Name ▲ | Type | Count |
snorlax | Species | 1 |
snowballing | General | 1 |
soft vore | General | 1 |
solo | General | 1 |
songfic 2010 | Category | 7 |
songfic 2014 | Category | 1 |
soulbond | General | 1 |
spinarak | Species | 1 |
spiritomb | Species | 2 |
squirting | General | 1 |
squirtle | Species | 1 |
staraptor | Species | 1 |
staravia | Species | 2 |
starly | Species | 1 |
stealth | General | 1 |
steelix | Species | 1 |
straight | General | 9 |
stunky | Species | 1 |
suicune | Species | 9 |
supishii | General | 1 |
survivors | General | 1 |
swablu | Species | 1 |
swampert | Species | 3 |
swoobat | Species | 1 |
sylveon | Species | 5 |
tail | General | 1 |
talking pokemon | General | 1 |
tauros | Species | 3 |
tentacles | General | 1 |
tentacruel | Species | 1 |
tepig | Species | 2 |
terrakion | Species | 1 |
the birds and the bees | Category | 5 |
thwackey | Species | 1 |
timburr | Species | 1 |
togekiss | Species | 2 |
togetic | Species | 1 |
torchic | Species | 2 |
torture | Warning | 63 |
totodile | Species | 2 |
toxicroak | Species | 2 |
toxtricity | Species | 2 |
tragedy/horror | General | 1 |
trainer | General | 20 |
transformation | General | 2 |
transgender | Category | 8 |
treecko | Species | 5 |
tsareena | Species | 1 |
typhlosion | Species | 24 |
tyranitar | Species | 8 |