AGNPH Oekaki
  •  rakki |  Mah |  2012-05-24 01:13:49|  40m 23s
      Date:2012-05-24 01:13:49
  •  rakki |  Meh. |  2012-05-22 08:24:58|  1h 11m 37s
      Date:2012-05-22 08:24:58
  •  giratina_x |  Ok |  2012-05-21 13:50:39|  18m 4s
      Date:2012-05-21 13:50:39
      I just love leavanny....
      Date:2012-05-23 10:00:23
      They're awesome. Oh do draw some more~
  •  giratina_x |  Bleh |  2012-05-21 13:27:52|  10m 58s
      Date:2012-05-21 13:27:52
      Oh derp, my tablet hates me.
      Hey guys~
      Date:2012-05-21 17:40:50
      My tablet hates me too.

      Date:2012-05-21 22:30:09
      My tablet doesn't exist

      howdy person! :3!
      Date:2012-05-23 10:00:02
      My Tablet also doesn't exist.

      Hello there.
  •  sacredwolfskarlet |   |  2012-05-19 22:14:03|  9m 25s
      Date:2012-05-19 22:14:03
      fandom secret I always forget my username and password for this site so I tend to give up and run away for weeks

      this is Cana btw he's my lil gay (he insists on pan) hipster
      Date:2012-05-20 16:29:07
      What's the surname?
      Date:2012-05-21 22:29:05
      based on his shirt I'd assume his last name is Da
  •  cyanzangoose |  Whimsicott |  2012-05-17 04:34:10|  9m 9s
      Date:2012-05-17 04:34:10
      You'll never be that snug...
      Date:2012-05-17 20:00:17
      I'll buy that pillow for $30!
      Date:2012-05-18 06:58:06
      It's 599.99 US Dollars.
      Date:2012-05-18 09:29:29
      with no backwards compatability
      Date:2012-05-18 18:13:06
  •  Flygon |  This is why I don't do Oekaki |  2012-05-14 15:56:12|  7m 21s
      Date:2012-05-14 15:56:12

      It is everyone else's duty to draw enough to get rid of this!

      Yet when in SAI...
  •  inkcap |  Saving the World in his Pajamas |  2012-05-07 17:19:03|  10h 53m 29s
      Date:2012-05-07 17:19:03
      Meet Dreamer, the Prince of the Land of the Lost Sands. He has been saving the world of Dreams for as long as any Dreamlander can remember. Following his tail is Raizen Shine, his older brother who, while concerned about his welfare and safety, lets Dreamer do as he pleases, assisting if help is ever needed.

      Goodness it's so late, and seeing Dreamer always makes me feel sleepy.
      Date:2012-05-07 18:17:07
      aw that's cute <:3c!
  •  silver1kunai |  More Chikorita |  2012-05-02 04:57:39|  21m 4s
      Date:2012-05-02 04:57:39
      More of my work, Just some ideas I had in my sketch book that I drew into this drawing thing. Any thoughts? :O
      Date:2012-05-03 01:36:06
      fruity pink juices yes :T~
      Date:2012-05-03 01:53:26
      Would you like to see more? :o
      The Literal Worst
      Date:2012-05-15 01:22:22
      yes yes yes yes yes
  •  silver1kunai |  New Drawing |  2012-05-02 03:15:59|  10m 10s
      Date:2012-05-02 03:15:59
      Here is more of my work, But is there any way I can upload my pics or do I have to draw them?
      Date:2012-05-02 03:58:03
      I like these images.

      It's an Oekaki board, it's only really intended for drawing. We do have a forum section, if you're interested, however. It's possible to post imagery there.
      Date:2012-05-02 04:22:14
      Then I guess I shall continue to draw more sexy Chikoritas and her many traits, also some other pokemon.
      Date:2012-05-02 04:22:56
      Awesome. Thanks for coming around, by the way!
      Date:2012-05-02 04:26:40
      No prob, I'm happy to add. I've always found these sexy and fascinating.

      Also, I've tried to get on the forums first about 10 times and It said I hasd already created one..I tried 3 different Usernames, Passwords, Emails, everything...

      It doesn't want my art. ;_;
      Date:2012-05-02 08:26:31
      I recommend you add me to an instant messenging service. The ones I use can be found on my Fur Affinity.

