Wait what
i think someone needs some penis
that's exactly what that look is telling me at least -
I'd play it safe and say two
*huggles you* :D
Tis cute, has a lonely feel to it o:
am I the only one that sees weird moving backround-ness?
No, I see it too. Wtf that is freaky! I thought it was a problem with my monitor at first. :o
Edit: It's probably just my monitor being stupid or some setting on my computer.
(Edited on March 7, 2007, 10:00 pm) -
Lovely n.n
Hello new oekaki that I'll probably not draw in much~
This is my Charizard form. Drew this cause I was bored.
it's pictures like this that make me hate my coloring style. -
yay Tikarizard!~
Thats cool n.n
rushed... but whatever, i was bored.
maybe ill make something better later >_> -
I like it... she's cute... and shiny!
Yay shiny Zangeese~
I think this is very nice :3
Shiny Zangoose Wins! nwn
Sometimes I just get the urge to draw something completely random. Tea time with Zaia with mustaches~~~
Most of the time was spent coming up with funny words |B -
Twixt the linens?
translation: between the bedsheets~
X3 Funneh~
My brain is just... fried. I have a quiz in Japanese tomorrow where I have to recite three separate dialogs in Japanese TWICE, completely from memory. Problem here? I have poor as fuck memory. My memory is just completely useless. I can't remember what most people said to me a minute ago let alone three entire CONVERSATIONS.
Omg so it's tomorrow now, how'd it go? Ya hold up alright? :3
I did alright on the first run, through, but had to restart the second because I forgot which person's lines I was supposed to be reciting... but looked extremely good in comparison to how BAD that one creep did,
I have the same problem with algebra. I look at the problems and my brain locks up. I've found that practicing a lot helps me. Math has always been my weak subject. *picks up Hatii and holds her in lap* :)
The pic is so cute.
Ahh my memory can be fuzzy too ):
I think I might of fallen asleep sometime during this...I don't even know what the hell it is...
Uuuggghhhhhhh... -
I'm not quite sure what is is either o-o
I know what it is.
EDIT: also Error your character is adorable. -
that char is FLAMINGLY gay am i right? |3
Nice :3
ha ha ha ha thats so :lol: (BLEEP)in random :lol: ...... i can't breath...*choke*.*thump*....
OH SHIT!!! ... Its Dr. Tran!
Sandrina LIVES!!!
hot pose :3
you should totally color this :0
Ohh wow that position is nice. n.n
so hot.wish i coulf be like that with someone V. .V
I still phail at shading XD
what? that's that awesome cartoony kind of shading! I see no phail.
:O Really? I guess its because I see people that can shade really nicely and clean, but I still see mine as epic phail. I guess I'm improving though.
btw what grey is that? It's like the perfect color for something I was planning...
I have no idea. It was between brown and grey XD I really like this shade though.
Lovely n.n
Can't quite decide of regular Skoll had a knot or not... but for the sake of this picture, he does. Poor Hatii isn't too knowledgeable about getting stuffed full of mimiga cock, and thus, wouldn't know a knot if it got shoved into her ;) .
Great work as always :O
You are amazing owo
Hum... trying out the new version :crazy:, and Jo here looks so pretty! Pretty gala girl she is!
I say... I must be getting better with Shi Painter! I probably gotta do bigger size pics now...
Maybe later...
Maybe even more dirtier too...
Anyhoo, enjoy! -
Blue hair does win (:
Very cute n.n
I don't know ._.
I am reminded of Boxdog...
mmm so phallic
he is pretty much just a big furry penis, with appendages. -
So you wouldn't be suprised if I said it started as a giant penis?
Cute, confused spaced out Ferret XD
thats somthin i would say...
As ze title says.
omnomnomnomnom :B
Ohh Thats nice n.n
It's been so long. :<
Drawing Garde of course. -
She is all like "My boobs are hanging out and I DON'T CARE"
Lovely Gardevoir! nwn
Long Error is LOOOOONG!!!
I am highly amused by this!
Thats very cool *Watches ya fly* OwO
this is gold
Borrowed Ardy's hat for a bit ;3
how I'm not simply falling out of the hat I just don't know... a wizard did it.
Chibi kitty me pretending to be Midna while riding around on wolf me, who appears mildly peeved with this. ;x
wolf me head looks big cuz of foreshortening, durrr :B (plus I suck)
Woo, my first pic in the new Oekaki!~ -
Twilight Princess X3
I like this one :D
Wee! new oekaki for me to spam! JOY!
Omg it's the Luna gang! X3
EDIT: aw man... I'm gunna have to post all new crappy art to bring my repertoire back up to its former glory :x
EDITEDIT: also, this board needs a link back to the main page for those lazy enough not to bring their cursor all the way over to the back button ;3 -
Also needs a sexyful banner that is worksafe.
Needs more chocobo!
Needs more Mimiga! *waves at Hatii*
I'm wowed owo
Excellent pic n.n -
he he its the luna team ;)
OMG CUTE :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Cute but so fat!
I think he needs to :barf: so he gets thinner. -
More cushin for the pushin
*rubs his tummy* :D
D'aaaawww full of cuteness n.n!
Damn, first archived entry on the Oekaki...
15 years ago.
Date:2007-03-08 04:09:11
(Edit: whoops, I totally forgot to color in the innards of its ear. Fixed!)
(Edit 2: I no longer have to miss my old avatar. Thanks Psyco_Charmander!)
(Edited on March 7, 2007, 9:24 pm)
Date:2007-03-08 04:12:35
Date:2007-03-10 09:12:46