AGNPH Stories

Search Results:fav:Liranaux


The story of the trainer Felix and his very special Riolu, Luca. Their relationship is sweet, strained, complex, and everything in between.

This is the remastered version of my story, Luca. In going back to the beginning I found I was editing the story significantly. So I decided to post it as new! : )
I hope you enjoy the changes I've made, and if this is the first time you've found this series, I hope you enjoy it for the first time. Be aware it follows the original edition, but has quite a few changes, including new scenes, and rewritten scenes.

At present there are no love scenes edited. Ratings follow the original as this will eventually hold all the same themes and material.


A young boy named Luke who has the ability to talk to pokemon, meets a Zorua named Mina behind his school. At the age of thirteen, he and Mina set out on their grand adventure. However, all is not well in the Unova region as an evil crime syndicate rears its ugly head.
With a seemingly limitless amount of money at their disposal, they have their eyes set on making life difficult for just about everyone.