AGNPH Oekaki
  •  BP_ |  Panty Palooza |  2024-07-23 06:50:03|  1h 6m 55s

    (Show Animation)

      Flank em' and steak em'
      Date:2024-07-23 06:50:03

      This one's more of a late-night sketch sesh. I love me some panties, so this some some prototyping for putting some panties on a Quilava, and seeing what she can do with it.

  •  BP_ |  Murica' |  2024-07-04 05:33:09|  2h 4m 18s

    (Show Animation)

      Flank em' and steak em'
      Date:2024-07-04 05:33:09

      In celebration of the 4'th of July, I've made a festive Profile Picture.

      i chain critters darkovillain is the craziest talking pokemon
      Date:2024-07-04 07:25:10

      forgot its canadas day because i went to montana (i even miss that 4 july as well too)

  •  ripparu |  Sketchy mess |  2024-07-04 00:26:15|  4h 30m 16s

    (Show Animation)

      Chatty bui~
      Date:2024-07-04 00:26:15

      There's a bunch of sketches in the playback, Bp wanted to see one of em lol

      Flank em' and steak em'
      Date:2024-07-07 08:33:26

      Thank you!

  •  BP_ |  New Tablet |  2024-06-30 08:35:11|  3h 56m 39s

    (Show Animation)

      Flank em' and steak em'
      Date:2024-06-30 08:35:11

      Just bought a new graphics tablet, and decided to let Quilava give it a try. Turns out it's hard to grip a cylindrical object without opposable thumbs.

      More of a rushed job cause I'm tired.

  •  Cyn |  Distractions |  2024-06-29 06:03:47|  6h 29m 27s

    (Show Animation)

      Friendly resident Cyndaquil
      Date:2024-06-29 06:03:47

      Whenever she's around, it's much harder to get any work done.

      I'll never understand anatomy, proper lighting/shading, or fabric folds, but at least it's not too horrible.

  •  ripparu |  Wheeee-zel~ |  2024-06-29 02:30:15|  3d 22h 1m 33s

    (Show Animation)

      Chatty bui~
      Date:2024-06-29 02:30:15

      Wasted lots of time on a BG I gave up on cause y'know- screw bgs

      So have a Shao hotdogging a quils thighs uwu

      Flank em' and steak em'
      Date:2024-06-29 18:17:48

      Absolutely amazing work, m8!

  •  ripparu |  EmoVeeIsDefinatelyABottom |  2024-06-23 23:24:08|  5h 32m 39s

    (Show Animation)

      Chatty bui~
      Date:2024-06-23 23:24:08

      Finally did something real, lets gooo

      We got Sandy and rando Vee because at least MK might like this lol

  •  Cyn |  Long |  2024-06-21 06:04:23|  5h 3m 48s

    (Show Animation)

      Friendly resident Cyndaquil
      Date:2024-06-21 06:04:23

      A new beginning, but still longing for a life now gone, and a hole that will never completely heal.

      I should really continue writing my fic instead of banging my head against the oekaki hoping for inspiration.

      i chain critters darkovillain is the craziest talking pokemon
      Date:2024-06-22 16:04:57

      a ending to me and good beggining to you sir

      Chatty bui~
      Date:2024-06-26 22:35:41

      Is this Kali from the fic then?

      Haven't read yet, but that last line tipped me off thaere might be something to go with the pic

  •  mklxiv |  Sneasel Flower Bed |  2024-06-17 05:03:06|  9h 10m 15s

    (Show Animation)

      Shitpostingly Certain
      Date:2024-06-17 05:03:06

      Sneasel's ready to take a break and have a heartfelt moment with you. Looks like there's something specific he wants…

      Chatty bui~
      Date:2024-06-23 23:45:24

      He wants to have a picnic, how nice uwu

  •  darkovillain35 |  Shackled Pichu gets Chained to my penis! |  2024-06-14 21:45:35|  2h 26m 52s

    (Show Animation)

      i chain critters darkovillain is the craziest talking pokemon
      Date:2024-06-14 21:45:35

      My last drawing, I chain her foot to my darkovillain penis and now shes making electric massage to my penis that I cummed on her so hard! its like a Stimulator Therapy prostate Electric Shock! im going tharapy on sunday so bye bye!

