AGNPH Forums

Random Topic Thread: Say what's on your mind

    Sleep Harder~ ||=(>|3
    Date:Jan 15, 2014 2:01 PM Title:Re: Random Topic Thread: Say what's on your mind

    Does anyone here think this place needs a Roleplay board?  I mean, this place is flat out deserted...and I don't post all the much here in comparison to HPF (or Hungry Pokemon Forums).  I think adopting a Roleplay board similar to HPF's would improve user activity.  The only difference being is that...there wouldn't be a Vore section...considering that's HPF's thing ^-^;;
    You're poking in an almost healed wound there.

    In the past AGNPH had and tried several platforms to RP at. Unfortunately most of the time drama emerged there leaked to the rest of the site. Which resulted in the shut down of the chatbox and RP section in the forums.

    I'd recommend #pokeyiff if you want to RP with fellow Pokémon.

    Here, have a Rare Candy~! 'Cause last night I found out you have to dream sweeter~! |=(>;3c

    ^That is Varesse. Say Hello.
    Date:Jan 15, 2014 7:04 PM Title:Re: Random Topic Thread: Say what's on your mind

    Does anyone here think this place needs a Roleplay board?  I mean, this place is flat out deserted...and I don't post all the much here in comparison to HPF (or Hungry Pokemon Forums).  I think adopting a Roleplay board similar to HPF's would improve user activity.  The only difference being is that...there wouldn't be a Vore section...considering that's HPF's thing ^-^;;
    You're poking in an almost healed wound there.

    In the past AGNPH had and tried several platforms to RP at. Unfortunately most of the time drama emerged there leaked to the rest of the site. Which resulted in the shut down of the chatbox and RP section in the forums.

    I'd recommend #pokeyiff if you want to RP with fellow Pokémon.

    Didn't know that 0~0.  I am sort new to I don't know the history of the site.  And I am banned from Pokeyiff for reasons I'd keep in PMs.

    Date:Jan 16, 2014 1:29 AM Title:Re: Random Topic Thread: Say what's on your mind
    You're poking in an almost healed wound there.

    In the past AGNPH had and tried several platforms to RP at. Unfortunately most of the time drama emerged there leaked to the rest of the site. Which resulted in the shut down of the chatbox and RP section in the forums.

    I'd recommend #pokeyiff if you want to RP with fellow Pokémon.

    Technically, AGNPH had fully functional forum roleplays for just as long as it had dysfunctional ones. If I remember right, the trouble began when sexual roleplays started cropping up on the forums, seemingly as a result of introducing a section for roleplays. Forums are a poor venue for cybersex.

    Date:Jan 16, 2014 8:17 AM Title:Re: Random Topic Thread: Say what's on your mind
    I'm getting quite annoyed of these warm/cold cycles in Alaska. Mother Nature, please please PLEASE just pick either one and keep it constant, I miss using my snow machine. -w-


    ^That is Varesse. Say Hello.
    Date:Jan 16, 2014 11:29 AM Title:Re: Random Topic Thread: Say what's on your mind

    Technically, AGNPH had fully functional forum roleplays for just as long as it had dysfunctional ones. If I remember right, the trouble began when sexual roleplays started cropping up on the forums, seemingly as a result of introducing a section for roleplays. Forums are a poor venue for cybersex.

    Maybe it was because sex RPs and general RPs weren't exactly...separated?  That could have been the cause for the dysfunctional ones...thinking you were going to have a normal RP and then BAM!  suddenly yiff.

    just remember. im here as the big swampert teddy..
    dark devil
    Date:Jan 26, 2014 4:03 AM Title:Re: Random Topic Thread: Say what's on your mind
    you know. I think it may be a good idea to add an online game section to this site. not like computer game or nothing but like (quote that avvie, poke trivia, or did you know) I think it may boost users to talk more here

    the more messier your room is  the smarter you are.

    Date:Jan 27, 2014 4:50 PM Title:Re: Random Topic Thread: Say what's on your mind
    Being sick sucks.


    just remember. im here as the big swampert teddy..
    dark devil
    Date:Jan 27, 2014 4:54 PM Title:Re: Random Topic Thread: Say what's on your mind

    Being sick sucks.

    your telling me

    the more messier your room is  the smarter you are.

    Your friendly neighborhood horny gardevoir
    Date:Jan 30, 2014 4:54 AM Title:Re: Random Topic Thread: Say what's on your mind
    Thinking about what to think about.  ??? Puppies and baby foxes and other cute animals. I dunno  :P

    What is the point of life if you do not live it to its fullest?
    Your friendly neighborhood horny gardevoir
    Date:Jan 30, 2014 5:05 AM(Edited:Jan 30, 2014 5:09 AM) Title:Re: Random Topic Thread: Say what's on your mind

    Does anyone here think this place needs a Roleplay board?  I mean, this place is flat out deserted...and I don't post all the much here in comparison to HPF (or Hungry Pokemon Forums).  I think adopting a Roleplay board similar to HPF's would improve user activity.  The only difference being is that...there wouldn't be a Vore section...considering that's HPF's thing ^-^;;

    We had a section devoted to rp, but it seems it's been removed since our last upgrade, unfortunately. I for one found it very interesting. It gave me something literature-inspiring to do whenever I got bored and wanted to make a short story with input from a variety of people who would come up with their own personalities. It literally was making a story one could add to the fics section and you would only need to work with one character! It made a writers life easier if one capitalized on it. 

    What is the point of life if you do not live it to its fullest?