      I do want to help. :p
      Date:2012-05-03 01:20:13
      I added you on steam and on AIM. I'm Silver1Kunai on AIM
      Date:2012-05-03 02:50:39
  •  silver1kunai |  A new artist is born |  2012-05-02 02:19:49|  4m 41s
      Date:2012-05-02 02:19:49
      Hello Everyone, I am a new artist looking to make wonderful sex stories involving Pokemon and my favorite of all Chikorita. I noticed there isn't alot online and I recently got into it. For now this is all i could do, Can I upload photos straight from my Computer? :duh:

      But I am new here, I'm hoping to please alot of you.
  •  inkcap |  Inky New Ref |  2012-04-28 17:13:19|  3h 39m 4s
      Date:2012-04-28 17:13:19
      A newer ref of Inkcap! Bigger swords, bigger collar and even shameless advertising!
  •  sticky_fingers |  Caught at his weakest moment |  2012-04-24 12:46:04|  3h 33m 15s
      Date:2012-04-24 12:46:04
      That stretch of time where nothing matters, not even the people staring.

      So what do you guys think?
      Date:2012-04-25 15:49:11
      nice pic :3
      The Literal Worst
      Date:2012-05-15 01:22:58
      holy shit he looks like he's going to maul me
      Date:2012-05-29 12:14:59
      maul you? How?
  •  inkcap |  Porn Star Flurret |  2012-04-23 18:40:20|  2h 16m 3s
      Date:2012-04-23 18:40:20
      *facepalms and laughs* It started with an idea to print AGNPH logos on T shirts to support AGNPH, and my mind thought about this mental image on the shirt. My mind was screaming for me to draw it now, so here it is.
      Date:2012-04-24 00:25:25
      Putting logos for a cartoon porn website on tshirts sounds just CRAZY ENOUGH TO WORK!!... or not :Uc
      Date:2012-04-24 04:48:52
      Hahaha, this is crazy awesome! Thanks!
  •  sticky_fingers |  Zangoose used pounce. Its super effective! |  2012-04-23 09:06:31|  2h 39m 55s
      Date:2012-04-23 09:06:31
      Hello again, been absent for a while so as a gift here is some porn. This picture is mostly how I wanted it to look. Will touch it up a bit later but want you opinions on how it looks please.
      Date:2012-04-23 09:41:57
      That's a great pose! Not many can pull that off as well as those two do :D
  •  Kath |  A Seasonal Path |  2012-04-23 04:56:46|  9h 59m 47s
      Those glinting green eyes watching you.
      Date:2012-04-23 04:56:46
      Yet more practice, this time something of a cover for one of my stories featuring the five main characters. The positioning fits the first year surprisingly well, considering I had pretty much no plan when I started scribbling. (Also still find it hard to believe that the Mismagius gave me the least amount of trouble, but I'm probably rambling now.)

      Maybe next time I'll try something less... clean. Provided I have the house to myself. Be right embarrassing if someone wandered in while I was scribbling something like that.
  •  inkcap |  Ylenol Borrowed an Umbrella |  2012-04-23 00:55:37|  10h 14m 39s
      Date:2012-04-23 00:55:37
      It isn't easy being a social outcast. One of Ylenol's interesting habits involve borrowing a random item from passing travellers, hiding in a nice and quiet shelter to do her thing, then returning it quietly. She usually runs the borrowed items through an oasis or river to wash off the mess.

      It appear that this time she has chosen an umbrella, a really small one for now which has an extra advantage of stretching her out. Perhaps she will try the bigger one next? :D
      Date:2012-04-23 01:52:42
      I like that you have nice background stories for your pictures. :D Keep drawing!
  •  inkcap |  Ylenol the Semi Geeky Flygon |  2012-04-22 14:13:48|  39m 5s
      Date:2012-04-22 14:13:48
      STILL WIP!

      That character is so.... I can't even describe how awesome she looks despite the fact that she is supposed to be geeky. Her name is Ylenol (pronounced Ee-len-ol) and she loves reading erotic fiction. This is due to the fact that she has been alone for a long time and her puberty isn't helping. She keeps various toys she swiped from unwary travellers who passes through her territory, and uses them for... uh... yeah. So she has freckles (because Flygon approves), buck teeth (because Inkcap approves), thick rimmed glasses (because the geek squad approves) and braces for her crooked antenna (her balance approves)

      Her interesting traits involve talking super fast without a pause when she gets all excited, she puts foreign objects in her um... you know. And she does a victory hop when she accomplishes something she's proud of.