      Chatty bui~
      Date:2024-06-26 22:36:42

      Hope it's helping, bui

  •  BP_ |  Honeymoon |  2024-06-04 08:13:32|  7h 40m 39s

    (Show Animation)

      Flank em' and steak em'
      Date:2024-06-04 08:13:32

      Having been officiated, the newlyweds work on their next milestone.

      This has been my most ambitious project to date: Human anatomy, clothing, and wide angle perspective. I think I shot myself in the foot by doing too many things at once.

      Chatty bui~
      Date:2024-06-23 23:48:26

      QuilWife = Good Life

      Flank em' and steak em'
      Date:2024-06-24 08:33:50

      So true!      

  •  mklxiv |  Riolu X Shinx |  2024-06-03 03:09:37|  5h 31m 11s

    (Show Animation)

      Shitpostingly Certain
      Date:2024-06-03 03:09:37

      This Riolu's not too used to having sex with such a small creature. But hey, that Shinx was too cute not to try a bit of good old-fashioned gay buttsecks!

  •  BP_ |  Port Binding |  2024-06-01 10:21:31|  4h 46m 49s

    (Show Animation)

      Flank em' and steak em'
      Date:2024-06-01 10:21:31

      During mating season, Garchomps need to return to their hatching grounds to properly mate. Unfortunately his wife has some objections to the location…

      Idea given by a buddy of mine, Loddite. Not too big of a fan of the results, cause I hate working with liquids.

  •  BP_ |  Enlisting New Recruits |  2024-05-31 07:38:15|  7h 24m 15s

    (Show Animation)

      Flank em' and steak em'
      Date:2024-05-31 07:38:15

      Maxwell has been lonely, and very pent up, since he took on the job of being a rescuer for the Marara Guild. No good deed goes un-pleasured, as Angel gives him to opportunity to relieve some stress (and semen).

      This is a joint artwork between ActEeveely and I, he allowed me to use his characters, and provided a scenario.

      i chain critters darkovillain is the craziest talking pokemon
      Date:2024-06-01 05:54:05

      your on a roll

      Flank em' and steak em'
      Date:2024-06-01 10:33:46

      Thanks m8. Gotta get this art libedo out of me some way or another.

  •  BP_ |  Rutt of the Litter |  2024-05-30 08:40:48|  5h 21m 26s

    (Show Animation)

      Flank em' and steak em'
      Date:2024-05-30 08:40:48

      Both being late to getting a mate, Mienshao and Flygon decide to get rid of their heat together. There's an absolute zero chance for a pregnancy due to their egg groups… or so we're told.

  •  unbricked |  What the fuck is up with the chains (voltorb) |  2024-05-07 13:41:17|  1m 45s

    (Show Animation)

      Somewhat a homo
      Date:2024-05-07 13:41:17

      I am not a artist.

      i chain critters darkovillain is the craziest talking pokemon
      Date:2024-06-06 03:36:17

      this is a parody of me?

      Somewhat a homo
      Date:2024-06-10 17:23:10

      I guess?????? I just saw chains on the oekaki and didn't know what the fuck was going on lmao

  •  porndoctor7 |  golurk pussy |  2024-03-27 05:12:04|  40m 25s

    (Show Animation)

      Date:2024-03-27 05:12:04

      Golurk decides to visit new york, while there golurk goes to visit the famous nyc starbucks but OH NO! Golurk fails to see the vent blowing hot air from underneath revealing Golurk's wet scrumptious Punani. Anyways this is my first drawing I hope you all enjoy -- Porn doctor OUT!!

      i chain critters darkovillain is the craziest talking pokemon
      Date:2024-05-24 08:44:58

      very inspirational story

  •  darkovillain35 |  shackled Pichu and Minccino chained on their butt |  2024-03-03 08:03:11|  3h 47m 4s

    (Show Animation)

      i chain critters darkovillain is the craziest talking pokemon
      Date:2024-03-03 08:03:11

      breaking news: these two innocents was chained on a foot in pinky darko dad basement and got their chains injected on their pussy butts, they both died from the chains, rumors say pichu was chain dragged 247 by darko till the day pichu got feet raped or rapped (this is my last art for the week because I really wanted to cuddle my pichu plushie more) ps: that pichu artist just blocked me on twitter X over a chain question!

