AGNPH Forums

Random Topic Thread: Say what's on your mind

    Charmander porn addict
    Date:Oct 1, 2013 2:28 AM Title:Re: Random Topic Thread: Say what's on your mind
    So... Seen any good Pokémon hentai lately?

    Date:Oct 2, 2013 2:49 AM Title:Re: Random Topic Thread: Say what's on your mind
    Whats on my mind?

    A mix of things normally. Its much like a kalidascope my thoughts spinning and spasuming untill i decide to focus on something..... like typing this, at the same time my thoughts dart from a itch on my lower back, to what a soft click sound i heard earily might have been, now i am thinking of how funny it would have been to tell inky : "♪ Your allways on my mind....honey...your allways on myyy miiind"♪

    But as many know it is tanashi that is allways on my mind tanashi and shay the salád.

    Anyhoo.... a short interval into the mind of a LongDog

    Date:Oct 5, 2013 3:17 AM(Edited:Oct 5, 2013 5:34 AM) Title:Re: Random Topic Thread: Say what's on your mind
    You know Braixen? The already anthropomorphic evolution of Fennekin that appears to be wearing a dangerously short skirt?

    Despite that its name comes from the French word "braise" (meaning hot charcoal) and "vixen", I can't help reading it as "brazen" + "vixen", particularly in tandem with its appearance.

    A shameless female fox is hardly the sort of thing I had expected to be an official Pokémon...! Between it and the Vulpix sprite from Diamond and Pearl, I'm beginning to think someone from here has found employ at Nintendo!

    I wonder if it will retain the 75% male gender ratio that starters have historically had. That would be kind of weird, considering it has "vixen" in its name and vixens aren't male.

    just remember. im here as the big swampert teddy..
    dark devil
    Date:Oct 12, 2013 3:24 AM Title:Re: Random Topic Thread: Say what's on your mind
    looks like the rp thread has gone. it was fun when that used to be popular. helped curb my rping and my typing

    the more messier your room is  the smarter you are.

    The world's greatest sexual deviant
    Date:Oct 24, 2013 10:08 PM Title:Re: Random Topic Thread: Say what's on your mind

    *while holding a wooden beam swinging it like a Timburr* Wow. That's an impressive piece of wood.

    Ha! Wood.

    i keep thinking about the next computer security program i'm gonna get, also thinking about getting a job at petSmart.

    Torn the leader of Alpha squad

    His brother, Shadow the leader of Delta squad

    Thank you for playing!
    Date:Nov 9, 2013 11:49 AM Title:Re: Random Topic Thread: Say what's on your mind
    I'm super psyched to be back in the saddle, myself!  But I didn't read the whole "Old Authors still have their accounts" thing back in the fics section and made a new account by accident.  Whops.

    Alright, who gave the pen to the madman?

    Sleep Harder~ ||=(>|3
    Date:Nov 10, 2013 2:56 PM Title:Re: Random Topic Thread: Say what's on your mind
    Sometimes I wonder if Poképorn artists aren't taking their art a little too serious.

    As I look to old pictures in the archive, I notice that anatomy of genitalia isn't that a big issue in the past. It almost looks like a human-shaped cock or conecock and a vagina was sufficient for the mass.

    As I look to porn art depicting Pokémon nowadays, a lot of that 'abstraction' was sacrificed for 'being close as possible to the anatomy of the suggested reference animal species of that Pokémon'.

    Of course artists who began to draw Poképorn mature and so does their art skills, but it's getting a trend to be 'anatomical correct with the genitalia' as possible  and that bugs me a bit.

    I mean take the Eevee family for example. Some people say they're canines, while other believe they are felines. The result? Various cock shapes with barbs or knots at the base which makes it hard to apply your own genitalia fantasy on. On the contrariety of a 'abstract conecock' which could could imagine various things on.

    And since Snivy became popular, somehow all reptilian-like Pokémon has to have two cocks because 'reptilians in the real world have those as well'.

    And according to the same way of reasoning female Pokémon should have a horizontal vagina  instead of just a normal vertical one otherwise 'you're doing it wrong'.

    And that last thing is bugging me a little bit. It seems that nowadays the public is so exacting about feral Pokémon porn that artists have to follow that trend or otherwise they're 'out of the public scope'. And I find that a pity, because it's porn about imaginary creatures where anatomy shouldn't make that much crucial sense.

    Here, have a Rare Candy~! 'Cause last night I found out you have to dream sweeter~! |=(>;3c

    Charmander porn addict
    Date:Nov 10, 2013 9:38 PM(Edited:Nov 10, 2013 11:59 PM) Title:Re: Random Topic Thread: Say what's on your mind
    I notice this a bit but I don't see it as a very bad thing. I prefer it over giving them a human cock since that's probably wrong and makes me have to further suspend my disbelief. I find it more hot to imagine that it's real and canonically accurate.
    Also with reptiles and birds, I prefer if they don't have an anus since they're only supposed to have one hole (I also don't really care for anuses in general though)
    I tend to assume having an animal cock wouldn't really feel much different then a human one even if it looks different.

    I do notice that sometimes artists try to make it too accurate and end up making the genitals more detailed than the rest of the Pokemon. I usually try to make my cocks loosely inspired by an animal but much more simplified.
    Ultimately what matters though is whether or not you can fap to it.

    I should also mention that some reptiles do only have one cock and some cloacas are in fact vertical.

    Date:Nov 11, 2013 8:26 AM Title:Re: Random Topic Thread: Say what's on your mind
    The whole cock design thing. I must say, it has wandered across my memory to document these sort of things in some sort of organized archive.

    Certainly not going to go into details, lest I get peoples hopes up. But such a project is of interest to me.

    Charmander porn addict
    Date:Nov 13, 2013 6:09 AM(Edited:Nov 13, 2013 6:51 AM) Title:Re: Random Topic Thread: Say what's on your mind
    I'm not sure it's a good idea to try and specifically define genitals for each pokemon. People would disagree with what should look like what, especially with pokemon who aren't based on particular animals.

    Take charizard for example. We know it's based off a lizard but there's no particular lizard it's based off.
    Therefore it's cock could be anything from cone shaped, to a double cock, to a strange purple plant like thing with spikes (there are some lizards with this kind of genitals).