Hey so recently the agn.ph irc server had some issues and now there's only a few people left on it, did we move to another irc server? and if so what is it. it also might be helpful if someone puts the new server we're on in the agn.ph server topics
This should be a temporary measure, since another server by the same host of agn.ph is currently being DDoSed. irc.agn.ph has been detached from the other irc servers to avoid the connection/disconnection spam. Other usable servers are irc.digibase.ca:8000 with SSL and irc.kitsunet.net
Date:Mar 23, 2014 8:22 PM Title:IRCserver
Date:Mar 24, 2014 7:48 PM Title:Re: IRCserver
Date:Sep 17, 2019 5:17 PM Title:RE: IRCserver
Hope it get fixed as sone as posible
Date:Sep 28, 2019 11:37 PM Title:RE: IRCserver
IRC server hasn't changed, but a lot of users have moved over to Discord (the chatrooms are connected). See the IRC/Discord page for how to connect.
~My fire shall always burn eternal~