she pulled her head back in pleasure, finally replying but in soft moans while she continued to rub herself.

"Enjoying myself." Ninetails said, "Sorry, I am just getting turned on by this."

"Turned on?" Lucario asked.

"It's a human phrase to mean that something is making me want to mate...or something like that." Ninetails replied, letting out a short moan. The smell of her arousal seemed strong and even entrancing as she went on. Lucario felt herself getting faintly more wet as her own passage started to get a warm sensation inside it.

"Ninetails...umm, could you do that for me?" Lucario asked, wondering why she had.

"If you wish, First Mate." Ninetails said, hopping off the rolling chair and licking her lips as she grew closer to Lucario's wet passage. "Hmm, it smell's strongly of Master Leon's scent." Even her words seemed to make her feel wet, the vibrations as Ninetails words were sent out into such a tender area.

" what ever, please." Lucario said, laying herself down so Ninetails would be able to have a better angle.

"Now you should not be begging, but I shall in a second, I only wish to enjoy this scent, please wait a slight time." Ninetails pressed her nose against Lucario's lustful passage. Ninetail's tongue softly running over it, licking up the leaking fluids eagerly. "Hm, you taste good." Ninetails said, her voice almost as pleasurable as her licks, the vibrations playing at her insides.

"Th-th-..thanks.." Lucario moaned. She felt such enjoyment from this, as if Ninetails knew exactly where to pleasure her. "" She said realizing where she was, and that in fact the door to the room was still open. She noticed as reluctantly Ninetails pulled away.

"Why? You seemed to be having great pleasure from my actions." Ninetails asked, her head tilted to the side, Lucario's juices smudged in her fur.

"It just...look where we are...and-and..." Lucario muttered unable to keep concentrated, her mind filled with lustful thoughts. Ninetails smiled nodding her head faintly.

"If you wish, I shall stop, forgive me we were distract from your learning. Correct?" Ninetails jumped on the rolling chair once again seeming to act as if nothing had happened other then her seeming to lick her lips trying to get what taste of Lucario's juices remained on the fur of her muzzle. "Now...I gave you video's of the things that perhaps you and Leon had committed to, in a less experienced way then the human's on this computer did."

"It reminds me of it..." Lucario said her mind faintly filled with thoughts of what just happened, as well as her night before.

"Now, to move on to other positions, perhaps you may enjoy trying them at a later date. One that is more common to my own species and possibly yours as well, would be." Ninetails stopped speaking as she clicked enter once again a video started of a human woman on hands and knees, her butt waving slowly, seeming to talk with a teasing smile to who ever is holding the machine recording this video. "This one is better suited to most of Pokemon kind, in fact I am surprised this was not the one you attempted." Ninetails seemed to have moved her left paw back to her sensitive reigns once again softly moving her paw up and down them. Lucario glanced back to the video to see a male human's erection slip into the human girl, her mouth moving in moans that could not be heard.

"I...I think, umm, I am done with this." Lucario said turning around, disgusted with the perversion running in her own mind.

"Very well, perhaps this will be enough for you and Leon." Ninetails said jumping down as she pushed at the computer to shut it down. "Forgive me if you were bothered by what you have seen, yet I doubt you are happy with yourself to have stopped so soon." Ninetails said smiling. In a way Lucario was right, she hated this hunger in her, she was tempted to ask for more of the licking she had been given by Ninetails or to see more of this human love making. The feeling of being in heat seemed to bring about to many problems, if only she didn't have to worry about such things.

"Umm, I think its almost time for Leon to wake up anyway..." Lucario said in almost a whisper as they walked out the door closing it behind them.

"Based on the time you stated he awoke and what was shown on the computer I suppose your correct." Ninetails said walking ahead to get quickly down the hall to the room Leon had rented them.

"Just please...Ninetails, don't tell Leon what we did." Lucario mutted as she reached up for the door handle, awkwardly grabbing hold of it and turning it was some difficulty.

"Of course, lets just leave this extra knowledge as a surprise for him. Ninetails said faintly smiling. As they enter the room they heard the sound of his cell phone go off again for the fifteenth time, the music echoing in the white room. "So how soon will your next time be?" Ninetails asked glancing over. Lucario almost laughed.

"'re a pervert."
Chapter End Notes:hmm, what else can I add...ummmm, I give up.

Hope you enjoyed your little side story
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