AGNPH Forums

Random Topic Thread: Say what's on your mind

    ^That is Varesse. Say Hello.
    Date:Jan 31, 2014 6:48 PM Title:Re: Random Topic Thread: Say what's on your mind
    If having sex randomly pop up in an RP where the other doesn't want it...then maybe the section should have been split to General and Yiff.  Maybe have a board for seeking out RPs, where people can narrow down what they want, and narrow it down even further in PMs.  Another for Character sheets...etc.  And maybe if the RP is messy*, then maybe the RP topic name can have a warning in it.

    I's just what I think.

    I need metal for a YT outro
    Date:Feb 4, 2014 3:08 AM(Edited:Feb 4, 2014 3:16 AM) Title:Re: Random Topic Thread: Say what's on your mind

    Does anyone here think this place needs a Roleplay board?  I mean, this place is flat out deserted...and I don't post all the much here in comparison to HPF (or Hungry Pokemon Forums).  I think adopting a Roleplay board similar to HPF's would improve user activity.  The only difference being is that...there wouldn't be a Vore section...considering that's HPF's thing ^-^;;

    We had a section devoted to rp, but it seems it's been removed since our last upgrade, unfortunately. I for one found it very interesting. It gave me something literature-inspiring to do whenever I got bored and wanted to make a short story with input from a variety of people who would come up with their own personalities. It literally was making a story one could add to the fics section and you would only need to work with one character! It made a writers life easier if one capitalized on it. 

    Here's the logic as I understand it:

    They removed it because it was dead. It was dead because of some ridiculously tedious and (in my opinion) bad rules. These rules were put in place when the old RP mod left, these rules were then not monitored then Disillusioned left, therefore we don't need it.

    I wish there was something I could do, but sadly, there is not. I understand that they want us to use HPF, but I don't particularly want to go there, and I don''t know why. I know there is the irc, but that get's messy and disorderly and people can continue without you, whereas you have the chance of having an order and waiting for people to respond on a forums based section. This is entirely my opinion and preferences, and I know that not all of my friends share this opinion, but there is nothing I can do, it is ultimately the Administration's rule and unless we provide a very convincing argument and a large enough interest in it, there is nothing we can do. Even with all that the chances are slim and the decision is up to them.

    I would like to have it back, it would give purpose to my visits and give me a way to improve my writing skills, and that way I don't sound like a british person when I type and hear the words I am typing in my head.

    I've been thinking about YouTube, my new avatar, and Pokemon Bank. Oh, and Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn. Other than that I have been blank and mindless in a writing rut.

    'Cause we are alone, here in death valley

    Happy songs are over-rated, I'm listening to: angry stuff, sad stuff and rebellion stuff.

    My YT channel:

    Date:Feb 6, 2014 9:25 PM Title:Re: Random Topic Thread: Say what's on your mind

    Does anyone here think this place needs a Roleplay board?  I mean, this place is flat out deserted...and I don't post all the much here in comparison to HPF (or Hungry Pokemon Forums).  I think adopting a Roleplay board similar to HPF's would improve user activity.  The only difference being is that...there wouldn't be a Vore section...considering that's HPF's thing ^-^;;

    We had a section devoted to rp, but it seems it's been removed since our last upgrade, unfortunately. I for one found it very interesting. It gave me something literature-inspiring to do whenever I got bored and wanted to make a short story with input from a variety of people who would come up with their own personalities. It literally was making a story one could add to the fics section and you would only need to work with one character! It made a writers life easier if one capitalized on it. 

    Here's the logic as I understand it:

    They removed it because it was dead. It was dead because of some ridiculously tedious and (in my opinion) bad rules. These rules were put in place when the old RP mod left, these rules were then not monitored then Disillusioned left, therefore we don't need it.

    I wish there was something I could do, but sadly, there is not. I understand that they want us to use HPF, but I don't particularly want to go there, and I don''t know why. I know there is the irc, but that get's messy and disorderly and people can continue without you, whereas you have the chance of having an order and waiting for people to respond on a forums based section. This is entirely my opinion and preferences, and I know that not all of my friends share this opinion, but there is nothing I can do, it is ultimately the Administration's rule and unless we provide a very convincing argument and a large enough interest in it, there is nothing we can do. Even with all that the chances are slim and the decision is up to them.

    I would like to have it back, it would give purpose to my visits and give me a way to improve my writing skills, and that way I don't sound like a british person when I type and hear the words I am typing in my head.

