AGNPH Stories


Looking to keep himself busy during Lucky's abscence, Hoenn trainer Wolf O'kai has decided to take on the Orange Islands league challenge. With friends old and new accompanying him on his journey, Wolf is set to have another exciting journey.

This has been edited out of its text walls.

  1. Prologue - Reforging (3342 words)

  2. Chapter 1 - New Beginnings (5482 words)

  3. Chapter 2 - Hunting Trip (4585 words)

  4. Chapter 3 - Family Reunion, pt 1 (6727 words)

  5. Chapter 4 - Family Reunion, pt 2 (4861 words)

  6. Chapter 5 - The Great Crystal Heist (5910 words)

  7. Chapter 6 - Hornet's Nest (4313 words)

  8. Chapter 7 - A Friend In Need (4477 words)

  9. Chapter 8 - Bonding (3713 words)

  10. Chapter 9 - Siblings (3969 words)

  11. Chapter 10 - Guardian of Rustboro (3790 words)

  12. Chapter 11 - A New Dawn (4684 words)

  13. Chapter 12 - Rising Star, pt 1 (2792 words)

  14. Chapter 13 - Rising Star, pt 2 (5112 words)

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