AGNPH Stories


I actually intend this to be an Altoshipping fanfic due to the total absence of any on this website. I have decided on an actual name for XD-385. His name is "Neo", suggested by Aleate. XXX for later chapters. Keep reviews profanity free, please.

Story Complete!



This is a story about a pokemon telling the story of his past.


Okie, here is my Espeon character, a cute male named Mitsu. Here he's going to have some fun with himself in the first chapter, and maybe later it will include someone else... *winks* You'll have to find out by reading though. Espeon(M) Solo Masturbation.

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 1
  • Completed: No Word Count: 2629 Views: 450
  • Published: Aug 23 2012


M. Jolteon/M. Flareon. First chapter contains no yiff. Chapters: 1

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 1
  • Completed: No Word Count: 2165 Views: 362
  • Published: Aug 23 2012


It appears a Pokemon Trainer is in for more than he bargained when he decides to add a Bellossom to his team of Pokemon.



A Pokemon Trainer treats his Mawile to a special reward after tournament preliminaries.This story currently contains two parts.



I have been asked (repeatedly) to try pokemon lemons. I must admit I don't follow Pokemon as closely as Digimon, so don't blame me for mistakes. This is a cross over, and happens in season 2 of Digimon. I think this is the most obvious couple to match up. Gatomon/Meowth

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 2
  • Completed: No Word Count: 4846 Views: 1364
  • Published: Aug 23 2012


Pence, a human mercinary, is looking for a way to get revenge against a rival. So, he becomes the first human to successfully become a Pokemorph. Unfortunately, it doesn't turn out quite as planned.


This story takes place about a month after the Salac tournament in which many many questions concerning the combatants and special interest groups arose. A lot of life changes are in store for the young ones as they are sent on a drive to garner support for their cause, focused on the remainder experiments. (Will contain NC, Murder)



A female pikachu ends up at a forest rave, tripping on acid. Sexy lesbian hijinx ensue.


A normal guy is getting involved into something strange and meets the probably most mysterios creature in the world. A female Mewtu.



I'm back finally... and decided to try and put something up for you guys. Enjoy.



My entry to the Christmas 05 contest of AGNPH. Based on the pic Iveechan drew of a female Electrike and a male Houndour, these two live very complicated, unfufilling lives until fate has them cross pathes, resulting in their realization that they were made for each other.


this is a story about a Male Jolteon anthro and a Male Umbreon anthroThe umbreon (me)is in for a big surprisethis is my first lemon so please be kind ^^

  • Tags:
  • Chapters: 1
  • Completed: No Word Count: 1719 Views: 534
  • Published: Aug 23 2012


story of two Ninetails. one was human. starting a new life and trying to survive, some days seem easier than others.