AGNPH Stories


Tangi was never really interested in becoming a trainer; he was perfectly content with staying in his hometown of Sandgem Town and working with Professor Rowan. However, the recent title match has motovated him into finally leave town for something new. Though the world has a funny way of welcoming him to it's wonder...

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 5
  • Completed: No Word Count: 21881 Views: 2784
  • Published: Aug 23 2012

Story Notes:

Based mainly on how the game goes, but I'll add things to my own accord here and there. Still not sure if this will turn adult or not... Mentally debating with myself it if will. Rated R for language to come.

  1. Journey's Start (3367 words)

  2. Opening Attraction! (4592 words)

  3. First Hurtle (2993 words)

  4. Second Chance (4818 words)

  5. A Taste of Hoenn (6111 words)

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