      Annoying habits
      Date:2012-04-22 22:39:42
      This looks like it could be very good. (Also I am back now)
      Date:2012-04-23 04:33:25

      adorable as hell :3c
  •  Kath |  Emerging for a moment. |  2012-04-21 12:39:51|  1h 10m 9s
      Those glinting green eyes watching you.
      Date:2012-04-21 12:39:51
      Hey AGNPH, Kath here. Never drawn on an oekaki board before, so this sketch was more or less the result of practice messing around with it. I'm a Sableye with spectacles (don't ask how that works) that's trying to crawl out from under the cozy lurker rock and hopefully brush up on my drawing at the same time.

      Well, that's all I've got for now... so back to the rock I go. Hope to see you all around~
      Date:2012-04-21 14:19:45
      Cool idea! You even bothered to draw a background! That certainly is a good try. Wishing you many months of getting better as you go :)
  •  inkcap |  A Special Hi |  2012-04-17 16:59:01|  2h 15m 50s
      Date:2012-04-17 16:59:01
      My name is Inkcap, but you guys can also call me Inky or IC. I am a Charmander (With glued on hair) wearing a unique spellsword attire. My top likes include fellow Charmanders, yiffy RP's and molesting admins. I generally dislike close minded people, sad endings and wtf I can't enable adult images?!? >.<

      Here's wishing me a productive stay in AGNPH!
      Date:2012-04-17 23:53:32
      well your character's adorable, I'll give ya that :Uc

      Hello and welcome, sir :3
      Date:2012-04-18 14:02:04
      I really need to get that adult image situation sorted out.

      Great to see you here! You seem to be extremely cool!
  •  kupok |  Blueberry and Strawberry |  2012-04-05 21:54:06|  2m 36s
      Date:2012-04-05 21:54:06
      Someone complained there was now porn of them. WELL I FIXED THAT!!
      Date:2012-04-06 01:55:12
      How kind of you :3
      Date:2012-04-06 04:46:05
      who what
  •  poken00b |  Samus |  2012-03-24 05:21:03|  13m 6s
      Date:2012-03-24 05:21:03
      this is what happens when i go into metroid modebut still epic >:U
      Date:2012-03-24 05:26:01
      BTW FLYGON I SAY COMMENT!!!!!!! >:U >:C
      Date:2012-04-01 03:54:24
      Cool it poken00b or ill have Phantoon rip you to fucking shreds in a matter of seconds
  •  k2110 |  <3 |  2012-03-15 01:45:46|  8m 31s
      Date:2012-03-15 01:45:46
      :barf: :barf:
      Date:2012-03-15 14:58:00
      adorable zangoose \:D/
      Date:2012-03-18 19:29:33
      Super cute!
      Scarlet Pikachu
      Date:2012-03-23 10:50:26
      Love the way this looks!
      Date:2012-03-25 01:36:28
      zangoose =w=
  •  Snofu |  Weavile |  2012-03-14 20:53:23|  36m 56s
      Date:2012-03-14 20:53:23
      Chubby Weavile
      Date:2012-03-15 14:57:42
      d'aww :3c
      The Literal Worst
      Date:2012-03-17 04:38:34
      It really is a shame that no one comments anymore!

      Great pic.
      Date:2012-03-18 20:45:35
      Cute pic ^^
      I love the expression :3

      (and yeah, more activity would be great)
      Date:2012-03-19 03:14:11
      I also genuinely like this image, and I would also love to see more activity at the Oekaki.

      Main reason I don't try to comment though, and this will sound kinda dumb... I don't wanna be the guy that comments the first second it's possible. x.x
      Date:2012-03-19 14:38:10
      what´s bad about being the first?
      i don´t comment most of the times because i think it´s silly to always write "awww cute" or "beautiful **" ^^"
      but i don´t know anything meaningful to say other than overly harsh critc so I don´t write anything at all
      Scarlet Pikachu
      Date:2012-03-23 10:50:10
      I think the chubbiness is adorable!
      Friendly Zangoose
      Date:2012-03-28 11:18:02
      Oh gorgeous!
      Date:2012-04-05 21:40:42
      She's adorable! Adn she looks so pleased with herself. Like she just ate all the cookies and has no regrets about doing so.
  •  poken00b |  floating by a stream |  2012-03-13 20:30:28|  9m 41s
      Date:2012-03-13 20:30:28
      :3 cottonee floating by a stream :3
      The Literal Worst
      Date:2012-03-14 01:40:13
      where are my damn glasses