AGNPH Forums

Random Topic Thread: Say what's on your mind

    Date:May 29, 2014 12:31 PM Title:Re: Random Topic Thread: Say what's on your mind
    WHat the hell happened to my spring? I feel so cheated out of a quarter of my year.

    We went from a long winter that seemed to dragon on forever, then spring crept up on us, letting my flowers and other plants start to bloom. It was a wonderful 5 days, then Winter came back and sucker-punched spring back down into the asphalt and started doing gangnam style over it's defeated foe.

    Then summer came along and flicked winter out of the picture while yelling "YOU WANTED WARMTH!? HAVE IT ALL"

    I have determined that spring and fall are both myths...


    Date:Jun 26, 2014 8:01 PM(Edited:Jun 26, 2014 8:10 PM) Title:Re: Random Topic Thread: Say what's on your mind

    3. I don't understand why people like drinking. It makes you feel gross, you can never sleep when there's dozens of rowdy people around, and people play dumb, dangerous games like beer darts. I mean, come on people. Someone's gonna get that in the shin, and when you're 40 min out of town near a lake, it's gonna be hard to get help.

    That's why I drink alone and play sad songs on the guitar. Life's better that way. *Slams a fifth of SoCo on the table before repositioning the acoustic guitar and starting a blue rythm*

    I drink alone~ Yeah! with nobody else~ You know when I drink alone... I prefer to be by myself~!

    On Topic: Uh... I'm still making knives and drinking insane amounts of alcohol and my kidney's are killing me -.- nothing new.


    Befuddling since 1985, when the Cows came home
    Date:Sep 8, 2014 3:55 PM Title:Re: Random Topic Thread: Say what's on your mind
    It's too quiet and empty.

    ~ You think You're surprised? You should have seen My expression when they told me the Rain in Spain stays Mainly on the Plains! ~

    ~ Quotes and the like are only popular if that's what 'she' said. ~

    AKA: Ziegles
    Date:Sep 9, 2014 3:01 AM Title:Re: Random Topic Thread: Say what's on your mind

    It's too quiet and empty.

    Yeah, I second that...I has kinda gone dead :(

    Anyway, computer science at college is actually kind of fun. Learning to write things in C++ is so gratifying. What is everyone's thoughts on that? I might be the only person who loves to see simple programs run from over 3 hours of work ^_^

    Want a good book series to read? Try Chaos Walking by Patrick Ness!
    Friendly resident Cyndaquil
    Date:Sep 9, 2014 7:30 AM Title:Re: Random Topic Thread: Say what's on your mind
    Y'all gotta visit the IRC more often, then. Usually very active in there.results may vary on time of day

    Learning to write things in C++ is so gratifying.

    C++ is nice, but I usually prefer Java. More verbose, but a huge standard library makes it easier to work with.

    ~My fire shall always burn eternal~

    Befuddling since 1985, when the Cows came home
    Date:Sep 9, 2014 11:30 AM Title:Re: Random Topic Thread: Say what's on your mind

    Y'all gotta visit the IRC more often, then. Usually very active in there.results may vary on time of day

    Learning to write things in C++ is so gratifying.

    C++ is nice, but I usually prefer Java. More verbose, but a huge standard library makes it easier to work with.

    What usually gets talked about there?

    ~ You think You're surprised? You should have seen My expression when they told me the Rain in Spain stays Mainly on the Plains! ~

    ~ Quotes and the like are only popular if that's what 'she' said. ~

    Date:Sep 11, 2014 10:42 AM Title:Re: Random Topic Thread: Say what's on your mind

    Y'all gotta visit the IRC more often, then. Usually very active in there.results may vary on time of day

    No matter what I tried, can't get on the IRC. Maybe because europe offers different server? maybe there is a problem somewhere else.. but everytime I try to join the agn channel, it connects me to an empty server.

    Friendly resident Cyndaquil
    Date:Sep 11, 2014 3:35 PM Title:Re: Random Topic Thread: Say what's on your mind
    Perhaps that is because the site/channel name is AGNPH, not agn?

    Aside from that, make sure you're connecting to on port 6667, and joining "#agnph". What client are you using?

    (More help can be found in the IRC link in the header)

    ~My fire shall always burn eternal~

    Date:Sep 12, 2014 11:58 AM Title:Re: Random Topic Thread: Say what's on your mind
    I know I tried it with the informations provided in the irc thread, x-chat, an android irc app, CIRC and so on :/
    But even with copy paste those log in informations like the server into the irc programme, it still ended up either having to choose a server or that it connected to an empty server

    Date:Oct 15, 2014 4:25 PM Title:Re: Random Topic Thread: Say what's on your mind
    Well as for what's on my mind I feel sorry for the state that this place in now in. I remember a long while ago when it had lots of people coming in and out and just doing random things, it was fairly enjoyable for the most part which was nice in it's own right. I personally think that it'd be nice for the site here to pick up in terms of users again and finally become an active place instead of dying for months a  a time and then coming back for maybe a day just to die again. I miss some of my friends that used to come around here as well but hey things take time I guess right? so it'd be nice to see those things pop back up once again.