    I've been thinking about YouTube, my new avatar, and Pokemon Bank. Oh, and Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn. Other than that I have been blank and mindless in a writing rut.

    What the Absol said *Points at Xell before fixing his shades and leaving*


    Date:Feb 15, 2014 7:05 AM Title:Re: Random Topic Thread: Say what's on your mind
    Yesterday is Valentine's day, which brings to mind the heart symbol ♥, an odd symbol in that it is not shaped like a human or animal heart, but is nonetheless associated with that organ and love. If its origin were known, the reason for the latter at least would probably become clear, since it is a symbol. Unfortunately, its history is not well recorded before the late Middle Ages. But there are a number of hypotheses that trace it to ancient times, and both of them regard it as initially relating to sexual love.

    One is that it is a model of the female hindquarters, as viewed from behind. The resemblance is clear, I'm sure.

    Another is that it is modeled after the seed pod of the silphium plant, also known as laser or laserwort, which is now believed to be extinct. It was used by the Romans both as a seasoning and also for its reported medicinal properties. Notable among these is that it functioned as an ingested contraceptive, which would have been very useful given ancient Roman proclivities. The seed pods were nearly identical to the modern heart symbol in shape, and prints of them on coins from Cyrene are some of the earliest known instances of that symbol.

    As for why it is extinct, while the cause is also disputed, it is believed that Roman-era overharvesting of the plant and its own refusal to be grown in cultivation had something to do with it.

    Date:Mar 3, 2014 10:06 PM(Edited:Mar 3, 2014 10:19 PM) Title:Re: Random Topic Thread: Say what's on your mind
    Snuggles, snuggles all the time <3
    I don't know why, but it conquers my mind every single second at the moment

    But beside that, I try to find something which could make this place more interesting again so more 'mons to talk to ^~^

    I need metal for a YT outro
    Date:Mar 26, 2014 7:56 PM Title:Re: Random Topic Thread: Say what's on your mind
    *sighs* I go because I am busy and little changes...

    'Cause we are alone, here in death valley

    Happy songs are over-rated, I'm listening to: angry stuff, sad stuff and rebellion stuff.

    My YT channel:

    Overzealous Friend
    Date:May 12, 2014 6:20 AM Title:Re: Random Topic Thread: Say what's on your mind
    Dark Souls 2, stuff, family, close friends, and stuff, and maybe a thing or two.
    Not a lot really going on for me as of recently. I'll pray it stays that way.

    All in all, this year has had a really good start.

    Why do today, what you could do tomorrow?

    Date:May 18, 2014 3:57 PM Title:Re: Random Topic Thread: Say what's on your mind
    I thought i'd visit today and couldn't help but think "heh wow I feel old and outdated. I need food for some reason." Went to go get food and what happened? There was no food too my dismay.-_-

    Date:May 20, 2014 4:03 AM Title:Re: Random Topic Thread: Say what's on your mind
    1. Calculus is hard, not very useful, and the bane of my existence. And it'll only get harder in years to come, yay.

    2. The new Godzilla movie kinda sucked. Barely meets a 4/10. Distracting, cheezy music, over anthropomorphized lizard, oddly designed monsters, and a poor plot line. Disappointment. I want my 11$ back.

    3. I don't understand why people like drinking. It makes you feel gross, you can never sleep when there's dozens of rowdy people around, and people play dumb, dangerous games like beer darts. I mean, come on people. Someone's gonna get that in the shin, and when you're 40 min out of town near a lake, it's gonna be hard to get help.

    4. I can't wait for summer, I need a change of pace and scenery.

    5. I recently got into the TCG with my boyfriend. It's quite fun, actually, and offers a lot of distractions. Also, kicking his ass at it feels pretty nice.

    "As you can see, I've memorized this utterly useless fact long enough to pass a test question. I now intend to forget it forever. You've taught me nothing except how to manipulate the system. Congratulations."

    -Bill Watterson (Calvin & Hobbes)
    just remember. im here as the big swampert teddy..
    dark devil
    Date:May 20, 2014 9:46 PM Title:Re: Random Topic Thread: Say what's on your mind
    you know what. i'm dying to see a pokemon game with all the maps and such in the same format as pokemon xd and pokemon colloseum come out for wii or something. the only time I've seen an extra map was gen 2. that would be a game i'd like to go through. and of course have as many pokemon avalible.

    the more messier your room is  the smarter you are.