      Somewhat a homo
      Date:2024-05-08 23:55:07

      What the heck

  •  darkovillain35 |  Shackled Pichu and the dragging Chain play |  2024-02-26 12:06:27|  3h 53m 18s

    (Show Animation)

      i chain critters darkovillain is the craziest talking pokemon
      Date:2024-02-26 12:06:27

      the reason why I like pichu getting chained is I was dragged when I was young and handcuffed by my dad, 2 I keep seeing this mysterious figure when I was young till I realize its pichu on smash when I turn 19, 3 pinky darko is my superpower of chaining cuties and pichu with a chain fetish, 4 I watch one plush pichu porn and I got hooked on buying a pichu plushie and daterape it. and now I ended up having a fetish on pichu her big feet to ears and eyes turn me on so… ps. I decapitated lifmunk head

  •  Mudkipz123 |  Ditto |  2024-02-24 13:27:48|  8m 17s

    (Show Animation)

      I can’t think of a good title so idk
      Date:2024-02-24 13:27:48

      Idk I’m bad at drawing…

  •  darkovillain35 |  Shackled Raichu gets Chained on her butt by pinky darko |  2024-02-19 08:10:41|  3h 33m 10s

    (Show Animation)

      i chain critters darkovillain is the craziest talking pokemon
      Date:2024-02-19 08:10:41

      this sexy raichu is getting her ass shoved with the chain I attached on her pawy feet, foot cuffed and gonna get raped by my sexy chains, she squeak like a grown lady and now wanted me to cum on her face to feet, hahaha chains, time to make porns on raichu hahaha CHAINS OF INTIMACY!

  •  darkovillain35 |  jigglypuff chained to gardevoir feet with a shackle |  2024-02-12 08:18:27|  4h 7m 45s

    (Show Animation)

      i chain critters darkovillain is the craziest talking pokemon
      Date:2024-02-12 08:18:27

      jigglypuff is now a ball and chain attached to gardevoir's foot in shackles, they woke up and they ended up suffering while the chain noise is coming from gardevoir feet and jigglypuff is crying, can't escape the chains like I chain Kirby feet on yt. she came it like a wrecking ball so.

  •  darkovillain35 |  Shoving chain on shackled Pichu butt |  2024-02-05 08:37:24|  4h 19m 21s

    (Show Animation)

      i chain critters darkovillain is the craziest talking pokemon
      Date:2024-02-05 08:37:24

      hahaha press c to shoot chains on critters, now those kidnapped pichus are enslaved by my chains and shackled they will be tethered fettered to the pipe pole and will suffer in sickness their feet will be squished in a shackle while I jerk their feet FUßE! SLAVE FOR LIFE! shackles were mainly used on women's legs for so many reasons like Marriage, slavery, a desired look, punishment or just to keep a girl around. Note: Pichu is a critter, not a baby.

  •  meowperson |  slowpoke |  2024-02-05 06:03:50|  8m 50s

    (Show Animation)

      Date:2024-02-05 06:03:50

      I Am so good at drawings

      Date:2024-02-05 06:04:29

      (... im not ...)

      Date:2024-02-26 09:24:27

      This is awesome! super cute :3 

      Chatty bui~
      Date:2024-06-26 22:43:18

      Just have fun and play with it ya?

      Theres also an entire comic in the vein of ruby quest with MsPaint esque art ways back and its all appreciated, one of my favs actually

      And if you come back, more slopokes pls theyre rare and you made him very squishy

  •  darkovillain35 |  chainchu: cuddle chained pikachu feet with a shackle |  2024-01-29 08:31:03|  3h 44m 36s

    (Show Animation)

      i chain critters darkovillain is the craziest talking pokemon
      Date:2024-01-29 08:31:03

      ballychu has a Stockholm Syndrome by pinkydarko, when darko's troops drowned her long time ago, then pichu got evolved into pikachu. when darko and pikachu reunited, darko fettered her. he drags the chain and pikachu gets horny over the chain sound, this makes pinky darko horny too. after that fetish chain play, darko nicknamed her ballychu and given her the first task, torture lucario!

      I can’t think of a good title so idk
      Date:2024-02-01 22:38:43

      I typed this message with my dick

      i chain critters darkovillain is the craziest talking pokemon
      Date:2024-02-01 23:18:23

      i thank you for the plesure this image is proof that i have a fetish on pichu and piku
